SPSS Graphing Statistics Paper

SPSS Graphing Statistics Paper. We can help with any SPSS task.


(1.)Read Chapter 4 in Cronk. This will help provide the steps necessary to graph results in SPSS. {Book included in attached files}

(2.)Build a diagram in your assigned software showing a Bell curve representing the
information you used in the problem above.
(3.)Write a 1-page explanation that describes the central tendency and probability of this problem outcome.
(4.)Both the diagram and the explanation must be submitted,

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Variables in Statistics


(1.)Read Chapter 3 of Cronk. This will help prepare you to
use SPSS for analyzing descriiptive statistics, such as this activity. {Book included in attached files}
(2.)Read Chapter 2 of Salkind. This will help refresh your mind on measures for central tendency as well as instruct you on how to calculate for it in SPSS. {Book included in attached files}
(3.)Choose a question from the Time to Practice section of Salkind book chapter 2. Compute the instructions, print to PDF, and save to your desktop to submit to me.

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SPSS ANOVA Statistics Paper

SPSS ANOVA Statistics Paper. We can help with any SPSS task.

one of the ANOVA problems provided in the book so that you can practice getting results in SPSS.”

(1.)Read Chapter 7 in Cronk. This will help provide the guidance necessary for getting results for ANOVA models. {Book in attached files}
(2.)Review Chapter 13 of Salkind. Focus especially on the sections Computing the F-test Statistic and Using SPSS to Compute the F ratio. {Book in attached files}
(3.)Using your SPSS software, compute problem 4 on p. 260 of Salkind. Compute the instructions, print to PDF, and save to your desktop to submit. {Book included in attached files}

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Coaching and Mentoring Techniques

For this assignment, focus in on the coaching and mentoring techniques you have established for your “Individual Development Plan”. You are encouraged to use resources you have been compiling with your group for the “CLC – Leadership Resources and Motivators” assignment that will be due in Topic 8. Use three scholarly sources in addition to the textbook for a minimum four sources.
Through defining both coaching and mentoring, you have a better vision for the necessary techniques to aid in the success of the mentoring process. Review your coaching and mentoring techniques that you brainstormed in your “Individual Development Plan” outline. Develop a comprehensive plan (1,250-1,500 words) of your coaching and mentoring techniques that addresses the following:
Include coaching techniques to support your mentee in reaching the short-term and long-term goals. How will you use these to support the growth of your mentee? How can you use these techniques as a manager or leader of a team of people?
Include mentoring techniques to support your mentee in reaching the short-term and long-term goals. How will you use these to support the growth of your mentee? How can you use these techniques as a manager or leader of a team of people?
Determine the most effective technique selected for helping your mentee identify their potential and take initiative to achieve their goals.
Discuss your emotional and social intelligence skills that will contribute to the success of the mentoring experience. Address how they can be further developed.
Identify the relevant cultural and ethical considerations you incorporated into the design of your plan and selection of techniques. Discuss how your decisions for your plan and techniques are in line with a specific Christian value or belief.
Consider how mentoring and leading in a group environment with multiple stakeholders may impact the mentoring plan you have developed so far in this course. What strategies might you develop to implement and manage change within an organization?
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.
Benchmark Information
This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:
Master of Business Administration and MS in Leadership
MS in Leadership with and emphasis in Homeland Security and Emergency Management
MS in Leadership
5.3, 1.3, 1.3: Develop emotional and social intelligence skills to effectively interact with others.
5.5, 2.3, 2.5: Practice methods of coaching and guidance that help develop le

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Graduate school personal statement essay

Explain your purpose for graduate studies, including current degree goals and reason for selecting a particular field of study submit a 400 to 500 word essay.

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Quantitative Analysis Paper

The full details is uploaded please consult that. Also please go by the rubric
1) Measures of Central Tendency (22 pts)
Variables used:
• AGEKDBRN: How old were you when your first child was born?
o Range: 12 years old to 51 years old
o Please note that missing cases include people who do not have children as well as people who did not answer the question.
• HEALTH1: Would you say that in general your health is Excellent, Very good, Good, Fair, or Poor?
o Range: 1-5
o Key: 1=Excellent, 2=Very good; 3=Good; 4=Fair; 5=Poor
a) Explain which of the measures of central tendency is best suited for understanding each variable & why. Be sure to demonstrate that you know what those
measures (and the standard deviation where applicable) mean and that you can articulate them in plain language.
2) Frequencies (22 pts)
Variables used:
• NATSPAC: Are we spending too much, too little, or about the right amount on the space exploration program?
• NATFARE: Are we spending too much, too little, or about the right amount on welfare?
o Range for both variables: 1-3
o Key for both variables: 1=too little; 2=about the right amount; 3=too much
o Preamble for both variables: We are faced with many problems in this country, none of which can be solved easily or inexpensively. I’m going to name some of these problems, and for each one I’d like you to name some of these problems, and for each one I’d like you to tell me whether you think we’re spending too much money on it, too little money, or about the right amount.
a) Explain the frequencies for each variable in plain language. Which type of chart is best for conveying this? (Defend your choice.)
b) What is the sociological significance of these frequencies/charts? If there is no sociological significance, explain why. (NOTE: These frequencies CANNOT tell us anything about a relationship between the variables. You need to explain the sociological significance of each separately.)
c) Is a chart or the raw numbers better for conveying the sociological significance? (Defend your choice.)
3) Crosstabs (22 pts)
Variables used:
• NATSPAC: Are we spending too much, too little, or about the right amount on the space exploration program?
• NATFARE: Are we spending too much, too little, or about the right amount on welfare?
o Range for both variables: 1-3
o Key for both variables: 1=too little; 2=about the right amount; 3=too much
o Preamble for both variables: We are faced with many problems in this country, none of which can be solved easily or inexpensively. I’m going to name some of these problems, and for each one I’d like you to name some of these problems, and for each one I’d like you to tell me whether you think we’re spending too much money on it, too little money, or about the right amount.
Explain the following in plain language:
a) Write a hypothesis or research question that demonstrates why a researcher might suspect these two variables of being related.
b) What do the cross-tabulated frequencies mean?
c) Do raw numbers or bar charts give us a better understanding of the relationship? Why?
d) Are the results statistically significant & how do you know?
The following are videos to help do it.

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Theories of Personality Essay

For this assignment, you will identify one concept from each of the following models that you think is the best description for personality development from that model (the last three will be addressed in your Final Paper). Be sure to use proper APA headings to separate your conceptual sections. Address the following models:
*Apply a proper APA heading to separate the section. (For specifications for writing proper headings and other document elements, see the Writing Center’s APA Style Elements (Links to an external site.).)
*Keep in mind that the object of this assignment is to identify and discuss a specific concept from each model and not to focus on just one model or provide overviews of the models per se.
*Describe the concept.
*Identify the theorist associated with the concept.
*Provide a rationale for why that is the most applicable concept from that model.
*Must use at least four scholarly sources in addition to the course text
*Must document any information used from sources in APA Style
*For each concept, you must use a scholarly source related to the concept from the University Library to support your statements in the paper. Thus, the paper will have a total of four scholarly sources (as noted below) in addition to the textbook. Popular websites and your textbook may be used to augment these scholarly sources, but they will not count toward the minimum number of sources needed for the paper

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Cultural psychology

Individual assignment: Research paper review.
Rationale: This assignment is to help you develop an understanding of how cultural psychology can be researched and how that research can contribute to further understanding in the field.
Step 1. You will search for and select a paper from the list in the ‘papers to review folder’ in ‘course documents’. Some of the papers are directly relevant to cultural psychology, others will require you to think about the cultural implications of a piece of research. Each paper has a short description to help you in your choice. Read the paper in full at least two times to ensure you have understood the existing research on which the paper was based, the specific research question, the methodology and data analysis, the findings and the conclusions the authors came to. Use the template in this folder as a basis
Step 2. Write a 2-3 page summary of the paper. Remember that in doing so you should assume your reader does not know the paper and you are explaining to them why it was done (existing research, the specific research question), what was done, (the methodology and data analysis), and what was found (results and conclusions).
Step 3. Write 200-300 words on the meaning or implications of this study’s conclusions for a culture that you are familiar with. State clearly which culture you are addressing, and the inferences you draw from the paper’s conclusions for understanding that culture.
Write you work in APA format; double spaced, 1” margins. Refer to any relevant references and cite them in APA format on the next page. See this example of the APA guidelines as a guide on which to base your writing.
Template; Use the following template as a structure for your review.
1. Paper citation – cite the paper you selected in APA format
2. Summary of the paper. You can use the following as paragraph headings, I have included notes on the structure in brackets.
2.1. existing research ( outline what the authors of the paper describe as existing research they are basing their work on)
2.2. specific research question (the research question is often explicitly stated, but you may need to read more carefully to define it. It is usually in the first 1-
2 paragraphs, typically after the literature review)
2.3. methodology (describe how participants were selected and what they experienced, and any controls on how the question was addressed)
2.4. data analysis (in summary form, how was the data analyzed. E.g. simple averages, regression analysis or similar. This is not a full description of the statistical or other methods used but give your reader a broad idea of how the numbers or other data, were analysed)
2.5. results (what are the main findings and significant were they. Use selected relevant numbers to show the strength of any effects. E.g. Say something like:
“ A significant minority of the participants (38%) …..” – if you just say “a minority’ …..” your reader has no information of the effect size.
2.6. conclusions. (What conclusions did the authors come to from their research)
3. Implications of this research for one culture. (in 200-300 words state which culture you have selected that you are familiar with. Then give your reader your deductions about the implications of the conclusions of the paper for people in that culture.)

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Aviation flight schools essay

Aviation flight schools. first is Consider the given hypothetical scenario. You are the owner of a Part 61 flight school. Should you pursue FAA Part 141 certification? Why? Additionally, what flight training would you plan to offer (consider all possible FAA ratings and certificates). Why?

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Battle of Gettysburg

Beginning of the paper starting with Anna Rusth, underneath that Dr. Eubank, underneath that Military History and underneath that the date.
For the headliner being named Battle of Gettysburg. The introduction starting with the timeline of the battle and in detail what happened during and after the battle. Then going into what people learned from the battle of Gettysburg and how people can apply that to current battles. The last page being a reference page

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