Impact of Covid-19 on Nurses Working in Long Term Care Facility

Impact of Covid-19 on Nurses Working in Long Term Care Facility

Problem identification and Need Assessments
TOPIC: The impact of Covid-19 on Nurses working in Long Term Care Facility
1. Problem identification and needs assessment.
Identified the problem/performed the needs assessment, identify 5-6 keywords that will be use to
start the literature review related to a potential intervention.
2. Perform a literature review (using the keywords identified above) to develop the evidencebased practice intervention (based on the identified problem/needs assessment).
3. Explore the Health Promotion Model by Nola Pender and House’s Social Support Theory as
theoretical frameworks.
4. Put together a proposed evidence-based practice intervention (as clear as a recipe!). Do not
forget to include the outcomes (including tools to be used) plan to measure!
Please use APA and include References


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Abortion (Pro- Choice)

Abortion (Pro- Choice)

Proposal. Students first write a project proposal to the committee, where they describe the topic
they have chosen, explain why it is worthy of study, and identify the sources they intend to
leverage. Research and Read. Students research a compelling topic where they will prove a
point and draw new conclusions on the topic. Some things to keep in mind while researching:
How the topic changed over time
Why people should care about the topic
How does the topic connect to today
Student will identify and keep track of appropriate sources. These sources may include books,
scholarly journals, news articles, primary sources, oral histories, and historical fiction. At least
five separate sources will need to be cited in the written paper that follows. An annotated
bibliography of these sources will be required with the submission of the paper. Write. Next

students will demonstrate findings and a new understanding of the topic by using the research to
write an analytical paper. We will provide a rubric for this. Similar to the quarterly essays, each
point you make in the paper should be proven by factual evidence from the informational text.
You will analyze, reflect, and compare. In referencing their sources, students use MLA-style and
in-text citations. A Bibliography must be included with the paper. Library Page on how to do
At least 6 sources must be used for this research/argumentative paper.


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Opioid Epidemic

Opioid Epidemic

Ramifications of prescription opiates to the public
a) Despite opioid related deaths decreasing in certain states, the total deaths still have increased
b) “researchers projected that if prescription opioid misuse rates remain unchanged from 2015
onward, an estimated 700,400 people will die from opioid overdose. Eighty percent of those
deaths would be attributed to illicit opioids such as heroin or fentanyl.”
c) Creating an addict out of someone who normally isn’t susceptible to abusing drugs.

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Nurse Performance Evaluation

Nurse Performance Evaluation

Description of the Assignment
This assignment has two major parts. The first part is the development of a written summative
evaluation using the required template for a learner who is successful, but still needs
improvement in one of the identified competencies. The second part is the development of a
written summative evaluation for a learner who is unsuccessful and must repeat the content. For
both parts of this assignment, the following three competencies are to be used.
• Demonstration of quality nursing care
• Demonstration of professional behavior
• Demonstration of information from evidence-based practice literature
The MSN student may select ONE of the following practice settings based upon career goals.
The practice settings are noted to be the following.
• For the MSN student who is focusing on nurse professional development, the learner’s clinical

competencies are being evaluated as part of a performance improvement plan.
• For the MSN student who is focusing on an academic setting, the learner is a student in a
fundamental nursing class who requires successful completion of the didactic and clinical
For the selected practice setting, the MSN student is required to complete this assignment for
one learner who has successfully demonstrated all required competencies, but has one
competency that needs improvement AND one learner who has not successfully demonstrated
all required competencies. Each competency must be evaluated regarding the knowledge, skills,
and attitudes related to professional nursing practice of the competency.
Criteria for Content
This assignment consists of two required parts:
• Part 1: Completion of the written Final Performance Evaluation for one learner who is
successfully demonstrating TWO of the required competencies but needs improvement in the
third required competency.
• Part 2: Completion of the written Final Performance Evaluation for one learner who is
unsuccessful in all three of the required competencies.
Note: The practice setting is based upon the MSN student’s future practice setting as a nurse
For each of the two learners, the written summative evaluation is completed using the Final
Performance Evaluation Form noted below. Specific fictional examples of learners’ expected
behavior or absence of behavior are to be provided in the Educator’s Summative Assessment
column in order to support the decision regarding satisfactory, improvement needed, or

unsatisfactory. A comprehensive concluding statement must be provided that summarizes the
decision. A separate Final Performance Evaluation form must be completed for the satisfactory
learner and for the unsatisfactory learner.
• Part 1: Written Performance Evaluation for the Successful Learner: The required content for the
written summative evaluation is the following.
o Identify the practice setting
o Provide a fictional example identifying the behaviors of the successful learner in the clinical
o Identify the evaluation score for each competency
o Identify the competency that needs improvement
o Objective wording present in the Educator’s Summative Assessment that supports the
Evaluation Score
o Specific fictional examples of learner’s behavior for knowledge, skills, and attitudes for each
o Comprehensive concluding statement regarding the summative evaluation
• Part 2: Written Performance Evaluation for the Unsuccessful Learner: The required content for
the written summative evaluation is the following.
o Identify the practice setting
o Provide a fictional example identifying the behaviors of the unsuccessful learner in the clinical
o Identify the evaluation score for each competency
o Identify the two competencies that are unsatisfactory

o Objective wording present in the Educator’s Summative Assessment that supports the
Evaluation Score
o Specific fictional examples of learner’s behavior for knowledge, skills, and attitudes for each
o Comprehensive concluding statement regarding the summative evaluation
Criteria for Format and Special Instructions
1. Part 1 requires the use of the Final Performance Evaluation Form: Successful Learner’s
Summative Evaluation, noted below.
2. Part 2 requires the use of the Final Performance Evaluation Form: Unsuccessful Learner’s
Summative Evaluation, noted below.
3. Title page must follow APA guidelines as found in the current edition of the manual.
4. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with
formal, scientific writing.

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Reimbursement Systems in Heathcare

Reimbursement Systems in Heathcare

Comparison Paper

Write a paper comparing two reimbursement systems discussed in the textbook.

Use the following guidelines when writing the paper:

Must be 5 pages (not including title page or reference page)

Must be in APA format (please make sure this is all formatted correctly).

(Been having problems with APA coming back incorrect)

Minimum of 3 references published within the last 5 years

Compare and contrast the systems in relation to key stakeholders:

  • Hospitals
  • Patients
  • Taxpayers

Conclusion: Identify the system you feel best serves all stakeholders and explain why.

  • Writing should demonstrate high-quality creditable relevant sources, skillfully communicate to readers with clarity. And be completely


Textbook Reference:

Leger, J. M., & Dunham-Taylor, J. (2018). . In Financial management for nurse managers merging the heart with the dollar (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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EHR Selection

EHR Selection

Most hospitals and practices have implemented an electronic health record
(EHR) system to ensure compliance with meaningful use and other
requirements under the HITECH Act and the Affordable Care Act. The benefits
of an EHR system are numerous; however, there can be significant barriers to
their acquisition and use. Many health care institutions are re-evaluating their
current EHR system in light of new requirements, concerns about the ability
of current vendors to support changes, and also mergers and acquisitions of
institutions and practices. You will use the following scenario to complete
each week’s assignments in this course.
Yorkshire Clinic is an acute care clinic located in Tacoma, Washington. The

clinic is comprised of a group of 10 physicians, 2 physician assistants, 1 nurse
practitioner, and several ancillary staff. Yorkshire Clinic serves a patient
population of approximately 14,000. An EHR system was implemented 5
years ago to qualify for government incentives under the Health Information
Technology for Economic and Clinical (HITECH) Act of 2009.
Ms. Janet Hendricks, the Chief Executive Officer of Yorkshire Clinic, has
received complaints from the medical staff about the current EHR system and
has concerns about the responsiveness and ability of the vendor to make
upgrades. She has set the goal for the HCO to evaluate, select, and
implement a new EHR system. Ms. Hendricks and the physicians have
discussed the option, and they realize that replacing the current EHR could
improve the quality and safety of patient care and alleviate future issues. In
fact, they all believe in the need to replace the current EHR system so much
that Ms. Hendricks has incorporated an EHR system replacement/upgrade
into Yorkshire Clinic’s strategic plan.
Ms. Hendricks and the physicians realize that replacing the current EHR
system and implementing a new one will be costly and will take time, but
they are willing to make the investment. There is widespread support for the
endeavor, and everyone has agreed to be part of the steering committee to
guide project development.
The various stakeholders include physicians, nurses, administrators, and
patients. There have been several meetings in which the end users have been

afforded the opportunity to ask questions and provide their feedback about
the initiative. There is growing enthusiasm among physicians and clinicians

about the improvements and advantages of replacing the current EHR
Ms. Hendricks has made it clear that patient needs are driving the project.
She wants to ensure that EHR design is driven by patient care and
satisfaction. She also wants to make sure that proper workflow planning
occurs and the areas where EHR use could be best applied are determined.
Leadership at Yorkshire Clinic also recognizes that training and support will be
imperative to success. Ms. Hendricks wants to ensure that training is
budgeted for and scheduled accordingly.
Deciding to replace an EHR system and then doing so can be a daunting and
extensive process, and it requires an extensive amount of planning and
organizational commitment. By developing a viable plan, risks associated with
new EHR implementation can be minimized. Throughout this course, you will
develop a plan to select and implement a new EHR system in Yorkshire Clinic.
Each week, you will build upon your plan, and in the final weeks of this
course, you will provide a final report detailing your findings.
Continue to utilize the scenario to assist you with your plan completion. Complete the following in
a 3–4-page paper, not including the title and reference pages:

Utilizing the information in the scenario and the information that you have compiled, conduct
quality research, and suggest a list of EHR vendors that would best suit the needs of Yorkshire
Clinic. Keep in mind that this is not selecting a vendor and implementing an electronic system
from a paper-based recordkeeping system, but replacing the current EHR system and
transitioning to a new one.
Your selection recommendation will require you to examine various vendors that sell EHRs in the
United States and to select the vendor that you feel will best suit the needs of Yorkshire Clinic.
Research may include calling vendors, requesting information from a vendor directly, or
extensive Web research.
This link provides a valuable go-by that will assist you in this week’s assignment: EHR
implementation steps. Use the go-by as a foundation for this week’s assignment.
Provide a report to Ms. Hendricks that details your research of at least 2 EHR vendors in the
United States. Include consideration of any challenges in replacing one EHR system with
another as this is different from moving to an electronic system from a paper system.
The conclusion of your report should include your recommendation of what company you chose
to replace the current EHR system and provide EHR capabilities to Yorkshire Clinic and the
reason why.

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Literature Review on Randomized Trials Quantitive Research

Literature Review on Randomized Trials Quantitive Research

You can pick the topic within reason- Motivational interviewing, substance abuse, PTSD, Anxiety
The student outlines what he or she hopes to accomplish in the paper.
Background Section

The student offers a brief review of the founders, view of psychopathology, view of healing/change,
view of the therapeutic relationship, goals and techniques, and populations and diagnoses the
approach has been historically applied to.
A Review of Two Randomized Controlled Trials
The student reviews two randomized trials, including details on the sample studied (i.e., the
demographic characteristics), how the participants were sampled, the reliability and validity of the
measures used (at minimum, the measure for the variable of interest), basic information on the
treatment and control conditions, the between- and within-group effects (including the effect sizes
[small, medium, or large]), and the strengths and limitations of the study (from the researcher’s
Discussion Section
The student offers an overview of the research to date, as well as the strengths, limitations, and
areas for improvement for the burgeoning approach (from the student’s perspective).

APA Style
The paper is five to six pages in length (excluding the Title and References pages), and includes a
Title and References page. The paper is in APA style, with no grammatical mistakes. The student
includes at least five academic sources (i.e., journal articles, academic textbooks), two of which
must be original research articles within the peer-reviewed literature consisting of randomized
controlled trials.

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Legal and Ethical Principles in Healthcare (Case Study)

Legal and Ethical Principles in Healthcare (Case Study)

Read the case and answer the questions

Q1– Give a brief outline of the case from a clinical perspective.
Do not use any patient identifiers.



Q2. Identify all the ethical and legal (if relevant) issues(s) of this case.
Identify the key ethical principles or theories that could apply to this case e.g. autonomy/ justice.


Identify the key legal issues where relevant.



Q3. Discuss the management of the case, from an ethical perspective, considering your own views and how you would deal with another similar case.


Your answer should include the following if not already discussed above:


·         Your first impressions of the case.

·         A description of how the GP dealt with the case.

·         Your view of the way the case was handled: strengths & weaknesses.

·         Any ethically preferable way you consider the case could have been handled.

·         Would you feel better equipped to deal with this case if it occurred again?

·         What influences did this case have on your own attitude from religious/cultural contexts?

·         Were you able to identify your own prejudices and limitations?




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NHS Smoke-Free Health Harm Campaign in England

NHS Smoke-Free Health Harm Campaign in England

Health Promotion and Policy

This is the name of the campaign:

NHS Smoke-Free Health Harm Campaign in England Please follow the instruction of the question, the most important is :

1. Aims and objectives of the campaign

2. What is the theoretical underpinning of the Campaign

3. Evaluation of the Campaign

4. Effectiveness and impact of the Campaign

5. The strength and weakness of the Campaign

6. Conclusion

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