Policy maker part of the intelligence process

Policy maker part of the intelligence process

Is the policy maker part of the intelligence process (policy-maker a euphemism for any intelligence customer)? How do policy-makers interact with the intelligence community? Do policy-makers have a right to question analysts about their findings? Explain. Provide specific examples

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What are covert operations?

What are covert operations? How are covert operations in the US approved? Name the various types of covert action? How relevant are the types of covert operations conducted during the Cold War (1950 – 1989) to the current international environment? Provide specific examples.


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Intelligence requirements represent the needs of decision-makers

Intelligence requirements represent the needs of decision-makers

In what way do intelligence requirements represent the needs of decision-makers? Who contributes to the creation of intelligence requirements? How are intelligence requirements related to resources? Provide specific examples.



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Intelligence cycle and the major elements

Intelligence cycle and the major elements

Draw the intelligence cycle and describe the major elements. How do they relate to each other? What are the criticisms of the intelligence cycle?



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What is OSINT?

What is OSINT? How does it differ from other intelligence disciplines? How is OSINT being used in the Russian war in Ukraine? What are the limitations of OSINT? Provide specific examples.



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Quality improvement in healthcare organization

Quality improvement in healthcare organization

You will select an opportunity for improvement from within your healthcare organization. To do so, you must have data that supports performance that is not in line with organizational/national benchmark data (ex. Falls, Patient Satisfaction, Infection rates, ED through-put, lengths of stay, etc). You will discuss your idea with someone from the organization to determine priority projects. You will write a Quality Improvement Paper that will be no more than 20 pages, in APA 7th edition format (double spaced, 12 point font), excluding title and reference pages.
This project will be guided by the FOCUS-PDSA quality improvement framework. To assist you with this process, throughout the course, we will discuss each component of the model and have corresponding assignments that will help you shape your project.
Quality Improvement Paper/Project
The following are requisites for this project:
Title Page (running head is NOT required for student papers)
Introduction (approx. 1-2 pages), to include:
Problem statement
Data that is specific to your unit/organization that serves as the basis for a QI initiative. (May include graphs and charts as appendices, if allowed by the organization)
Literature Review (approx. 2-3 pages) (This should provide evidence to support interventions to address your issue)
Body – approx.12-15 pages
Evidence-based intervention that is being implemented
Plan for implementation, including the who, what, when, where and why
Ethical considerations
Required resources
Leadership theory to help guide implementation and sustain it
Change theory that will facilitate implementation
Evaluation procedures
Alternative processes, plan for sustainability
How will this improve outcomes? Are there any next steps?
Conclusion (approx. 0.5 page)
Summary and provide closure
References – a minimum of seven recent (within last 5-7 years), peer-reviewed sources. Remember, each reference must be cited as an “in-text citation”
(within the body of the paper/project).

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Interviewing Licensed Professional Counselor LPC

Interviewing Licensed Professional Counselor LPC

**Grades are based on the Notes on Evaluation of Written Work (posted on our course website) for additional information regarding what constitutes a grade of A, A-, etc. Core Area Standard 1: Professional Counseling Orientation and Ethical Practice Key Performance Indicator: Students will understand counselor professional identity and apply ethical and legal considerations in professional counseling. A grade of 80 indicates that the student has met the expectation for this assignment and the key performance indicator.

  • Counselor Interview (CACREP required): This assignment requires to you interview a person in the field who is working, and credentialed, as a Professional Counselor; someone who is credentialed as a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and who is working as such. The preference is to facilitate an in-person interview, however, a virtual interview will also be accepted. Interviews over phone, or through email, are not accepted; there must be some type of face-to-face component involved in this process. Your paper is to reflect the information you gathered and compiled from the following areas:


-Name, credentials, position

-How did you first become interested in pursuing a career as a professional counselor?

-Education & credentialing process


-Describe a “typical day”

-What aspects of your education and training have been most crucial to your success?

-What are the most challenging or difficult aspects of your work?

          Ethical dilemmas/issues:

-Name two ethical dilemmas/issues you face in your day-to-day work

-Describe one in detail; what steps were taken to resolve it?

-What do you do for self-care?

          Trends/continuing education:

-What recent trends have you noticed in your work area? How has your work been affected?

-What future tends do you foresee?

-What do you do for continuing education in counseling?

          Final thoughts:

-If you could do your training and career development again, what might you do differently?

-What advice would you give someone considering a career as a counselor?

-Your thoughts after reflection of your conversation…

Summarize key things you learned from your time during the interview experience and discuss how your own decision to become a professional counselor has been impacted. This paper should be as long as needed to convey the answers to the questions above, and should be double spaced, in APA 7th edition, format. Title page and abstract are required. Please note: approval of the person you are going to interview is required prior to conducting the interview. Once you know whom you are going to interview, please send an email including the person’s name, credentials, and current job for which this individual is working as an LPC. Interviews/papers completed without prior approval will not be accepted.


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Marketing Plan SOSTAC Model

Marketing Plan SOSTAC Model

This assignment should be presented in a standard marketing plan format of 4,000 words. The marketing
plan should follow the SOSTAC model. It is vital to read and understand the marking rubric.
Evaluate ONE company of choice. This organisation can be an international firm. The marketing plan
should be based on one particular geographic area (e.g. Skechers in Singapore, ally propo Singapore
focused). This plan should identify the current ways the company generates value for stakeholders in the
chosen geographic area and some regional influence.
A marketing plan is a business document written for the purpose of explaining the current local market
position of a business and its marketing strategy for the period covered by the marketing plan. Marketing
plans usually cover a period of one year. The assessment will require writing an individual marketing plan
covering a period of one year. The purpose of coursework is to clearly exhibit the steps or actions that
have been taken to achieve the planned goals. For example, a marketing plan might have a strategy to
increase the organization’s market share by ten percent. The plan would then outline the strategy and
steps that need to be achieved in order to reach a ten percent increase in market share.
Marketing Plan for an existing company in your chosen subject area.
As the assignment for this module, you are required to write a Marketing Plan assessing the CURRENT
marketing strategies of an existing company in your subject area from the list below. You should evaluate
ONE company of your choice; however, every individual’s brand selection has to differ and assess this
You will be evaluating:
S – Situational analysis (assessing the current macro and micro environment)
O – Objectives (TWO SMART objectives). These objectives will derive from the TOWS analysis/company
website etc.
S – Strategy (assessing the current strategies & recommend new strategies which relate to the 2 SMART
T – Tactics (assessing the current & recommend new tactics in relation to the strategies)
A – Action (Please use a Gantt chart to help explain the actions as part of the tactical plans) (INCLUDES A
C – Control (You can either investigate what the company is currently doing or make suggestions via
further reading.) (State the company’s KPI’s in conjunction with the objectives set & list out the control
and measurement methods that you will deploy)
Coursework Structure
Executive summary – limit to one page providing complete converge of each section of your plan. The
reader should be able to have a basic understanding of all aspects of your plan. The summary assists the
reader in understanding your plan.
Introduction – Intro in to the marketing plan
The main body of Work – it should contain the following stages.
Situational analysis – The situation analysis should provide an overview of the organisation/market
offering (product or service) by addressing internal and external factors impacting the business.
The situation analysis can be organised into three sections:
• Market Analysis
• Competitor Analysis
• Company Analyses
With key models (TOWS, PESTEL, value chain, Product Life Cycle etc.) and marketing concepts applied.
Tables can be used, but a critical discussion of the most important elements which directly influence the
objectives, strategy and implementation must be critically discussed. This can be a paragraph under tables
such as PESTEL or TOWS/Porter’s five forces. Problems may result from internal resource limitations,
environmental trends, or competitor actions. They may influence the whole industry or just your company.
Some may be solvable, while others may not be. Opportunities can often result from environmental trends
or a mistake by your competitors. It may be useful to consider where the product is located in the product
life cycle.
Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning (STP)- Helps brings to life who your existing customers are and
what their motivations are. Additional concepts such as brand personality, perceptual map, unique selling
point (USP) can be used to help explain “positioning”.
Objectives- Your marketing planning framework should focus on the Objective/s of your strategy. Stage 1
looked at the situation analysis which provided an overview of your organization, specifically: addressing
internal and external factors impacting your business. Typical objectives include sales, profits, market
share, advertising awareness, etc.
Objectives are outcomes and cannot be directly controlled. For example, to spend four million dollars on
advertising is a planned action. Advertising spending can have several measurable outcomes or objectives;
aided and unaided recall, change in product positioning, or sales. Be careful not to state planned actions as
To help create your objectives, I recommend using measurable and realistic goals to achieve the marketing
strategy, focusing on ensuring you make each objective
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic/Relevant & Time-Bound (SMART).
You are required to devise 2 (TWO) smart objectives; these will derive from either:
a) existing objectives that may be found on a company’s website
b) objectives can also derive from the TOWS analysis
Each objective will have its own strategy and implementation/tactic.
Strategy – Strategy means how you plan to get there in terms of fulfilling the objectives set.
A marketing strategy is a broad directional statement that describes how marketing objectives will be
accomplished. Within our marketing plan, the marketing strategies represent a first overview of various
marketing tools and how they will be used to achieve the marketing objectives. While marketing
objectives are specific, quantifiable, and measurable, marketing strategies are descriptive.
In other words, you are expected to apply marketing strategic frameworks here! Such as Ansoff matrix,
brand extension, line extension etc…
Remember you will need a:
• Strategy for objectives 1 & 2
Implementation or Tactics – Tactics cover the specific tools of the marketing mix (7p’s – Product, Price,
Place, Promotion, People, Process and Physical Evidence) that you plan to use to realise the objectives of
your marketing plan. This section of a marketing plan relates to putting the strategy into action (step by
step) you would be going into a lot more detail for each tactic.
To help achieve the objectives above, use the 7p’s of the Marketing Mix to focus on the key attributes to
be considered by Company X in order to meet your objectives. As stated, each objective has its own
Strategy. Therefore the implementation section goes into critical explanation and justification of the step
by step action of each strategy by using the relevant attributes of the marketing mix.
Action – focused on bringing your plan to life to make actionable measures. The action section covers what
needs to be achieved for each of the tactics listed in the previous section of the SOSTAC plan to realise the
objectives of your marketing plan.
List out a 1-year marketing budget.
Control – The final stage is to lay out the plan to monitor and measure the performance based on the
objectives set in stage 2. The tactics have been considered, and the control section provides with a series
of tailored dashboards for each tactic. Look to set the KPI’s per tactic that ties back into the objectives set
and set up a weekly/monthly set of monitoring dashboards to ensure it is on track to meet the objectives
Conclusion – It should be the summary of your key findings and recommendations.
References – Must follow the APA 7th Edition Style.

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Equity report on a publicly traded healthcare company

Equity report on a publicly traded healthcare company

Objective: To create an equity report on a publicly traded healthcare company through understanding the business model and financials then using the acquired information to forecast fair value for the organization and provide a recommendation.
Due Date: October 17, 2022
Late Papers: Papers submitted after the due date will receive a reduction of 10 points each day the paper is late. Papers need to be submitted on Blackboard.
Form: Term papers should be written in a professional format. There is flexibility in how the paper is structured and written (see sample reports provided by various industry sources). However, the paper should focus on key elements of the business and sufficient financial analysis to support recommendation. There is no minimum or maximum length to the paper, however most research reports will be between 2-3 pages. This could vary depending upon use of graphs, tables, and financial information.
Format/Outline: Students have flexibility when submitting the paper, however the paper must include the following sections:
1. Background of business and operating segments (summary)
2. Analysis on the most recent reported quarter
3. Forecast for the next 12-24 months (financial projections should be provided in table format)
4. Valuation for the stock based on your chosen valuation metric. Acceptable metrics include:
a. The Dividend Valuation Model (see p. 464-466)
b. Constant Growth Stock Valuation (see p. 466-472)
c. Price/Earnings Ratio (p. 711)
d. Market/Book Ratio (p. 712)
5. Summary recommendation
a. In the summary recommendation, you should state where the stock is currently priced and where you believe the fundamental valuation is. Additionally, you should explain whether you believe the stock should be bought, sold, or held. You can also use an alternative scale which is overweight, underweight, or equal weight.

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The Making of Modern America

The Making of Modern America

The Making of Modern America
The graduate explains significant international and domestic challenges that the United States confronted since World War I.
The development of the United States in the twentieth century was shaped by several challenges: an
economic collapse, global war, and social and political upheaval at home. The economic collapse that
preceded the Great Depression brought high unemployment, increased prices for goods, and displaced
populations across the United States. President Franklin Roosevelt promised a “New Deal” for Americans, and during his administration the federal government intervened in the American economy with regulations and stimulus, changing the relationship between the states and the federal government. The aftermath of the Second World War brought the United States to greater international prominence, but the following geopolitical and ideological struggle with the Soviet Union divided the planet and threatened international destruction through the use of thermonuclear weapons. At the same time as the United States was expanding its role as an international power, many domestic protest movements challenged institutional discrimination and unequal systems of power in federal and state governments. Their victories resulted in legislation and legal precedents that changed the complexion of American society.
In this assessment you will examine several major events that shaped modern American society. You will
consider how the New Deal policies were designed to ameliorate the effects of the Great Depression, how
the Cold War was waged both internationally and domestically, and how the civil rights movement
challenged the perceived assumptions of American society.
Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that can be used as a guide.
You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.
10/10/22, 9:14 PM WGU Performance Assessment
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A. Explain (suggested length of 2–3 paragraphs) the major causes of the Great Depression (e.g., economic policies, trade concerns, banking practices, international commerce).
B. Describe three ways (e.g., major legislation, organizations, relief and recovery efforts) that the New Deal sought to address the problems of the Great Depression (suggested length of 2–3 paragraphs).
C. Explain how the end of World War II contributed to the rise of Cold War tensions (suggested length of 2–3 paragraphs) by doing the following:
1. Discuss the effect of the arms race on the rise of Cold War tensions.
2. Describe how differing ideologies led to increased Cold War tensions.
3. Explain the effect of Cold War tensions on American culture and domestic policies (e.g., security
concerns, organizations, discrimination).
D. Explain two changes (e.g., legislation, cultural shifts, economic shifts) that came about as a result of one of the following historical events (suggested length of 2–3 paragraphs):
• civil rights movement
• feminist movement
• gay rights movement
• rise of the religious right
E. Provide acknowledgement of source information, using in-text citations and references, for quoted,
paraphrased, or summarized content.
1. Include the following information when providing source references:
• author
• date
• title
• location of information (e.g., publisher, journal, or website URL)
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