Impact of Covid-19 on Nurses Working in Long Term Care Facility

Impact of Covid-19 on Nurses Working in Long Term Care Facility

Problem identification and Need Assessments
TOPIC: The impact of Covid-19 on Nurses working in Long Term Care Facility
1. Problem identification and needs assessment.
Identified the problem/performed the needs assessment, identify 5-6 keywords that will be use to
start the literature review related to a potential intervention.
2. Perform a literature review (using the keywords identified above) to develop the evidencebased practice intervention (based on the identified problem/needs assessment).
3. Explore the Health Promotion Model by Nola Pender and House’s Social Support Theory as
theoretical frameworks.
4. Put together a proposed evidence-based practice intervention (as clear as a recipe!). Do not
forget to include the outcomes (including tools to be used) plan to measure!
Please use APA and include References


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