Healthcare Planning: Impact of Affordable Care Act

Healthcare Planning: Impact of Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act has impacted how hospitals and hospital systems prepare for the future. In your book, you read about historical data being needed to help paint the picture of where an organization has been and how they have performed. The impact of the ACA, changing the payment structure from fee-for-service to the theory of covered lives, changes the dynamic in which organizations operate. If a HCO is paid a flat rate per year for each life covered under the new healthcare plans, the strategy for the future changes in many ways.

The focus changes from increasing volume at high cost facilities such as hospitals, to wellness of the patient, and providing the right care, at the right time, and at the lowest cost possible (think about an ambulatory setting). The focus of this weeks assignment is to make sure that the strategic plan secures the future for organizations and its leaders by crafting a viable future business. To control costs in an environment created by the ACA, hospital based systems need to focus beyond the hospital, and try to incorporate all aspects of the patients care and wellness.

Analyze at least 3 different types of services or programs that a healthcare system may look at incorporating into their portfolio as they develop their strategic plans. As you do your research, you will see examples of organizations who are very progressive, and some that are focused on the fee-for-service world for as long as they can. You will need to include at least 2 external sources besides your text.

Your submission should be 500-600 words.
Please submit an APA formatted Word document with the following information to this Dropbox by the designated deadline:

Title Page

Running header

Properly formatted reference section

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COVID-19 Infections Across Races

COVID-19 Infections Across Races

Instructions for the Phenomenon of Interest (POI) Topic Selection
First: Review the ‘Importance of the Phenomenon of Interest’ video
Next: Identify a POI that you can examine from a philosophical, theoretical and ethical
perspective, as this will be your topic the entire semester
Finally: Perform a basic literature search to determine if there is sufficient literature (topic is not
too narrow) and not too much literature (topic is too broad)
Your Phenomenon of Interest (POI) topic should be submitted to this Forum for faculty review
and approval.
A phenomenon of interest (POI) as related to NU 607 can be a topic that you have been
examining in other courses, or it can be a completely different topic. Regardless, you want to select a POI topic you are passionate or curious about, and one that relates specifically to your
area of specialty practice with sufficient current (5 years), peer-reviewed literature to explore.
Choose a topic for which you are passionate or curious,
Students may seek approval on the same topic used in another course, but it is not guaranteed
that approval in a prior course will assure approval in this course as the focus and requirements
are unique to 607.
Your Primary Instructor will be responsible for approving your POI topic selection in NU 607.
Please address the following items in this Discussion (10 points):
Propose a POI Topic ( 3 points)
Propose a Phenomenon of Interest (POI) topic, describe the setting (outpatient, acute, etc), and
population (adults, children, etc.), and briefly discuss its relevance to your advanced nursing
practice area of specialty (ANP, Executive Nurse Administrator, Nursing Informatics, etc).
Literature Search ( 6 points)
Construct a search strategy and perform a basic literature search, and briefly describe the
following key elements of your literature search:
The database(s) used to conduct the literature search.
Keywords or terms used in your literature search
Number of articles populated in your literature search
Appraisal of the availability of peer-reviewed literature published in the last five years
* A topic that is too broad may have more literature than you can review, and a topic that is too
narrow may not have sufficient literature to support your work.

Scholarship ( 1 point)
1. Scholarly writing style; first-person language is permitted in the discussion
2. Introduction and conclusion not required for this Discussion.
3. Organize work by headings.
4. Writing should be clear and concise.
5. Citations and references follow the APA 7th format.
6. Writing should be free of grammatical and spelling errors.
7. Follow all assignment instructions.
8. Demonstrate good overall writing skills

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ADA Accommodation for Medical Marijuana Paper

ADA Accommodation for Medical Marijuana Paper [due Mon]
Assignment Content
Research online law libraries and the Internet for sources concerning information on ADA, ADAAA, state and
federal medical marijuana laws, privacy for drug testing, and drug testing in the workplace.
Discuss the case study in a written report, including all of its relevant topics, and include the following:
• Describe whether the requirements of disability eligibility under ADA and ADAAA are applicable in this
circumstance, and discuss whether the woman has any valid claim and is entitled to any accommodation.
Support your position using federal and state laws or statutes, including any legal cases on the matter.
• Evaluate whether the company has a valid defense. Support your position using federal or state laws or
statutes, and include any legal cases on the matter.
• Analyze whether a reasonable accommodation is appropriate or inappropriate.
• Cite a minimum of two federal laws and one state law in addition to other sources that apply to this case
study, and be sure to cite them correctly in the body of your paper as well as the References page.
• Recommend a conflict resolution process that can be used to solve the matter and avoid a lawsuit.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word report in the third-person voice.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines, and include headings to appropriately signal topics and
keep your document organized.
Use a minimum of five different in-text citation sources within your paper, and properly identify them in your
References page. Any laws and legal cases used in the body of your paper must also be included in the
References page.
Submit your assignment.
Note: Grades are awarded based upon individual contributions to the Learning Team assignment. Each Learning
Team member receives a grade based upon his/her contributions to the team assignment. Not all students may
receive the same grade for the team assignment.
• ADA Accommodation for Medical Marijuana Case Study
• Marijuana in the Workplace: A Hazy Issue for Employers By Rachel E. Atterberry 9/18/2015
• ADA Accommodation for Medical Marijuana Grading Guide
• Mass: First Workplace Medical Marijuana Lawsuit Filed By Joanne Deschenaux 9/21/2015
• Center for Writing Excellence (
• Reference and Citation Generator (
• Grammar and Writing Guides (

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Cardiology Administrator Interview

Paper Instructions 

I will be interviewed for the Administrator of cardiology Position – I would like the application written as if I was selling my skill sets and what I
would bring to the position.
My role in becoming the top cardiology program in the region
• Departmental and Intradepartmental relationships (Team members, Administrators, and Physicians)
• Program Development
• My role and the importance of quality patient care
• My role to increase revenue opportunities
• My role to ensure physicians are incentivized
• Practice growth
• Physician recruitment
• Guard against physician burnout
• Promote physician quality of life
• My role to promote and demand the use of the practice governance structure when health system decision is being made, early involvement
• remain up to date on developing trends in the field

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Public Health Legislation

Throughout this course, you have learned about the importance of political advocacy: how legislation can impact healthcare delivery, quality of care, patient outcomes, and various healthcare professional’s roles and practice.

you will research current legislation related to public health

  • Advocate for policies that improve the health of the public and the profession of nursing and health care administration.


Throughout this course, you have learned about the importance of political advocacy: how legislation can impact healthcare delivery, quality of care, patient outcomes, and various healthcare professional’s roles and practice.

you will research current legislation related to public health. Identify a piece of legislation you feel passionately about.

Prepare a professional paper, summarizing the legislation itself, your position, call for action, etc. Cite relevant sources, which may include industry leader’s perspectives, or scholarly research.

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Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy in Medical Setting

Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy

  • Pick a pharmaceutical or biologic that is approved in the EU or US that does not presently have a REMS Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy.
  • Try to choose one that has had previous safety issues as evidenced by either communications from Regulatory Authorities or SAE’s (Serious Adverse Event) reported by healthcare facilities or patients.
  • Prepare a REMS for the product that you choose following the FDA guidance document, “Format and Content of a REMS Document, dated October 2017.
  • Each REMS should contain a either a mocked-up patient enrollment form or a prescriber enrollment form.
  • Make sure that you include at least one REMS element (i.e., Medication Guide, patient package inserts or communication plan).
  • The REMS element will be separate from the REMS. Either do it as a separate document that is appended to the REMS or start it separated by a page or section break of your REMS

Note: if the drug or biologic you choose has a medication guide then you cannot provide the medication guide as your one REMS element.

You will have to choose another REMS element to provide. The REMS elements should be created by you.


Times New Roman, 12 font

Cite your references.


REMS document that includes:

  1. Include either a mocked up patient or prescriber enrollment form
  2. Include one REMS element (i.e., Medication Guide, patient package inset or communication plan)

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Healthcare Sustainability Initiative

Resource: Script and Storyboard Template
Determine who, inside and outside the organization, is essential in the success of your initiative.
Identify partnerships that can be formed between organizations to foster collaboration or healthy competition.
Strategize how to engage patients and their friends or family to participate in your initiative (directly or indirectly).
Identify community leaders who can use power and influence to further the initiative on your behalf.
Write a 90- to 175-word script for a 30- to 60-second online advertisement that promotes your sustainability initiative, advocates for sustainable health care practices, and invites the community to action.
Include a storyboard that outlines the advertisement.

Design four social media posts in the platform of your choosing that promotes your initiative and invite the community to get involved

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Health Care Effect on Economy. Healthcare Essays. Healthcare Assignmnet Help?

Homework Instructions 

Collaboration leverages the collective knowledge of a health care team. Peer evaluation and support, provided in the spirit of continuous improvement and organizational success, result in higher quality deliverables than generally possible by the efforts of an individual. Please describe the process you plan to use to conduct research, identify findings, and develop the Comprehensive Project due in Unit 5, and present a brief outline indicating how you intend to organize the project deliverable. Please review the process and outlines of other students, providing objective feedback that will help strengthen the effectiveness of their efforts and the quality of the finished product.

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Quality Improvement Initiatives

Prepare an 8 page data analysis and quality improvement initiative proposal based on a health issue of professional interest to you. The audience for your analysis and proposal is the nursing staff and the interprofessional team who will implement the initiative.

“A basic principle of quality measurement is: If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it” (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2013).

Health care providers are on an endless quest to improve both care quality and patient safety. This unwavering commitment requires hospitals and care givers to increase their attention and adherence to treatment protocols to improve patient outcomes. Health informatics, along with new and improved technologies and procedures, are at the core of virtually all quality improvement initiatives. The data gathered by providers, along with process improvement models and recognized quality benchmarks, are all part of a collaborative, continuing effort. As such, it is essential that professional nurses are able to correctly interpret, and effectively communicate information revealed on dashboards that display critical care metrics.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 2: Plan quality improvement initiatives in response to routine data surveillance.
    • Outline a QI initiative proposal based on a selected health issue and supporting data analysis.
  • Competency 3: Evaluate quality improvement initiatives using sensitive and sound outcome measures.
    • Analyze data to identify a health care issue or area of concern.
  • Competency 4: Integrate interprofessional perspectives to lead quality improvements in patient safety, cost effectiveness, and work-life quality.
    • Integrate interprofessional perspectives to lead quality improvements in patient safety, cost effectiveness, and work-life quality.
  • Competency 5: Apply effective communication strategies to promote quality improvement of interprofessional care.
    • Apply effective communication strategies to promote quality improvement of interprofessional care.
    • Communicate evaluation and analysis in a professional and effective manner, writing content clearly and logically with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2013). Preventing falls in hospitals. Retrieved from

As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community. Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as part of your assessment.

Reflect on QI initiatives focused on measuring and improving patient outcomes with which you are familiar.

  • How important is the role of nurses in QI initiatives?
  • What quality improvement initiatives have made the biggest difference? Why?
  • When a QI initiative does not succeed as planned, what steps are taken to improve or revise the effort?
Quality Improvement Examples and Results

These resources explore the effectiveness and lessons learned from various quality improvement initiatives.

These articles showcase examples of strategic QI projects.

This resource evaluates a QI initiative based on a communication strategy.

Benchmarks for Quality Indicators

These databases provide recognized benchmarks for quality indicators.

In this assessment, you will propose a quality improvement (QI) initiative proposal based on a health issue of professional interest to you. The QI initiative proposal will be based on an analysis of dashboard metrics from a health care facility.

  • Analyze data from the health care facility to identify a health care issue or area of concern. You will need access to reports and data related to care quality and patient safety. If you work in hospital setting, contact the quality management department to obtain the data you need.
  • You will need to identify basic information about the health care setting, size, and specific type of care delivery related to the topic that you identify. You are expected to abide by HIPAA compliance standards.
Option 2

If you do not have access to a dashboard or metrics related to a QI initiative proposal:

  • You may use the hospital data set provided in the media piece titled Vila Health: Data Analysis. You will analyze the data to identify a health care issue or area of concern.
  • You will follow the same instructions and provide the same deliverables as your peers who select Option 1.


Analyze dashboard metrics related to the selected issue.

  • Provide the selected data set in the proposal.
    • Assess the stability of processes or outcomes.
    • Delineate any problematic variations or performance failures.
  • Evaluate QI initiatives on the selected health issue with existing quality indicators from other facilities, government agencies, and non-governmental bodies on quality improvement.
    • Analyze challenges that meeting prescribed benchmarks can pose for a heath care organization and the interprofessional team.
  • Outline a QI initiative proposal based on the selected health issue and data analysis.
    • Identify target areas for improvement.
    • Define what processes can be modified to improve outcomes.
    • Propose strategies to improve quality.
    • Define interprofessional roles and responsibilities as they relate to the QI initiative.
    • Provide recommendations for effective communication strategies for the interprofessional team to ensure the success of the QI initiative. Briefly reflect on the impact of the proposed initiative on work-life quality of the nursing staff and interprofessional team.
  • Integrate relevant sources to support arguments, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style.

The numbered points below correspond to grading criteria in the scoring guide. The bullets below each grading criterion further delineate tasks to fulfill the assessment requirements. Be sure that your Quality Improvement Initiative Evaluation addresses all of the content below. You may also want to read the scoring guide to better understand the performance levels that relate to each grading criterion.

  • Analyze data to identify a health care issue or area of concern.
    • Identify the type of data you are analyzing (from your institution or from the media piece).
    • Discuss why the data matters, what it is telling you, and what is missing.
    • Analyze dashboard metrics and provide the data set in the proposal.
    • Present dashboard metrics related to the selected issue.
    • Delineate any problematic variations or performance failures.
    • Assess the stability of processes or outcomes.
    • Evaluate the quality of the data and what can be learned from it.
    • Identify trends, outcome measures and information needed to calculate specific rates.
    • Analyze what metrics indicate opportunities for quality improvement.
  • Outline a QI initiative proposal based on a selected health issue and supporting data analysis.
    • Identify benchmarks aligned to existing QI initiatives set by local, state, or federal health care policies or laws.
    • Identify existing QI initiatives related to the selected issue, and explain why they are insufficient.
    • Identify target areas for improvement, and define what processes can be modified to improve outcomes.
    • Propose evidence-based strategies to improve quality.
    • Evaluate QI initiatives on the selected health issue with existing quality indicators from other facilities, government agencies, and non-governmental bodies on quality improvement.
    • Analyze challenges that meeting prescribed benchmarks can pose for a heath care organization and the interprofessional team.
  • Integrate interprofessional perspectives to lead quality improvements in patient safety, cost effectiveness, and work-life quality.
    • Define interprofessional roles and responsibilities as they relate to the data and the QI initiative.
    • Explain how you would you make sure that all relevant roles are fully engaged in this effort.
    • Explain what non-nursing concepts would you incorporate into the initiative?
    • Identify how outcomes to measure the effect of the intervention affect the interprofessional team.
    • Briefly reflect on the impact of the proposed initiative on work-life quality of the nursing staff and interprofessional team. Describe how work-life quality is improved or enriched by the initiative.
  • Apply effective communication strategies to promote quality improvement of interprofessional care.
    • Identify the kind of interprofessional communication strategies that will be effective to promote and ensure the success of this performance improvement plan or quality improvement initiative.
    • In addition to writing, identify communication models (like CUS, SBAR) that you would include in your initiative proposal.
  • Communicate evaluation and analysis in a professional and effective manner, writing content clearly and logically with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
  • Integrate relevant sources to support arguments, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style.

QI data

Hi! I heard through word of mouth that you were looking for some possible areas of improvement in the hospital. I’ve got some data from SAMC’s in-home hospice program that might be useful.

I realize that you may not be familiar with the hospice program, so I also set up some meetings with a few people with a stake in the program. I’m hoping they can give you some context for the data you’re looking at.

Let me know if you need anything!

Sienna Pope,

Director of Medical Support Services

Hospice and Home Health Adverse Event Data 2014-2015

Per Vila Health policy, these figures include near misses as well as events that resulted in some level of harm or potential harm to the patient, for both home health care and hospice care patients. This is a summary of the data; a downloadable spreadsheet that provides all the data you will need for your presentation is also available below.

Unit – Year LOS Less than 7 Days IPU Admission Pain Level 7-10 More than 24 Hours Inadequate Symptom Relief More than 24 Hours
Hospice 2014 50 47 13 13
Hospice 2015 46 27 17 22

Quality improvement initiatives are a critical tool in the ongoing effort to improve patient care at health care organizations. But without data, many QI initiatives would fail — or the problem behind them might never be detected. That’s why data, and the dashboards that present data in a comprehensible fashion, are essential for QI efforts to succeed.

In this activity, you will assume the role of a quality assurance analyst at St. Anthony Medical Center. You will be offered both a dataset that you can use to outline a quality improvement initiative, and input from stakeholders who can help you contextualize the data.

 Educational Goals

After completing the activity, you will be prepared to:

  • Analyze data to identify a health care issue or area of concern.
  • Outline a QI initiative proposal based on a selected health issue and supporting data analysis.
  • Integrate interprofessional perspectives to lead quality improvements in patient safety, cost effectiveness, and work–life quality.




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Healthcare Leadership and Management


Choose a real health care organization to study. Interview 1 key leader who is involved in the organization’s health care delivery.

Based on questions asked and answers given, the report will summarize the questions and answers and then present detailed information evaluating the following: Interdepartmental interaction, communications, team building activities and conflict resolution techniques, ethics and workplace diversity programming, proposed operational changes, and how these changes may impact operations and budgets

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