Healthcare Qualitative Major Assignment

Healthcare Qualitative Major Assignment

Major Assignment 1:
Developing a Research Topic for a Qualitative Study Overview and Guidelines Overview The purpose of this Major Assignment is for you to gain experience in taking a topic of your interest and considering it as a possibility for a qualitative research study.
Major Assignment 1 is composed of three parts, as described further in this Overview and Assignment Guidelines document. You will work on one part each week, so that you can turn in your Assignment at the end of Week 4. Your Instructor will provide feedback by Week 6. By Week 8,
you will revise your Assignment based on the feedback from your Instructor, and you will also submit the revised Assignment.

Major Assignment

1 Schedule The following table indicates a completion date time line for each part of your Major Assignment. Week Assignment Completion
Date Week 1
Major Assignment 1:
Developing a Research Topic for a Qualitative Study, Parts 1, 2, and the Annotated
Major Assignment 1: Developing a Research Topic for a Qualitative Study, Parts 1, 2, 3, Annotated Bibliography, and References Day 7 Week 9
N/A N/A Week 10 N/A N/A Week 11 N/A N/A Week 1: Overview Activity For this week, you will review the Major Assignment 1: Developing a
Research Topic for a Qualitative Study Assignment Overview and Guidelines and begin thinking about possible research topics. To prepare for
this Assignment:

• Review the expectations of the Major Assignment

1: Developing a Research Topic for a Qualitative Study Assignment Overview and Guidelines. (Note: Make sure you review this document in its entirety before getting started.)

• Review Discussion 2 to explore possible topics for this Major Assignment
Walden Writing Center websites related to annotated bibliographies and consider how you will need to create your annotated bibliography for this Major Assignment.

• Attend the Walden Library Lab webinar and consider how you will need to use the library to assist you in your research. Use the Course Guide and Assignment Help found in this week’s Learning Resources for further information. • Use the Course Guide and Assignment Help to search and select three articles related to your personal topic of study and include one literature review or metaanalysis article, one theory article, and one research article. The research article may either be from a quantitative or qualitative perspective. This will
begin your annotated bibliography that will contribute to your research topic for the final Major Assignment 1. Part 1 • Create a title page for your Major Assignment 1. Use the Detailed Major Assignment 1 Guidelines at the end of this document for proper formatting of your paper.

• Write a problem statement based on your topic of study. Develop a 1- to 2- paragraph statement that is the result of a review of the articles you located
on your topic.

1. Briefly describe the phenomena you are interested in studying. 2. Briefly summarize the key findings or what is understood about this phenomena based on the three articles you reviewed. 3. Briefly identify the “gap”—what do you see as an important, relevant, next step in learning more about this topic that would be appropriate for a qualitative study. (Note: As you write your problem statement, use your literature review/metaanalysis article, your theory article, and your research article to support your problem statement. Also, these articles should be included in your annotated bibliography framework.)

• Include your Annotated Bibliography section. No Assignment submission for this week. Submit your Major Assignment 1: Developing a Research Topic for a Qualitative Study Parts 1 (completed in Week 2), 2 (completed
in Week 3), and the Annotated Bibliography by Day 7of Week 4. Week 3: Part 2 Activity For this week, you will work on Part 2 of this Major


1. To prepare for this Assignment:

• Review the Learning Resources related to research design and methods.

• Review the Detailed

Major Assignment 1 Guidelines at the end of this document for proper formatting of your paper. • Review the Walden Writing Center websites
related to annotated bibliographies. • Attend the Walden Library Lab webinar and consider how you will need to use the library to assist you in
your research. Use the Course Guide and Assignment Help for additional information. • Use the Course Guide and Assignment Help to continue
your search for the three articles related to your personal topic of study. You will need one literature review meta-analysis article, one theory
article, and one research article. The research article may either be from a quantitative or qualitative perspective. (Note: You previously used
this research article for your Discussion 2 in Week 3.) • You will continue your work on your Annotated Bibliography that will contribute to your
research topic for the final Assignment. Part 2 • Write a purpose statement using terminology of qualitative research. The purpose statement
should contain: 1. A statement using the following template: The purpose of this qualitative study is to [choose one: explore, describe,
understand, explain] the meaning/experience/culture/stories of [phenomenon of interest] in [population/setting]. 2. A justification of why the
purpose of your study is suited for the qualitative approach in terms of: • The phenomena you choose. • The “fit” with a constructivist
epistemology and ontology. • The relevance of the naturalistic setting or context to the phenomena of interest. Based on your knowledge of
reflexivity, explain your relationship to the problem; and the issues of bias and positionality to be addressed. Include a brief description of the
setting and possible sources of data. • Write a research question using terminology of qualitative research. (Note: This could be the same
research question you created in your Discussion 1 for this week ONLY if it applies to your topic of study for this Assignment.) The research
question should incorporate and mirror the purpose statement using the following template: What is the meaning/experience/culture/stories of
[phenomenon of interest] in [population/setting]? • Include your updated Annotated Bibliography section. No Assignment submission for this
week. Submit Parts 1 (completed in Week 2), 2 (completed in Week 3), and the Annotated Bibliography by Day 7 of Week 4. Week 4:
Submission Activity For this week, you will submit Parts 1, 2, and the Annotated Bibliography of your Major Assignment 1 to your Instructor to
receive feedback. Submit Parts 1, 2, and your Annotated Bibliography section of your Major Assignment 1 by Day 7. (Note: Once you receive
your Instructor’s feedback, you will incorporate their feedback and re-submit in Week 8 when you complete Part 3 of this Major Assignment 1.)
Week 8: Part 3 and Final Submission Activity In Week 4, you submitted your Parts 1, 2, and your Annotated Bibliography to your Instructor for
feedback. For this Major Assignment 1, you will incorporate your Instructor’s feedback if you have not already done so. Also, you will finalize
your Major Assignment 1 and complete Part 3. Part 3 To prepare for this Assignment: • Review the Detailed Major Assignment 1 Guidelines at
the end of this document for proper formatting of your paper. • Incorporate your Instructor’s feedback from your Parts 1 and 2 submission in
Week 4 if you have not already done so. • Update your Annotated Bibliography to include any new articles you have read since Week 4 that
would be appropriate to include. • Continue on to Part 3 and finalize this section for your final submission. Use the Detailed Major Assignment 1
Guidelines at this end of this document to format your paper. Part 3: Potential for Social Change • Based on your understanding of social
change, write one paragraph to describe how the results of your study might contribute to making a difference at a local/community, regional, or
national level. • Finalize your Annotated Bibliography. Use the Detailed Major Assignment 1 Guidelines at this end of this document to format
your paper. • Finalize your References section of your paper. Use the Detailed Major Assignment 1 Guidelines at this end of this document to
format your paper. Submit Parts 1, 2, 3, the Annotated Bibliography, and the References section of your final Major Assignment 1: Developing a
Research T  opic for a Q

Problem Statement 50 (20%) – 60 (24%)
Paper includes a 1- to 2-paragraph problem statement generated from a gap in the scholarly research that clearly describes (a) the phenomena
of interest, (b) a summary of key findings based on the three articles, and (c) a gap that should be addressed. 39 (15.6%) – 49 (19.6%)
Paper includes a 1- to 2-paragraph problem statement generated from a gap in the scholarly research, but there may be missing or unclear
information in one of the following domains: (a) the phenomena of interest, (b) a summary of the key findings, and/or (c) a gap that should be
addressed. 28 (11.2%) – 38 (15.2%)
Paper includes a 1- to 2-paragraph problem statement, but there may be missing or unclear information in two of the following domains: (a) the
phenomena of interest, (b) a summary of the key findings, and/or (c) a gap that should be addressed. 17 (6.8%) – 27 (10.8%)
Paper includes a problem statement, but the information within it is very unclear or is missing altogether in all three of the following domains: (a)
the phenomena of interest, (b) a summary of the key findings, and/or (c) a gap that should be addressed.
Purpose Statement 65 (26%) – 75 (30%)
Paper provides a clear purpose statement using the terminology of qualitative research. The purpose statement includes a strong, researchbased justification for the study, including (a) the phenomena chosen, (b) the “fit” with a constructivist epistemology and ontology, (c) the
relevance of the naturalistic setting or context to the phenomena of interest, (d) the researcher’s relationship to the problem and issues of bias
and positionality, and (e) a brief description of the setting and possible sources of data. 54 (21.6%) – 64 (25.6%)
Paper provides a purpose statement using the terminology of qualitative research. The purpose statement includes a research-based
justification for the study, but there may be missing or unclear information in one of the following domains: (a) the phenomena chosen, (b) the
“fit” with a constructivist epistemology and ontology, (c) the relevance of the naturalistic setting or context to the phenomena of interest, (d) the
researcher’s relationship to the problem and issues of bias and positionality, and (e) a brief description of the setting and possible sources of
data. 43 (17.2%) – 53 (21.2%)
Paper provides a purpose statement, but is missing some of the terminology of qualitative research. The purpose statement includes a
justification for the study, but there may be missing or unclear information in two of the following domains: (a) the phenomena chosen, (b) the
“fit” with a constructivist epistemology and ontology, (c) the relevance of the naturalistic setting or context to the phenomena of interest, (d) the
researcher’s relationship to the problem and issues of bias and positionality, and (e) a brief description of the setting and possible sources of
data. 0 (0%) – 42 (16.8%)
Paper provides a purpose statement, but the information within it is very unclear or is missing altogether in many of of the following domains: (a)
the phenomena chosen, (b) the “fit” with a constructivist epistemology and ontology, (c) the relevance of the naturalistic setting or context to the
phenomena of interest, (d) the researcher’s relationship to the problem and issues of bias and positionality, and (e) a brief description of the
setting and possible sources of data.
Research Question 65 (26%) – 75 (30%)
Paper provides a clear  , research question that is aligned with the purpose statement. The research question is well developed and includes the  key words that clearly identify the phenomenon of interest; the focus of the study (e.g., meaning; experience; culture; stories) and the population
and/or location. 54 (21.6%) – 64 (25.6%)
Paper provides a research question that approximately aligns with the purpose statement. The research question has some of the key words
that identify the phenomenon of interest; the focus of the study (e.g., meaning; experience; culture; stories) and the population and/or location;
but some are missing or not qualitative in language or intent. 43 (17.2%) – 53 (21.2%)
Paper provides a research question that is unclear and substantively not aligned with the purpose statement. The research question is missing
most of the key words that identify the phenomenon of interest; the focus of the study (e.g., meaning; experience; culture; stories) and the
population and/or location. The language and intent of the study is not qualitative. 0 (0%) – 42 (16.8%)
The paper is either missing the research question; provides a question that is not a research question; or provides a research question that is
misdirected or inconsistent with the purpose statement.
Writing 20 (8%) – 25 (10%)
Paper is well organized, uses scholarly tone, follows APA style, uses original writing and proper paraphrasing, contains very few or no writing
and/or spelling errors, and is fully consistent with graduate-level writing style. Paper contains multiple, appropriate and exemplary sources
expected/required for the assignment. 14 (5.6%) – 19 (7.6%)
Paper is mostly consistent with graduate-level writing style. Paper may have some small or infrequent organization, scholarly tone, or APA style
issues, and/or may contain a few writing and spelling errors, and/or somewhat less than the expected number of or type of sources. 8 (3.2%) –
13 (5.2%)
Paper is somewhat below graduate-level writing style, with multiple smaller or a few major problems. Paper may be lacking in organization,
scholarly tone, APA style, and/or contain many writing and/or spelling errors, or shows moderate reliance on quoting versus original writing and
paraphrasing. Paper may contain inferior resources (number or quality). 0 (0%) – 7 (2.8%)
Paper is well below graduate-level writing style expectations for organization, scholarly tone, APA style, and writing, or relies excessively on
quoting. Paper may contain few or no quality resources.
Annotated Bibliography 9 (3.6%) – 10 (4%)
The paper includes an Annotated Bibliography section that includes (a) one literature review or meta-analysis article, (b) one theory article, and
(c) one research article. 7 (2.8%) – 8 (3.2%)
The paper includes an Annotated Bibliography section, but there may be a misaligned or ill-fitting study in one of the following: (a) one literature
review or meta-analysis, (b) one theory article, and (c) one research article. 5 (2%) – 6 (2.4%)
The paper includes an Annotated Bibliography section, but there may be a misaligned or ill-fitting study in two of the following: (a) one literature
review or meta-analysis, (b) one theory article, and/or (c) one research article. 0 (0%) – 4 (1.6%)
The paper includes an Annotated Bibliography section, but there may be a misaligned or ill-fitting study in all of the following (a) one literature
review or meta-analysis, (b) one theory article, and (c) one research article.
Form & Style 5 (2%) – 5 (2%))

Paper is properly formatted and includes a title page. 4 (1.6%) – 4 (1.6%)
Paper includes a title page but there may be one or two minor formatting errors. 3 (1.2%) – 3 (1.2%)
Paper includes a title page but there may be several distracting formatting errors. 0 (0%) – 2 (.8%)
Paper is missing a title page
Total Points: 250

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“Practice Exercise 8: Teamwork and Patient Safety” on pages 309-311 in the course textbook.
“Practice Exercise 9: Improvement Case Study” on pages 313-318 in the course textbook.
Write a 2-3 page APA formatted paper answering the question(s) in each of these case studies. Your combined paper for both case studies
should be 2 – 3 pages.
Your response must be supported by 2 APA formatted references.
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Pros and Cons of the American Health Care System

Pros and Cons of the American Health Care System

Describe the pros and cons of the American health care system, and describe the primary differences between the American and British health care systems.Paper is organized & includes concise and well developed introductory/concluding paragraphs.Use of three (3) scholarly references. Demonstrates great comprehension of the assignment question; meets minimum page requirement of 3 pages (excluding title page and reference list). Correct APA format and use of software formatting tools (title page, level headings, page numbering, in-text citations, and reference list). Error free writing composition (use of third person; correct spelling, correct grammar and sentence structure).

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Evaluating Healthcare Online Research Source

Evaluating Healthcare Online Research Source

Briefly (you should not need more than 1 total page for this assignment) discuss the credibility of two web sources that present information that you might use in writing . One of these websites should be a source you think is appropriate to use in a college-level research paper and the other should be one that you would not feel comfortable citing in an academic paper.

Please make sure you are looking at articles or web pages that contain information relevant to some academic subject — don’t present on pop culture, lives of celebrities, sports, or consumer products.

Please judge the reliability of these sites according to the criteria presented in Cornell University’s Evaluating Web Pages guide (Links to an external site.), not your own common sense. Remember to evaluate the source of the information, not how accurate you think the information is.

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Health Care Ethical Issues

You should prepare for the paper by choosing a topic from a peer-reviewed journal, focusing on one particular aspect of the topic, and selecting at least three (3) academic, scholarly references, excluding any text-book(s), to authenticate your point(s) of view in your paper.

Please be advised that reference sources cited should have been published within the past five years; i.e. no earlier than 2015.

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Healthy People 2020 Objectives

Healthy People 2020 Objectives

  1. Health Topic: Describe a single health promotion/disease prevention problem from the Healthy People 2020 Objectives.
  2. Introduction to population or problem Describe incidence, prevalence, epidemiology, cost burden etc.,
  3. Descriptionof specific population, program or organization Discuss how the policy is intended for a specific population, program or organization Specific legislators involved. Identify and discuss specific legislators involved in the policy development and
  4. Policy, practice and outcomes:Discuss how the policy influences clinical practice and is used to promote best outcomes Policy, practice and the inter-professional team Examine how the policy can be used by the inter-professional team to ensure coordinated
  5. Comprehensive Review of Literature:Perform and demonstrate a comprehensive review of the current evidence. Use of primary sources and evidence that is not older than 5 years Writing, grammar and APA application Scholarly grammar, use of APA 6th edition

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Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infections

Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infections

  1. Health Topic: Describe a single health promotion/disease prevention problem from the Healthy People 2020 Objectives.
  2. Introduction to population or problem Describe incidence, prevalence, epidemiology, cost burden etc.,
  3. Descriptionof specific population, program or organization Discuss how the policy is intended for a specific population, program or organization Specific legislators involved. Identify and discuss specific legislators involved in the policy development and
  4. Policy, practice and outcomes:Discuss how the policy influences clinical practice and is used to promote best outcomes Policy, practice and the inter-professional team Examine how the policy can be used by the inter-professional team to ensure coordinated
  5. Comprehensive Review of Literature:Perform and demonstrate a comprehensive review of the current evidence. Use of primary sources and evidence that is not older than 5 years Writing, grammar and APA application Scholarly grammar, use of APA 6th edition

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Effectiveness of Handwashing in COVID 19 Prevention

Effectiveness of Handwashing in COVID 19 Prevention

Write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of two quantitative research studies. Use the “Research Critique Guidelines – Part II” document to organize your essay. Successful completion of this assignment requires that you provide a rationale, include examples, and reference content from the study in your responses.

Use the practice problem and two quantitative, peer-reviewed research articles you identified in the Topic 1 assignment to complete this assignment.

In a 1,000–1,250 word essay, summarize two quantitative studies, explain the ways in which the findings might be used in nursing practice, and address ethical considerations associated with the conduct of the study.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.


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Health Care Delivery

Health Care Delivery

Paper Instructions 
Answer the following questions, about 100 words for each question in APA Format
Q1: What are the individual or group behaviors that can positively or negatively impact health
care outcomes?
Q2: What barriers can present to limit access to the US health care systems?
Q3: How is medical care organized in the United States?
Q4: What is high quality health care?
Q5: What are some of the issues that made headlines in recent years, including high cost of
pharmaceuticals which may be unethical but may not be necessarily illegal?

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