Leukemia Cancer Assignment Solution

Leukemia Cancer Assignment Solution

On this essay I would like to have 2 full pages not including the cover page and the abstract itself on one page. APA format and atleast 3 or more reference. You can message me if there any questions.

Please use this website to do your searching.


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Current Trends in Nursing Practice

Current Trends in Nursing Practice

Describe one innovative health care delivery model that incorporates an interdisciplinary care delivery team. How is this advantageous to patient outcomes?

1. Contemporary Nursing: Issues, Trends, and Management
Cherry, B., & Jacob, S. R. (2016). Contemporary nursing: Issues, trends, and management (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. ISBN-13: 9780323390224
1. Contemporary Nursing: Issues, Trends, and Management
Read Chapters 2 and 26 in Contemporary Nursing: Issues, Trends, and Management.

Electronic Resource
1. Establishing a Culturally Competent Master’s and Doctorally Prepared Nursing Workforce
Read “Establishing a Culturally Competent Master’s and Doctorally Prepared Nursing Workforce,” located on the American Association of College of Nursing website.


2. Nursing and Health Reform
Read “Nursing and Health Reform,” located on the Wound Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society website.


3. The Affordable Care Act (ACA)
Read “The Affordable Care Act,” located at the HealthCare.gov website.


4. New Health Care Delivery Models in Health System Reform: Opportunities for Nurses and Their Patients
Read “New Health Care Delivery Models in Health System Reform: Opportunities for Nurses and Their Patients,” by Haney (2010), located on the American Nurses Association website.


1. Health Resources and Services Administration
Explore the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) website.


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Nursing Theorist Video Reflection

Nursing Theorist Video Reflection
During weeks 3 and 6, you will complete a nursing theorist video analysis/reflection of one of the
nursing theorist videos provided in the course. We highly recommend that you watch as many of
these videos as you can throughout the course. This is a great opportunity for you to see and
hear directly from the actual theorists that you are reading about in the text. Click on the Nursing
Theorist Video Link in the main menu on the left to see the collection of videos.
After watching one of the theorist videos, reflect about what you have learned.
Compose a paper that addresses the following:
Explain why you chose to watch this particular theorist’s video.
Describe the parts of your personal philosophy where you agree or disagree with this theorist.
Is there anything that surprised you in the video? If so, what surprised you?
Would you recommend this video to another student? If so, why would you recommend it?
What value did you receive from watching it?
Your paper should be 2–3 pages in length, in APA format, typed in Times New Roman with 12-
point font, and double-spaced with 1″ margins. If outside sources are used, they must be cited

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Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and PTCL

Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and PTCL

1. Lymphoma- Hodkin’s & Non- Hodgkin’s/ PTCL
– What are these? What does it do..? how gets developed, spread..etc. >> * Anatomical explanation
2. Symptoms
3. Cause- Predisposing factor/ Effectors (% percentage & men,women,children)
4. Sign/ Symptoms- (Origin of sign and symptoms) & Diagnosis
5. What does it do to/in our body?
6. Survival rates/death
7. Treatment
(#s Do Not Matter- Please try to be DETAIL as it can be!)

*** Please be DETAIL as it can be. ( & Anatomical expalnation)
***Please use at least 4 sources and 1 book source.

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Nurse-Patient Communication Interdisciplinary and Patient Safety

Nurse-Patient Communication Interdisciplinary and Patient Safety

This assessment requires you address the following topics:
Define the seven principles of patient- clinician communication
Explain how you apply three of the seven principles to your interactions with your own patients
Describe the three methods being used to improve interdisciplinary communication
Choose the one that you think applies best to your own area of practice, or the one that your
area of practice currently uses, and clearly describe how you use it.
Explain the ethical principles that can be applied to issues in patient-clinician communication
Explain the importance of ethics in communication and how patient safety is influenced by good
or bad team communication.

Make sure you also include a clear, separate introduction and conclusion as a part of this
assignment, as these are worth separate points on the grading rubric.
Minimum of four (4) total references: two (2) references from required course materials and two
(2) peer-reviewed references. All references must be no older than five years (unless making a
specific point using a seminal piece of information)
Peer-reviewed references include references from professional data bases such as PubMed or
CINHAL applicable to population and practice area, along with evidence based clinical practice
guidelines. Examples of unacceptable references are Wikipedia, UpToDate, Epocrates,
Medscape, WebMD, hospital organizations, insurance recommendations, & secondary clinical
all the written assignment must follow APA 7th edition formatting, citations and references.
Number of Pages/Words
all papers should have a minimum of 600 words (approximately 2.5 pages) excluding the title
and reference pages.

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ONCOLOGICAL (pediatrics) Annotated Bibliography

ONCOLOGICAL (pediatrics) Annotated Bibliography

Guidelines for Annotated Bibliography
An annotated bibliography (bib) will be completed from a selected nursing journal. The article must be related to the content covered in class the day it is presented. The annotated bib must be shared orally in class. A copy of the article chosen must be submitted with the paper.
For the purpose of this course an annotated bibliography is a brief description and evaluation of an article chosen by the student. The purpose of the annotated bib is to inform class mates of recent research in pediatrics on a chosen subject. The documentation should include a summary of the research, the accuracy of the information, the quality of the study and how the information is relevant to nursing practice.
The annotated bib and oral presentation will be evaluated as follows:
1. 20 points Article is current (2008 or later), pertinent to the class content, and is a research article from a nursing journal. Article should be referenced in APA format & write up should be one to two pages in length.
2. 20 points Written summary of the research (Explain the purpose, methods, reliability, and conclusions of the research)
3. 20 points Critique of the research (Was the article well written and easy to read? Were there any weaknesses or biases noted? Evaluate the reliability of the information?)
4. 20 points Include how the information can be applied to nursing practice?
6. 20 points Oral summary of the article is presented clearly and understandably in an organized manner. Oral presentation is delivered with good voice control. Notes were used to enhance the presentation (not read).

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SOAPNOTE (Get a well-done cheap soapnote from healthhomeworks.com)

SOAPNOTE (Get a well-done cheap soapnote from healthhomeworks.com)

Use the following case to complete a focused SOAP note. Incorporate answers to the questions into your SOAP write up. Please include a detailed history. If elements that you would include if you were interviewing the patient are not included in this case study, acknowledge with language such as”would be important to include patient is a veteran without permanent disability”, “occupation would be of importance here” etc. Lifestyle is always important to include

A 42-year-old male comes into the clinic stating that he has noticed a “lump” in one of his testicles. It is not painful. He says it is behind the right testicle and just slightly above it. His ROS is negative. He has no history of testicular cancer in the family. He has tried manipulating it to see if anything changes but it does not help. He tried ice but it did not go away. He says for a couple of days it hurt a little and he tried elevating the scrotum and that seemed to make the pain go away. He says, “it is kind of like I have a third testicle!”

Upon examination, his vital signs are stable and his exam is unremarkable. You note a painless mass just superior and inferior to the right testicle. You are able to move it and it is freely movable.


List three differentials for this mass. List your top differential first and explain why it is your top differential.

When examining the patient, you examine the scrotum carefully. You note asymmetry with the left hemiscrotum lower than the right. Is this typical?

Typically, scrotal pain only affects one side and is not typically bilateral. True or false?
When palpating, the normal epididymis is more firm than the testis. True or false?
One of the things you can do is transilluminate the testis. For your top dd, will the testis typically transilluminate?

For this patient, is it extremely important to get a semen analysis?

Name 10 testicular disorders that are important to consider when evaluating a testicular mass.

If the patient is having no pain, what is the desired treatment?

If the mass is painful, what is the preferred treatment?

If a patient had to have an orchiectomy, why might counseling be an important intervention?

How often should testicular self-exam be performed?

Why is it best to perform the testicular self-exam after a warm bath or shower?

The differential diagnosis for any testicular disorder should first exclude the possibility of a ________________.

Explain the difference between a spermatocele and a hydrocele.

Testicular malignant neoplasms are very common in the general population.

Testicular cancer is the most common form of cancer in men between the ages of _______.

When documenting the results of the testicular exam, what should it include?
Which of the following require immediate referral?
Torsion of the spermatic cord
Incarcerated scrotal hernia

Why can varicoceles cause infertility?

If there is torsion of the spermatic cord, what are two things that can happen if treatment is delayed?
Testicular tumors have been associated with scrotal trauma. True or false?
What are two things that can result from surgical intervention for testicular tumors?

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DNP-Practice Project Report

DNP-Practice Project

APA Style

15 Pages


I am doing a process improvement paper for my DNP Practicum. The paper is written already but I need the Outcome section to be edited and fix the reference sheet. Please look on pages 9-13. I have highlighted yellow areas to add in-text citations and editing

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Julia is the only child of a professional couple

Julia is the only child of a professional couple

Julia is the only child of a professional couple. Her father is an engineer and her mother is a litigation lawyer who often works long hours. The couple has a stressful lifestyle, and it appears that the stress is reflected in Julia’s care. Sometimes Julia would be driven to one or another babysitter’s homes
at the last minute, when something urgent arises that the couple must attend to. There is very little family time. Unfortunately, their relatives do not live
in the same city, and there is little social support for Julia on a day-to-day basis. The parents were hoping that the daycare center would be helpful, but
so far that has proven to be another issue for Julia. She does not want to participate in activities there and has lots of temper tantrums. She does not
play well with other children. Julia had been toilet trained but has now lost her toilet training and is using diapers again. Julia’s mother started
smoking again due to the recent stress; Julia keeps her up at night, and she is having difficulty dealing with Julia’s multiple issues at home and at the
daycare center.

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