Determine whether the literacy level of your selected health education resource

Purpose: To determine whether the literacy level of your selected health education resource is appropriate for at risk populations.

Directions: Select a written (or downloaded from internet source) health education resource (pamphlet, handout, etc.) that you would find at a healthcare facility such as a clinic, health care provider’s office, or hospital.

Using your selected health education resource, write an APA style paper to communicate the following:

  1. Define health literacy with a scholarly
  2. Analyze the impact of low literacy on health promotion and health education with a scholarly
  3. Identify and discuss three at risk populations for low health literacy (based on community demographics and risk factors known in the literature for low health literacy).
  4. Calculate the literacy level of the selected education resource using the SMOG Formula (SMOG Readability Calculator:
  5. Analyze the results and present report
  6. Evaluate the appropriateness of the literacy level of the education resource for the three identified at risk
  7. Explain and justify SMOG recommendations to enhance the readability of the educational material for the three identified at risk
  8. Use only scholarly/professional, peer-reviewed references. Do not use Wikipedia or internet sources that are not officially recognized as authority websites, as such websites are not scholarly sources. Also, keep in mind that not every .org domain is an authoritative
  9. Type written 2-3 double spaced page (NOT including the title page and references)
  10. Written in current APA format. This paper should include:
    1. Formal components including title page
    2. APA running head
    3. Include page numbers
    4. APA formatted headings in the body of the paper
    5. Appropriate in-text reference citations
    6. A reference page, in correct APA format



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Planning Managing and Evaluating Healthcare Policies and Programs

Assignment: Planning, managing, and evaluating healthcare policies and programs (LO 1 and 2).

For this assignment, you will write a 4-6 page, APA-formatted paper that identifies and explores five key policies/procedures of the US healthcare system and applies principles for planning, managing, and evaluating healthcare policies and programs. You will need to specifically identify (by name) the five key policies/procedures you identified and apply each of them separately. You are expected to draw from at least 3-5 recent (no more than 5 years old) scholarly journal articles.

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Ecological benefits of a healthy environmental and economic value of ecosystem services

Define the ecological benefits of a healthy environment and explain the factors you would consider when calculating the economic value of these ecosystem services. Can you calculate the value? What considerations do you need to make?
You may pick a country and/or an environmental resource to use in your example.

NOTE: Open to using any given ecosystem service, but one I found interesting was the economic value of trees, see this article here for reference:

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Population Health Data

Data Table on Population Health Indicators Assignment
This assignment is worth 20% (20 points) of your overall grade.
Students you will examine population health data at three levels and create a data table incorporating the population health indicators. The information will be entered into the Population Health Data Template. Students will respond to three questions about the meaning of the data.
USA national population
1. County or locality of special interest to you.
a) Choose a county of special interest to you. This may be your hometown, your neighborhood where you reside or provide health care, or city. Choose a locality where you do clinical work or an area where you are interested in doing clinical work. Enter the name of the county in the table.
You can locate the population health data on publicly available web resources listed below. Organize the data using the Population Health Data Template. The template is a single table with multiple rows for important population health statistics and three columns, one for each of for the populations listed above. See the table template, below.
The goals of constructing the table are to:
▪ Explore relevant online data sources for each population level.
▪ Allow comparisons of relevant health statistics across three populations.
Template Instructions:
• Table Template
o Enter the data into the Template (WORD document).
o Upload the completed document into assignment drop box in Blackboard.
• Year
o Note the year for the data displayed for each population
o Select the same year for each population across the three columns to provide contemporaneous comparisons.
• Missing Data
o If you cannot find the specified data for each community, enter the best you can find
or enter a note on “missing data.”
o Another approach would be to change the variable definition somewhat to get figures for which you can provide equivalent data across the three populations.
Notes on Populations
A = Overall US population.
B = The county or locality of special interest to you.
▪ Enter the name of the county in the table
▪ Demographic characteristics
▪ Health problems
▪ Special needs or vulnerable circumstances
Notes on Health Variables
1. Age of population. For some populations, the age distribution is important. You may want to add more age strata.
2. Percent of population aged under five years.
3. Percent of population who are female, male, transgendered, or other.
4. Race, Ethnicity, or multiple races:
▪ Percent of population that is White/Non-Hispanic, White/Hispanic, Latinx/Hispanic, Black, Other, multiple races
▪ You may also break out other groups
5. Percent of population living in poverty
▪ Total family income under the federal poverty level.
6. Percent of population with education beyond high school
▪ You may also break out other levels of educational attainment
7. Percent of population who are current cigarette smokers.
8. Current overall life expectancy at birth, in years.
9. List the top five causes of death, with rates per 100,000.
10. Percent of adults who are overweight and obese.
11. Select three variables of special interest to you: demographic characteristics, health status measures, health risk behaviors, medical care outcomes and list them in
▪ 11a
▪ 11b
▪ 11c
Additional Notes:
▪ Figures for adults are usually given for non-institutionalized, non-military adults over age 20 years.
▪ Some rates are given as number per 1,000 or 100,000 population.
Answer the Following Questions
1) What are the factors that contribute the differences in life expectancy?
2) What factors contribute the smoking rates?
3) Discuss the importance of knowing the percent of children 5 years and younger (hint: age distribution)
CDC National Center for Health Statistics (Fast Stats): (Links to an external site.)
Quick Facts from the Census Bureau. Provides basic demographic, housing, economic and geographic data for US. Can compare and create tables across US, state, county and city level data. (Links to an external site.)
County Health Rankings and Roadmaps. Explores health rankings of counties across US and compares counties on health outcomes and multiple health factors: health behaviors, clinical care,
social & economic factors and physical environment. Also suggests effective interventions for population health problems.: (Links to an external site.)
County Health Calculator. Allows you to compare counties side by side: (Links to an external site.)
Also, see how a county’s educational and income levels are associated with outcomes for diabetes
and overall health: (Links to an external site.)
American Fact Finder. Demographic and other population characteristics of US populations at national, state, county and metropolitan levels: (links to an external site).
CDC – Stats of the States. Explore selected health stats of individual states. (Links to an external site.)
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) tracks health conditions and risk behaviors in the United States yearly since 1984. (Links to an external site.)
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration – SAMSHA. Fast Finder for stats on mental health and substance use problems: (Links to an external site)
Healthy People 2030. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion created this nationwide agenda for health promotion and disease prevention.
Healthy People 2030 builds off of the 467 objectives from Healthy People 2020. Over 1200 topic areas tracked on this interactive website.
Also shows health disparities in leading health indicators by age, county, disability, income, family type, birth weight and geographic location. (Links to an external site.)
CDC Wonder. Data search engine to track progress on Healthy People 2020. (Links to an external site.)
The Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care. Documents glaring variations in how medical resources are distributed and used across the United States. The project uses Medicare data to provide information and analysis about national, regional and local markets, as well as hospitals and their affiliated physicians. (Links to an external site.)
US County-Level Trends in Mortality Rates for Major Causes of Death, 1980-2014. Dwyer-Lindgren L, Bertozzi-Villa A, Stubbs R, et al. JAMA. 2016;316(22):2385-2401. doi:10.1001/jama.2016.13645. (Links to an external site.)

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Business proposal for your choice of a any healthcare related topic

The project will assess your mastery of the core competencies and main objectives of this course. Students are expected to create a written business plan and accompany it with a visual presentation (e.g. PowerPoint, Video, or other media approved by the professor). The topic should be determined by Module 4. “A traditional business plan typically contains three major elements: organization plan, marketing plan, and a financial plan. The organization segment should describe the management team. The marketing segment should discuss who may use the service and/or product. The financial segment should contain the numbers that illustrate how the project is expected to operate over an initial period of time” (Baker, 2018, pg. 309). Example sections of the business plan may include the following: an executive summary, company description, market analysis/benchmark data, product/service, operations/management roles, marketing strategies, and costs/funding/revenue projections.

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Influencing Health Care Policy

Community Healthcare.

This assignment will provide you with the opportunity to practice influencing policy by communicating with a legislator about a current health problem. The letter should be in block format for a business letter, the letter may be more than one page. You do need to support with evidence. Cite your sources and include a reference page at the end of your letter. Follow the assignment directions and review the rubric.
You can view samples for formatting a business letter on the following link:
Follow the steps below to write a letter advocating for change, go to for an example:
Select a current health problem that is being debated at the national and/or state level (e.g., the proliferation of “pill mills”, pain clinics, etc) and state why it is of interest. Be sure to research your problem.
Identify a legislator (state or federal) and state why that person is the appropriate one to contact, you will show why this is right person to contact based on the supporting data you provided in your letter.
Draft a letter to the legislator in business block format including the proper salutation.
Introduce yourself and your reason for writing. Include the following in the body of your letter:
Introduce yourself and your reason for writing.
State concisely what you understand to be the current socioeconomic, political, and ethical issues surrounding the problem. You must have supporting data (include citations).
Discuss the implications of the problem for your community, nursing or nursing practice.
Make a clear request for action. You must have supporting data (include citations).
Request a response.
Include a reference page beginning on the page following the end of the letter, also include citations in the body of your letter. At least three references are required.
One reference using course materials and 2 from peer-reviewed articles

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Effectiveness of Digital Health Program

Write a literature review about the effectiveness of digital health care programs. What are the pros and cons of these healthcare programs? Your paper should be 7 pages long and formatted in APA style. Inlcude at least 5 scholarly articles.

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Hospitality Law and Ethics

Please ask as many questions you may have.
We were required to visit two sites. One hotel and one restaurant.
The restaurant we visited is called DiValletta and is located at The Grandover Resort and Spa We worked with Jeremy Nash for the visit.
The hotel we visited is Proximity Hotel in Greensboro, NC. We worked with Tiffany Reynolds on this visit.
Report needs to be 5-7 pages typed and I have included pictures on the attached word document.
Pictures 1-12 are the Grandover and Pictures 13-15 are the Proximity Hotel.
Textbook for class is on

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Occupational Health and Safety Paper Help

Assume that the questions are based on Saskatchewan businesses, and the Saskatchewan Employment Act applies to all questions, unless otherwise requested or specified.


(Total – 40 Marks)

You are a Safety and HR consultant in the province of Saskatchewan and have recently seen a huge upswing in your work. Please provide advice to the following consulting clients.

  • You have been approached by Fred Flintstone, who runs a gravel pit just outside of Craik, Saskatchewan. Fred has two questions for you. First, Fred has been approached by one of his employees, Bam Bam, who has a “use as needed” _authorization for medicinal cannabis. Bam Bam has given Fred a doctor’s note that says that Bam Bam can continue to work in any job, with the authorization, even in a gravel pit. Fred says he doesn’t know what condition is being treated by the cannabis, but he wants to know whether he must let Bam Bam on site. Provide Fred with his options for Bam Bam, and whether he can be accommodated on site.

Fred also mentions that the site has had twelve incidents, or near misses, related to the way that one of the loaders is working with one of the delivery trucks. The loader has tipped into, and damaged, three delivery trucks, and there are issues with the shovel (which carries the gravel), releasing the gravel without anyone touching the controls. Advise Fred on how you would recommend reviewing, and dealing with, the safety issues regarding the loader.

  1. Your client Marvel Inc is starting a business in Dilke, Saskatchewan. Black Widow and Shang-Chi will be responsible for a farming operation, farming several genetically modified crops. For the farming operation, Black Widow and Shang-Chi have three questions for you.
  • First, they ask you about a worker who was injured on the job. The worker, Bucky, broke his arm while operating a piece of farm machinery. They want to know how workplace injuries are dealt with, and what steps they need to take in Saskatchewan.
  • Second, Black Widow approaches you, and tells you that one worker, Black Panther, has refused to perform the work that Bucky was doing when he got injured, because Black Panther believes that the work is unusually dangerous. Assume that the work was repair work on a combine, which had been performed by both Bucky and Black Panther before. Advise your client on how to deal with a refusal, and what you think the outcome will be.
  • Finally, Shang-Chi has noticed that one of the employees, Loki, doesn’t appear to be himself. First, he seems to be limping slightly, and a number of co-workers, including Loki’s brother Thor, have come to Shang-Chi expressing concerns that Loki may have suffered an injury, and may also be suffering from some mental health issues. Shang-Chi is wondering whether there is anything you need to do about Loki, given that he hasn’t come to you at all to raise any issues.
  1. Mario and Luigi have returned to Saskatchewan. Instead of a plumbing business, they have decided to get into another industry – _they are opening a restaurant in Leader, Saskatchewan.
    1. Mario and Luigi have come to you for advice on a couple of items: a. Mario is into “experimental” _cooking, which involves the use of chemicals to change the way food looks, or the texture of the food. Mario tells you that he gets the chemicals on the dark net, and he is not exactly sure of the make-up of the chemicals. They are delivered in unlabeled containers. Mario says that he has tested all the food made using the chemicals, and there haven’t been any negative effects. However, he wants to know whether there are any issues with the use of the chemicals in the restaurant once it opens. Advise Mario on what he should (and shouldn’t) be doing about the chemicals.
    2. Luigi has come to you and asked about his planned hiring practices. The restaurant will have a restaurant area, and a lounge/bar area. Luigi’s plan is to hire only females in the bar/lounge, and only males in the restaurant (and in the kitchen). Are there any issues with Luigi’s plans for hiring?
  2. Boba Fett has approached you for some advice on his animal training business. First, he has an employee, Jar Jar Binks, who he has just hired as an animal trainer. Jar Jar has advised Boba that he is allergic to animals and is requesting an accommodation. Advise Boba on Jar Jar’s request.
  • Boba tells you that he’s also dealing with a harassment complaint. One of his employees, Darth Maul, has filed a complaint stating that three other employees – Din Djarin, Grogu, and Ashoka, have been harassing him. First, he says that Grogu is using the force to move him around, and even dangle him as a “toy” in front of the animals, which he considers bullying. Grogu claims that he only moves Maul when he has asked Maul to move, and Maul has refused. Maul claims that Din Djarin and Ahsoka have been picking on him because of the colour of his skin (red and black), as well as his horns. He says that he has resorted to wearing a hood at work, because they wouldn’t even stop the comments after he told them that he was offended. Ahsoka says that she also has different coloured skin, so she cannot be accused of harassment. Din Djarin says he always wears a helmet, so he can’t see how he should know that wearing a hood is a problem. Advise Boba on the harassment issues in the workplace, and any other issues you see from the facts, and provide recommendations.
  1. Following an investigation into your client – Divider-Market’s – workplace, an Occupational Health Officer has issued a Notice of Compliance to Divider Market, requiring that they fix three hazards. Please provide general advice on how you would deal with workplace hazards for Divider Market, as well as the specific analysis of how you would deal with each of the three hazards, and why you chose that method. The three hazards are as follows: a.
  2. People in the bakery appear to be breathing moistly on some of the baked goods as they prepare them. You see this as a potential issue, given the recent issues you experienced with a global pandemic. You also see this as a generally problematic workplace issue. Advise your head baker, Anakin, on how to deal with this issue.
  3. In the produce department, you have learned that one of your employees, Asaaj Ventress, has been changing the “best before” dates on some produce, so that they are purchased after the original best before date. How would you deal with the product, and with the employee?
  4. Your supervisor of sporting goods, Mace Windu, has recently had two employees replace light bulbs, 16 feet in the air, on a rickety ladder. They are up on the ladder by themselves, without anyone else assisting, and without any tie-offs. The law in Saskatchewan for working at heights requires protections when you’re more that 4 feet off the ground. In fact, one worker, Maz, is injured when she falls from a ladder. How would you advise that Mace’s situation be dealt with? What are the risks, and for whom?

Part II – _Choose Two of Three

  1. Choose a local (Saskatchewan) business and provide a ten-point occupational health and safety audit. By 10-point, I mean that you would choose ten items from the workplace and provide an audit and occupational health and safety plan for those ten items, including recommendations. Provide some background information on the business that you’ve chosen, as part of your answer, including the name of the business, the industry, the type of work, and the information you focused on to do your audit and planning.
  2. You are the safety manager at a construction site in Estevan, Saskatchewan. The project has been going along fine, until yesterday. Two incidents occurred yesterday, which your company, Blame Canada Inc, has asked you to investigate.
  3. The first incident is that one of your workers, Stan, has reported that he is being harassed by his supervisor, Mr. Garrison. Stan works in maintenance – _his job is generally to supply water to the site, and to remove waste and sewage from the site. Stan is complaining that Mr. Garrison is making him do undesirable work – _cleaning out the portable washrooms. He also says that he was disciplined for refusing to wear his hardhat (but it wouldn’t fit over his toque). Finally, he says that Mr. Garrison has referred to him, and other workers, as minions. Advise your boss, Mrs. Cartman, about how you would perform the investigation, and what steps you need to take. Let her know what additional information you might need. Provide an initial analysis of whether the behavior complained of is harassment. Finally, provide her with any recommendations that you may have for the situation or the site.
  4. the second incident was a fatality. One of your crane operators, Kyle, who was being supervised by Chef, was lowering a beam into place using a crane. It appears that a worker – _Kenny – _was in the path of the beam. An emergency stop was called, but it turned out that the emergency stop button was not functioning properly, and the beam was dropped on Kenny. You talk to Kyle, and Chef, and they both tell you that Kenny was not supposed to be in that area, and they try to place the blame on him. After replying that they killed Kenny, you ask a few questions, and review some records. It turns out that Chef has not been doing the regular inspections for the crane, and, even when Kyle raised the issue, Chef told Kyle to ignore it and just do his work. Once again, Mrs. Cartman comes to you for advice on who is going to be accountable and liable for the accident. Provide her with advice on who is accountable, and on any penalties that could occur. Provide recommendations on any continuing safety issues on site.
  5. You are an occupational health and safety officer and have been assigned to deal with a case filed by Homer J. Simpson, with respect to his complaint of discriminatory action, filed against his employer, Monty Burns, based on Homer’s work at a nuclear power plant in Rosetown, SK. Homer says that he raised a concern regarding the failure of Mr. Burns to properly label, and dispose of, nuclear waste. Homer says he was fired from his job, because he raised a safety issue with Lenny and Carl, who are members of the Occupational Health and Safety Committee.

When Mr. Burnes learned of the complaint, he instructed his HR and Safety Manager, Smithers, to investigate the complaint. He then told Smithers that Homer was a bad employee, who had a history of absenteeism. He also mentioned that a piece of equipment had to be repaired, at significant cost, after Homer tried to hide his donut stash in the gears of the equipment. Smithers mentions that Homer has already been disciplined for those incidents, but Mr. Burns says that Homer needs to be fired, and the plant can use his past discipline to show that he was a bad worker who should be fired, especially now that he has filed the safety complaint.

Smithers fires Homer. He then investigates and learns that Mr. Burns was not following proper procedure for labelling and disposing of waste. He makes several recommendations, which are implemented. There are no further issues with labelling of waste at the plant.

  • Write a decision, as the Occupational Health Officer, for this matter. Provide recommendations and remedies as part of your decision, regardless of whether you find for Mr. Burns or Homer.




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