Identify and summarize an intervention related to a public health issue

 Identify and summarize an intervention related to a public health issue

Introduction to Selected Public Health Issue In Milestone One, you will select an intervention and its corresponding health topic and then frame this topic as a public health issue. This milestone is graded with the Final Project Milestone One Rubric and is due at the end of Module Two. Prompt You can use the optional Public Health Issues Analysis Tool (located in Module Two of your course) to guide you in the process of identifying and analyzing public health issues. Please do not submit this tool for grading; it is intended solely as a tool to help you organize the required information for your report. The following critical elements must be addressed: I. Introduction to Selected Public Health Issue a) Identify and summarize an intervention related to a public health issue. (Approximately 1 page)

  • Please identify your public health intervention by using either one Healthy People implementation story from or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

. · When summarizing the public health intervention, include all of the following: o Prevention Level: Using the CDC Prevention document, describe the main prevention level used by the intervention (e.g., primary, secondary, tertiary). Examine the science of the prevention level using evidence and examples.

o Health Service Delivered: Determine the main public health service delivered (from the CDC’s 10 Essential Public Health Services)

Explain how the service fulfills a core function of public health. § Notes: Focus on the specific issue that the intervention addressed, not the organization. Also, make certain to frame the intervention in terms of population or community health (not healthcare, medicine, or individual patients). 10 Essential Services of Public Health

  1. Monitor health status to identify community health problems.
  2. Diagnose and investigate health problems and hazards in the community.
  3. Inform, educate, and empower people about health issues.
  4. Mobilize community partnerships to identify and solve health problems. 5. Develop policies and plans that support individual and community efforts.
  5. Enforce laws and regulations that protect health and ensure safety.
  6. Link people to needed personal health services and assure the provision of healthcare when unavailable.
  7. Assure a competent public and personal healthcare workforce
  8. Evaluate effectiveness, accessibility, and quality of personal and population-based health services
  9. Research innovative solutions to health problems Table 2 b) Discuss your issue’s significance to public health. (Approximately 2 pages) · Identify one Healthy People topic area that connects to the intervention. You may find a list of topic areas on by visiting the “Topic & Objectives” tab. ○ Note: Sometimes, multiple topic areas are aligned to the same intervention. For example, if the intervention topic focuses on childhood obesity, the following topic areas could be relevant: nutrition and weight status, physical fitness, and diabetes. Select only one topical area.
  • Review the topic area’s main page (i.e., only the “Overview” tab—which is the default). If provided, explore the list of sources on this page provided as hyperlinks or detailed in the reference list (if available for free in the library or online). Continue to explore this topic area until you can address the following: o Identify the population or community that was the focus of the intervention. Describe the shared characteristics among this population or community and whether these characteristics were merely geographical or included other characteristics (e.g., demographics). o Describe why this population or community was identified as needing public health services. o Please include data or evidence to support your claims.

Discuss how your selected issue has evolved to its current state. (Approximately 2 pages) o Using peer-reviewed journals from the library, research the topic area as it relates to the population or community. Try to find a few sources published at different times over the past 10 years (e.g., three different sources published in 2019, 2015, and 2017). o Summarize the progression in public health efforts within the past 10 years with respect to the targeted population or community. Consider the following: · Discuss how long the issue has been a problem for the community or population, and whether it is recent or ongoing. · Explain how the targeted community or population’s health status has changed within the past 10 years, and whether it has improved or worsened.

Guidelines for Submission: Please use APA style (seventh edition) for formatting your Final Project Milestone One paper (APA-style title page, reference list, intext citations, etc.). For the body of your paper, it is recommended that you use different heading levels to connote specific sections and subsections. You may review the Final Project Suggested Headings Outline (located in Module Two of your course) for informational purposes. Your submission should be approximately 5 to 6 pages in length (excluding title page, reference list, and any appendices) with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins

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Music Theraphy

Music Theraphy

A. Definition of therapy. A
B. State the rationale for use of the therapy. B
C. Describe the findings of the research article related to the
therapy. C
D. Explain the information obtained from the website. D
E. Discuss implications of this therapy for patients and
health care professionals. E
Include Works Cited page in appropriate format. Write a 2-3 page paper on topic to include: Intro, ABCDE, Conclusion
I am only responsible for selection D and only D, so I would like a paragraph written base on information from a website about music therapy
please used proper citation and include the reference
Preferred language style Simple (Easy vocabulary, simple grammar constructions)

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Organ Donation Exploration Paper

Organ Donation Exploration Paper

Write a research paper on the history of organ donation, including the impact of organ donation on survivors. Conclude with your position on organ donation, supporting it with details.

This must include 3 resources (remember .com is not a resource)

This paper should be 4-5 pages

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Principles of Empidemiology

Principles of Empidemiology

Find a published case report or case series report (the Lancet, CDC MMWR publishes these a lot) that was published within the last 10 years.

What did it report?

Why is it unusual than known diseases?

Please use AMA format thank you.

***AMA Format****

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Community Primary Care Service SWOT Analysis

Community Primary Care Service SWOT Analysis

When considering implementing a new community primary care service, it is imperative that a well orchestrated analysis of the market be conducted to ensure the feasibility and need for the proposed service.

For your initial response, please post a copy of the SWOT analysis tool you have completed for your proposed Community Primary Care Service paper along with a brief explanation of how this analysis supports the need for the community primary care service you are proposing.

By the end of the discussion period, respond to your classmate’s posts indicating why you do or do not agree that the proposed service is needed based on your review of your classmates’ SWOT analysis. Be sure to provide a rationale for your viewpoint.

Posts may include your experiences, opinions, view points, and ideas supported by evidence (references) as appropriate.

Students are expected to participate in academic conversations with peers and faculty to generate scholarly dialogue. Expectations for participation in the course discussions are described under the Discussion Rubric: Critical Analysis (ways of knowing) and Engagement (interactions) when relating your experiences, opinions, viewpoints, and ideas supported by evidence.

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Concepts of Autonomy Confidentiality and Anonymity

Concepts of Autonomy Confidentiality and Anonymity

Read and review the resources listed above.
Review the IRB Process with assessment guides for your agency, or you may review those provided by IWU.
Present the Topics below (as assigned by your facilitator until all are taken): Concepts of autonomy, confidentiality and anonymity
Defining/describing the topic.
Explaining the scope of the topic i.e. its boundaries or overlap with another topic.
Giving the key points a researcher should know, do, avoid, etc.
Addressing only the informed consent section of a proposed IRB application, in layman’s words, thoroughly explain what their participation will look like, how their data will be collected and used, the potential benefits and risks to them, and who to contact should the risks become real.
Also, explain to the IRB committee members, the proposed mitigation and reparation should the risks come to fruition. Last, explain why or why not an expert in your topic should be added to the IRB committee membership to help guide the evaluation of risk and reparation inherent to your study

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Evidence Based Practice EBP Considerations

Evidence Based Practice EBP Considerations

Explore these sites and review these guidelines
The CDC’s, Vaccines and Immunization Guidelines of the ACIP
The Canadian Pediatric Society’s, Clinical Tools & Resources for monitoring infant and pediatric growth & development
The American Psychiatric Association’s, Recently Released Guidelines covering multiple topics, including the prescribing of psychotropic drugs
American Association of Nurse Practitioners’, Clinical Practice Tools
Look up the Scope & Standards of Practice for each major/role:
Nurse Administrators
Nurse Educators
Nurses Practitioners
Meet with a member of your EBP / Clinical Practice Guidelines Council and discuss the process used for translating research into practice to discuss the following questions:
What process is used in your agency for ensuring that practice guidelines are applicable to your patient population?
What process is used to updated practice guidelines?
Of these guidelines and scope and standards of practice, which one(s) do you believe need the greatest attention for updating and why?
How do these guidelines impact each of the major roles in nursing: administrator, educator, provider?

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Compare Retail and Nurse-managed Clinics with  Traditional Primary Care Providers

Compare Retail and Nurse-managed Clinics with  Traditional Primary Care Providers

How are retail and nurse-managed clinics different from traditional primary care providers and are they in competition with traditional primary care providers? Use at least two references to support your response. Your text can serve as one of your references, but you must also use one additional recent, professional reference in your response. Both references must be clearly integrated in your response.
Has the ACA created more opportunities for professional nurses? What does the literature say?
Create a brief (3-5 slide) voicethread presentation with your response with current (no older than 5 years old) references (may use professional organizations as well as journals) with narration of your presentation.
Think of the 3 goals of the ACA: increase access to care, improve quality of care, and decrease costs of care–How do you see these three goals playing out in your workplace?
What do you see are the specific provisions within the ACA that have directly impacted the quality and delivery and type, or method, of care you give to your patients? What does the literature say about how quality, and type, or method, of care, since the passage of the ACA? Be specific.
What does current literature (no older than 5 years old) say about how the ACA has affected quality and costs of healthcare?
Create a brief voicethread presentation (3-5 slides) with your response and narration of your presentation.

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Communicable diseases interview an emergency room practitioner RN ARNP PA or MD

Communicable diseases interview an emergency room practitioner RN ARNP PA or MD

Please select one of the following questions and post your response on the discussion board:
Interview a community or public health nurse at an STD clinic at the health department and determine what specific services are provided by the clinic and by the nurse. What are the biggest challenges the nurse deals with in caring for patients?
Interview an emergency room practitioner (RN, ARNP, PA, or MD) and discover what the most common communicable diseases are in their facility. Research the official data on these diseases using this site:
• Use the index to access the statistics for the disease you are looking up
• Report your findings
A. Prepare tables that compare and contrast the leading three reportable communicable diseases in your community with both state and national incidence of these diseases.
B. Discuss the results of your findings and how they compare to both the state and national incidence of these diseases.
C. What recommendations would you make for reducing these rates?

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County or State Epidemiology Discussion

County or State Epidemiology Discussion

For this discussion, you will be using data from Florida Charts. The data is attached and has been downloaded from the website for Duval County compared to Florida. Each person will need to pick 2 of the following questions to discuss. You can pick any 2 of the questions below to
1. Incidence and Prevalence: Identify 1 condition where data is provided for incidence and 1 where it is provided for prevalence. What does this tell you about the health of the population of Duval or Florida?
2. Identify a condition with an age-adjusted rate provided – compare Duval and Florida. Discuss why an age-adjusted rate is used?
3. Identify a condition with a crude rate provided – compare Duval and Florida. Discuss why a crude rate used? Was it a good choice or should they have used a different type of rate?
4. Identify a condition with a count of cases. Discuss why a rate was not used? What can this information tell us about the condition?
5. Pick an indicator under Maternal and Child Health. According to your book, provide the definition for the numerator and the denominator. Discuss why this indicator is important for monitoring health in Duval County and Florida.
6. Examine the demographic data and compare Duval and Florida. Discuss how the social determinants of health are different between Duval and Florida. How might this impact health?
***Remember to use this exercise to show me you are thinking critically about the materials. ***
The book we use for class is: Friis, Robert. Epidemiology 101, 2nd Edition. 2018. Jones & Bartlett Learning, Sudbury, MA. ISBN
9781284107852 (no access code needed).

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