Preparedness and Response Partners

What recommendations would you make to help local law enforcement focus their efforts and narrow the list of responsibilities and priorities with regard to terrorism?
Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length.

No references or citations are necessary.


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Body cameras and police brutality

Each student is required to complete the term project, which is a 15-20 page (not counting the cover, abstract, and reference page) research paper in proper APA format. In preparation for the paper, students will submit a thesis statement, an annotated bibliography, and a rough draft.
Proofread the final paper carefully for spelling, punctuation, and missing or duplicated words. Make the effort to ensure that your final paper is clean, tidy, neat, and attractive and is in proper APA format. Be sure to have your final paper ready a day or two before the deadline. This gives you peace of mind and a chance to triple-check. Before handing in your assignment for marking, ask yourself: “Is this the VERY BEST that I can do?”
Proofread your paper.
Once you have submitted the assignment it is automatically run through a plagiarism checker program.
Please include at least 15 sources

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Crosby Manufacturing Corporation Case Study

Read the case Crosby Manufacturing Corporation (Page 203-206) from Kerzner, H. (2017). Project Management Case Studies (Vol. Fifth edition) (Links to an external site.). Wiley. Examine the project management issues in the case, including concerns about the project, timeline, uncertainties about meeting timelines, and consequences.

Overview: In no more than one page, give an overview of the case and the project management issues to be covered in more detail in subsequent sections of the paper. Discuss, in a logical order, the following topics. (You must determine the logical order of these topics as this is part of your grade. See the grading rubric in this week’s folder.). Organize your work using the headings listed in the beginning of each bullet item:

Challenges: Judge the challenges in managing a project such as this.

Impact of variability: Identify the impact of variability on project completion time.

Alternative strategies: Argue the alternative strategies to manage the project to meet client deadlines.

Project schedule: Explain the expected time to finish the project,
and develop a milestone schedule with all major milestones. Identify if and how the project can be completed in eighteen months. Identify three of the potential schedule-related risks.

Implications of diversity/culture: Analyze the implications of diversity/culture. How these implications could change if the
project was being managed in an international setting.

Performance improvement and closure: Anticipate the consequences and recommend project
management principles and tools including auditing tools important to improve project performance. In addition, specify the project closure techniques that can be used to properly close the project.SubmissionWrite a paper addressing the Crosby Manufacturing Corporation case. Your paper should be 8-10 pages in length, not including the required title and references pages and appendices. Diagrams, charts, figures, and tables should be placed in appendices and written about in the body of the paper.

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Attachment and Postpartum Depression

Source #1 Sechi, C., Prino, L. E., Rollé, L., Lucarelli, L., & Vismara, L. (2021). Maternal attachment
representations during pregnancy, perinatal maternal depression, and parenting stress:
Relations to child’s attachment. International Journal of Environmental Research and
Public Health, 19(1), 69.
Source #2 Beleche, A. (2019). Promoting awareness of postpartum mood disorders. Capstone Projects
and Master’s Theses. 714.
1st Slide: Introduce yourself and capture audience’s attention by introducing your topic. Provide the THESIS STATEMENT and tell the audience why your topic
is an interesting and significant topic for child development.
2nd Slide: Discuss the selected sub-topics. Include the topic sentence for each subtopic and provide a short summary of one article as supporting evidence.
(Article 1)
3rd Slide: Discuss the selected sub-topics. Include the topic sentence for each subtopic and provide a short summary of one article as supporting evidence.
(Article 2)
4rth slide: Concluding remarks/ Self-Evaluation
Use the sources I provided on the top of the instructions, please. The topic is attachment and postpartum depression.

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Argumentative Essay for On the Beach

Respond to the following: Based on the outcome of the story, justify why the end of civilization was relegated to ending the way it did by deciding

(1) why this was necessary or

(2) why this never should have occurred.

You must support your claim by integrating each of the following characters by selecting an incident from each of their lives that support your stance. Note: These characters are only: Mary, Dwight, Osborne

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Thomas’ View on the Human Soul

I. Extremely important notes
1. You must double-check all your citations.
2. You address the issues of Aquinas’s view of the soul, the human soul, human nature. I will have a chapter on issues of the separated soul. Please do not address the issues of the separated soul in this chapter.
3. Please avoid some philosophical errors (Please understand the correctly philosophical term, esp. Thomistic Terms).
4. Avoid making contradictory statements in the whole thing.
II. Citation and Footnote
1. For works of Thomas Aquinas: The structure of each article of work of Thomas Aquinas is as follows:
a. Objection: 1, 2, 3 …
b. Answer: Main point of this article
c. Reply to Objections 1, 2, 3 (Thomas Aquinas answer for each objection that they were asked above.
For example 1, QUAESTIONES DISPUTATAE DE ANIMA by Thomas Aquinas
Therefore, you MUST write in the footnote as follow:
If you refer to the section Answer of Article 1, please do: De Anima Art.1, Answer.
If you refer to the section answer to Objections of Article 1,
please do: De Anima Art. 1, Reply 1 or 2 or 3
For example 2 St. Thomas Aquinas, The Summa Theologica, First Part
Please do: ST I. Question? Art. 1, Answer/ or ST. I. Question? Art 1. Reply 1 or 2 or 3
ST I.76.1. answer = (Part I, Question 76, Article 1, answer)
ST I.75.2. Reply 3
For example 3, SUMMA CONTRA GENTILES by Thomas Aquinas
Please do: SCG Bk 1, chapter 1 or 2 or 3
2. For other materials, please use Chicago style Turabian

III. This paper is chapter 1 of my Ph.D. thesis about Thomas’s View on the Human Soul
1. Primary texts: Quote text and involve these texts too much.
Footnote: you do: Thomas’s Commentary Bk.?, lec.? §?

c. St. Thomas Aquinas, The Summa Theologica, First Part St. Thomas Aquinas, The Summa Theologica, First Part
d. SUMMA CONTRA GENTILES by Thomas Aquinas (
Pasnau, Robert_ Shields, Christopher-The philosophy of Aquinas-Oxford University Press (2016) – focus on chapter on the soul, (attached)

4. Content of chapter, addressing:
a. Aristotle’s view on the Soul (COMMENTARY ON ARISTOTLE’S DE ANIMA by Thomas Aquinas) Focus book 2 (quote texts (words of Thomas Aquinas comments on Aristotle) is required)
i. Definition – soul as a substance
ii. Principle of life
iii. Soul as Substantial form
iv. Vegetative/ sensitive soul/ Intellective soul
v. Unicity of the soul
b. Thomas Aquinas: focus on

1. Art. 1: Whether the soul can be a form and a particular thing
2. Art. 3: Whether there is one possible intellect, or intellective soul, for all men
3. Art. 4: Whether it is necessary to admit that an agent intellect exists
4. Art. 5: Whether there is one separately existing agent intellect for all men
5. Art. 8: Whether the rational soul should be united to a body such as man possesses
6. Art. 9: Whether the soul is united to corporeal matter through a medium

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Public Safety Policy and Leadership

The Research Paper shall focus on developing a leadership plan for addressing the leadership issues identified in the Case Study. The research paper should apply the knowledge and skills gained from the required courses of the major and your application of the leadership concepts presented in this course.
Research Paper (20%)
The report will be a paper that focuses on developing a leadership plan for addressing the issue identified in the case study. Information sources must be either peer-reviewed articles, government reports, or other sources approved by your instructor. The research paper should apply the knowledge and skills gained from the required courses of the major and your application of the leadership concepts presented in this course.
The body of the Research Paper shall be 10-12 pages (3,200 to 4,000 word), excluding other material such as the cover page, table of contents, abstract, graphics and tables, and references. The paper shall be presented in the most recent UMGC approved APA format, all margins should be 1”, 12-point font, and be in New Times Roman font style. In the following descending order of preference, information sources must be either peer-reviewed articles, government reports, or other sources approved by your instructor. Internet information sources from other than authoritative sources are discouraged.
Some key points to consider include:
• When developing a leadership plan for addressing the issue, ensure the plan covers how the chain of command, leadership style, and or the process is executed. You are cautioned to not make the plan all about the special gadget, or policy that was utilized.
• You should consider using one of the leadership approaches discussed in the Week 6 lecture on Ethical Leadership and Competing Stakeholders.
• Explain how the plan you developed could be utilized by the leadership of the agency or department involved to effectively manage and or control the public safety event.
• Avoid rehashing the issues already identified in the previous case study; summarize the case study as briefly as possible.
• A majority of the paper should be about the leadership process


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Frederick Douglass Letter of Introduction

My Dear Friend:
YOU remember the old fable of “The Man and the Lion,” where the lion complained that he should not be so misrepresented “when the lions wrote history.”
I am glad the time has come when the “lions write history.” We have been left long enough to gather the character of slavery from the involuntary evidence of the masters. One might, indeed, rest sufficiently satisfied with what, it is evident, must be, in general, the results of such a relation, without seeking farther to find whether they have followed in every instance. Indeed, those who stare at the half-peck of corn a week, and love to count the lashes on the slave’s back, are seldom the “stuff” out of which reformers and abolitionists are to be made. I remember that, in 1838, many were waiting for the results of the West India experiment, before they could come into our ranks. Those “results” have come long ago; but, alas! few of that number have come with them, as converts. A man must be disposed to judge of emancipation by other tests than whether it has increased the produce of sugar,—and to hate slavery for other reasons than because it starves men and whips women,—before he is ready to lay the first stone of his anti-slavery life.

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