Research proposal on childhood obesity

Research proposal on childhood obesity

Research Proposal Draft
By the due date assigned, write a paper addressing the sections below of the research proposal.
This week you will submit the Literature Review section of your proposal on Childhood obesity
among African American school age children. Each week you have been adding to your growing
body of evidence to support your problem and proposed innovation to address the problem. The
review of literature is a critical, analytical summary and synthesis of the current knowledge of
your research topic. Thus it should compare and relate different theories, findings, etc., rather
than just summarize them individually.
The following resources will help guide you:

Guidelines for writing a literature review.
The Writing Center at UNC-Chapel Hill.
Writing the Literature Review: Step-by-Step Tutorial for Graduate Students.

Writing the Literature Review (Part Two): Step-by-Step Tutorial for Graduate Students.

Please use APA format and use references that are less than 5 years.

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Transforming Healthcare

Transforming Healthcare

Directions: Complete the readings and select one of the IOM recommendations to transform
healthcare from the publication:IOMReport100510.pdfPreview the document This summary of
the IOM recommendations will help: (Links to an
external site.).
Discuss the ethical implications of one of the recommendations and what it means to the nurse,
the patient, the health care environment and system. Also include what ethical principles (i.e.,
veracity, sanctity of life, beneficence, maleficence, etc.) are at stake and who are the
stakeholders. Your post should be a minimum of three paragraphs and two references. Please
ensure your discussion in the the APA template. See attached for further guidance and
directions: Module 4 DQ Directions.docx Preview the document
Submission: To create your initial post. Type the title of your discussion in the subject line and
use the message box to type in your response to the prompt. Be sure to cite your sources in APA
format, along with having your discussion in APA format.

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Wellness and health promotion

Wellness and health promotion

3 – Describe how race, ethnicity, or culture can affect health promotion.

4 – Select an emerging population that you see in the healthcare system per chapter 2 of the course textbook, or a population that you work with in your practice. Research the group you have chosen using the chapter readings and outside sources.

Answer the following items:

Discuss health problems that are prevalent in that group.

Find information on this group’s healthcare beliefs/ties to the healthcare system and discuss obstacles to getting healthcare/health promotion education to this group.

What are some potential barriers to nursing cultural competence with different cultural groups and how can cultural competence be improved?

How should the nurse respond when a client’s values conflict with the nurse’s value of promoting health? How will you address this if it arises in your holistic teaching project?

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High Cost of Health Care

High Cost of Health Care

All the requirements are in the “Materials” section. The topic is high cost of health care and I’m arguing that the cost should be lower for individuals and universal healthcare systems are great.

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Medical and Insurance Options

Medical and Insurance Options

Discussion: Answer both of the following (at least 250 words):
1. What do you think is the appropriate role for primary care physicians in the identification and treatment of substance use disorders? Discuss what you think are the areas in which they can be most helpful, and the limitations they have in terms of diagnosing or treating substance use disorders.

2. What does “parity” mean under the Affordable Care Act, with respect to coverage of mental health services and substance use disorders? Outline the changes in coverage the ACA provides for these conditions, and what this means for people who need treatment for substance use disorders. At least two of your response posts must be at least 100 words each.

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Maternal and Child Mortality

Maternal and Child Mortality

The countries that we are comparing is
Developing country Sierra Leone and developed country Australia. 4 references for each explaining what is the article about and why it was picked. each annotation should contain an excellent synopsis of the article with clear outline of the author’s main arguments and findings.
Annotations must provide excellent insight into the source material. Clear explanation of how the source relates to the topic. Please refer to attachment for how it should be set out and expectations

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Personal statement for a residency program (Medical College)

Personal statement for a residency program (Medical College)

Get an excellent personal statement for college application with our essay writing service.

Here is one of the request by a past student.

“A personal statement for a residency program. I have something written that needs much reduction and polishing. Please include the ideas in the statement that I’ve already written part of. If possible I would like to discuss it with the writer. Thank you”

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Qualitative Research Designs for Healthcare Topics at

Qualitative Research Designs for Healthcare Topics at

Locate a published research article that reports qualitative research. Submit a copy of the published research article along with your assignment. Answer the following questions:
(a) Describe the study design (e.g., grounded theory, ethnographic, narrative). Does the research design match the purpose of the study? Is the research design appropriate and justified?
(b) Identify the central phenomenon; participants; research site; and conceptual framework described in the study. Evaluate the overall intent / purpose of the study, the appropriateness of the participants and research sites, and the quality of the research questions.
(c) Briefly describe the findings of the study. Evaluate the quality of the interpretations reported in the study.

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