Original Research Article Critique Related to Nursing

Original Research Article Critique Related to Nursing

A research critique demonstrates your ability to critically evaluate an investigative study. Choose
an original or primary research study related to nursing or medicine. The purpose of this
assignment is to review a research study in-depth and to decide whether or not it is a valid
research study that can be used in practice. It is your written evaluation of the study, not just a
summary of the study. References must be w/in 5 years (2015-2020)
The body of your paper should follow APA Style guidelines, and it should 4 pages double-spaced
plus a cover page and reference list.

The full article must be attached to the critique for credit.
Note: Because submission of the article is part of the assignment requirements and is necessary
for grading, any assignment submitted without the accompanying article will be considered
Articles used for one assignment cannot be used for the other assignments. (Students should
find new research articles for each assignment.)
The selected articles should be ORIGINAL RESEARCH STUDIES Review articles, concept
analysis, meta-analysis, meta-synthesis, integrative review, and systemic review should not be
Mixed-methods studies should not be used.
Your critique should include the following:
1. Research Problem/Purpose
Describe the problem as it is presented in the study.
State the purpose of the research.

Have the investigators placed the study problem within the context of existing nursing or
healthcare knowledge?
Will the study solve a problem relevant to nursing?
2. Review of the Literature (may be part of the author’s introduction or conclusion)
Identify the concepts explored in the literature review.
Are the references current in relation to the publication date of the study? If not, what are the
possible reasons for using older sources?
3. Theoretical Framework
Do the authors identify their overall assumptions or a theoretical framework for the study? Are
these assumptions appropriate for the study?
Does the research draw only on nursing theory, or does it draw on theory from other disciplines?
If a formal theory is not identified, suggest one (preferably a nursing theory) that might be
suitable for the study. Various nursing theories can be found at http://www.nursingtheory.org/theories-and-models/
4. Variables/Hypotheses/Questions/Assumptions
What is the research question or the hypothesis? Is it clearly stated or implied?

What are the independent and dependent variables in the hypothesis or research question?
Are the variables clearly defined so that the reader understands the researchers’ interpretation of
the variables?
Is the dependent variable concrete and measurable?
5. Methodology
What type of design (quantitative, qualitative) was used in this study?
Was inductive or deductive reasoning used in this study?
State the sample size and study population, sampling method, and study setting.
Did the investigator choose a probability or non-probability sample?
Describe how the independent variable was tested or surveyed in the study.
Describe how the dependent variable was measured.
Discuss the reliability and the validity (quantitative) or the credibility (qualitative) of the
measurement tools.
How were ethical considerations addressed? What ethical considerations were necessary for this
type of study?
6. Data Analysis
What data analysis method was used?
How were the results in the study presented to the reader?

Discuss at least one (1) finding from the authors’ results and relate it to the dependent variable of
the study.
7. Summary/Conclusions, Implications, and Recommendations
What are strengths and limitations of the study other than those stated by the authors?
Can the researcher generalize the findings to other populations? Explain.
What is the significance of the findings and conclusions for you in your personal nursing
practice? For nursing as a profession?
The body of your paper should be 4 pages double-spaced plus a cover page and a reference
page. The critique must be attached to the article and follow APA Style guidelines. References
used must be w/in 5 years 2015-2020

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Creating a Health Promotion Program

Creating a Health Promotion Program

Your Signature Assignment is your opportunity to combine what you have learned throughout
this class and to show how you meet the learning outcomes of your program.
For this assignment:
Select a population with a health disparity in your community.
(*African American )
Describe the factors that contribute to the disparity: social, racial, cultural, environmental,
religious, etc.
What systems are in place to remedy this situation?
Design a health promotion program that addresses solutions to the disparity in a culturally
competent way.
What barriers will be faced by the population? What barriers will be faced by the public health
What systems will need to be in place to ensure appropriate utilization of the program resources
in order to achieve improvement in health equity within the community?
Your paper should be five to seven pages in length (excluding cover page and reference page).
Use APA (6th ed.) format to style your paper and to cite your sources. Integrate your sources into
the paragraphs and use internal citations pointing to evidence in the literature and supporting
your ideas. You will need to include a reference page listing those sources.

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Obesity Awareness Comparison

Obesity Awareness Comparison

Obesity is not just an American problem; it has become a global concern.
You will explore obesity around the world. You will research information on obesity in the United
States and two other countries, each from different continents.
For this assignment:
Discuss obesity in the United States and the two countries you selected.
What comparisons can be made?
What are the cultural differences in these countries that contribute to obesity?
What are some of the contributing factors to worldwide obesity rates?
What are some social determinants that may contribute to obesity rates?
What are shared causal or associative factors that contribute to the global spread of this
Compile your response into an APA-formatted, three- to four-page paper (excluding cover page
and reference page) that addresses each item listed above.
Use APA (6th ed.) format to style your paper and to cite your sources. Integrate your sources into
the paragraphs and use internal citations pointing to evidence in the literature and supporting
your ideas. You will need to include a reference page listing those sources.

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NHS Smoke-Free Health Harm Campaign in England

NHS Smoke-Free Health Harm Campaign in England

Health Promotion and Policy

This is the name of the campaign: NHS Smoke-Free Health Harm Campaign in England

Please follow the instruction of the question, the most important is :

1. Aims and objectives of the campaign

2. What is the theoretical underpinning of the Campaign

3. Evaluation of the Campaign

4. Effectiveness and impact of the Campaign

5. The strength and weakness of the Campaign

6. Conclusion

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Concepts of Neurological and Musculoskeletal Disorders

Concepts of Neurological and Musculoskeletal Disorders

An understanding of the neurological and musculoskeletal systems is a critically important component of disease and disorder diagnosis and treatment. This importance is magnified by the impact that that these two systems can have on each other.

A variety of factors and circumstances affecting the emergence and severity of issues in one system can also have a role in the performance of the other. Effective analysis often requires an understanding that goes beyond these systems and their mutual impact. For example, patient characteristics such as, racial and ethnic variables can play a role.

Photo Credit: jijomathai – stock.adobe.com An understanding of the symptoms of alterations in neurological and musculoskeletal systems is a critical step in diagnosis and treatment. For APRNs this understanding can also help educate patients and guide them through their treatment plans.

In this Assignment, you examine a case study and analyze the symptoms presented. You identify the elements that may be factors in the diagnosis, and you explain the implications to patient health.

Case Study Week 8 Case Study Scenario 1: 74-year-old male with a history of hypertension and smoking, is having dinner with his wife when he develops sudden onset of difficulty speaking, with drooling from the left side of his mouth, and weakness in his left hand. His wife asks him if he is all right and the patient denies any difficulty. His symptoms progress over the next 10 minutes until he cannot lift his arm and has trouble standing. The patient continues to deny any problems. The wife sits the man in a chair and calls 911. The EMS squad arrives within 5 minutes. Upon arrival in the ED, patient‘s blood pressure was 178/94, pulse 78 and regular, PaO2 97% on room air. Neuro exam – Cranial nerves- Mild left facial droop. Motor- Right arm and leg extremity with 5/5 strength. Left arm cannot resist gravity, left leg with mild drift. Sensation intact. Neglect- Mild neglect to left side of body. Language- Expressive and receptive language intact. Mild to moderate dysarthria. Able to protect airway.

In your Case Study Analysis related to the scenario provided, explain the following: Both the neurological and musculoskeletal pathophysiologic processes that would account for the patient presenting these symptoms.

Any racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning.

How these processes interact to affect the patient.

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Relationship Between Smoking and Lung Cancer

Relationship Between Smoking and Lung Cancer

  1. Different study designs to investigate the relationship between smoking & lung cancer:
  2. Researchers recruited 200 70-year-old former factory workers who had been diagnosed with lung cancer, and an additional 200 70-year-old former factory workers who were screened and found to be free of lung cancer. The study participants were asked about their smoking history during the past 50 years.  Among those with lung cancer, 127 were smokers.  Among those without lung cancer, 35 were smokers.

Study design?                                  Timing?

Using the data above, construct a 2×2 table.  Identify and calculate the appropriate measures of frequency and association.  Interpret your findings.


  1. Researchers recruited a group of 20-year-old factory workers and followed them for 50 years. During the study period, 162 participants were regular cigarette smokers, and 238 were non-smokers.  By the time the participants were 70 years old, 127 of the smokers were diagnosed with lung cancer, as were 73 non-smokers.  None of the study participants were lost to follow-up.

Study design?                                        Timing?

Using the data above, construct a 2×2 table.  Identify and calculate the appropriate measures of frequency and association.  Interpret your findings.

  1. Researchers identified 400 individuals who worked at the same factory in 1930, at which time the workers were all 20 years old. In 2010, using medical records, the researchers assessed smoking behavior and lung cancer over a 50 year period previously.  162 of the workers had been regular cigarette smokes, 127 of whom had been diagnosed with lung cancer during the follow-up period.  238 of the workers were non-smokers, 73 of whom had been diagnosed with lung cancer during the follow-up period.  16 smokers were lost after 25 years, as were 23 non-smokers.

Study design?                                        Timing?         

Using the data from the study above, construct a 2×2 table.  Identify and calculate the appropriate measures of frequency.  Then calculate a difference and a ratio measure of association. Interpret your findings.


  1. Researchers recruited 400 70-year-old former factory workers to take a survey. A lung cancer diagnosis was reported by 127 of 162 smokers.  Diagnosed lung cancer was also reported by 73 of the 238 non-smokers.

Study design?                                        Timing?

Use the data described in the study above to construct a 2×2 table.  Identify and calculate the appropriate measures of frequency.  Then calculate a difference and a ratio measure of association. Interpret your findings.











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Principles of Public Health. Social Determinants of Health.

Principles of Public Health. Social Determinants of Health.

SLO2.Discuss the principles of Public Health and its role in improving health status of communities and populations from a local and global perspective.
SLO3.Describe the social determinants of health, identify patterns of vulnerability and inequality within communities as they relate to health outcomes.
SLO4. Describe the social determinants of health, identify patterns of vulnerability and inequality within communities as they relate to health outcomes.

 Students are provided with the health promotion initiative ‘Strong Fathers, Strong
Families’ (SFSF). This program was an Australian Government initiative that aimed to
promote the role of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander fathers, partners,
grandfathers and uncles, and encourage them to actively participate in their children’s
and families’ lives, particularly in the antenatal period and early childhood
development years.
 Students will explore the aims and objectives of this program to identify the ‘social
determinants of health’ (SDoH) that the program is targeting. Students will provide a
detailed account that describes how targeting these SDoH will improve the health of
this population group.
 It is expected that students will read the project thoroughly to identify at least three
areas from the social, cultural, political, economic and environmental areas (SDoH) of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander life that is being targeted.
 Students will then search through the document provided and complete their own
research for further information and write a 1000 word (+/- 10%) report that clearly
and concisely explains how participants in the project will see improved health in
themselves, their families and their community.
An example of information required:
1. Identify three specific social determinants; ie. housing, education, employment, sense
of identity
2. Identify the target population group (the participants) of this particular part of the
project; older men, young adults, fathers
3. List some of the activities that participants were involved in as part of this program;
i.e. cooking classes, music and dance activities including didgeridoo playing
4. Then explain how working on this social determinant will impact on the health of this
group and the community. This section will require further research to provide
evidential support and strength to the student’s opinion.
For example, when young Aboriginal men participate in cooking classes they learn
about nutrition and healthy eating. This, in turn leads to improved nutrition and diet
for his family. By improving the nutritional status of his children they will have less
absent days from school, improving their literacy and numeracy skills. The greater
impact is addressing the issue of low literacy levels in this population group.

For your written work, it is recommended that you follow these steps:
1. Analyse the question and identify the aims of the work;
2. Brainstorm and draft a first plan;
3. Conduct the necessary reading/research;
4. Further plan the essay or report structure;
5. Write a first draft;
6. Reflect on and get feedback on the first draft;
7. Revise the first draft;
8. Check the final draft for both content and referencing;
9. Submit the assignment.
All work must be substantiated, this means acknowledging the sources of your information
to avoid plagiarism.

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What Health Policy Issue are You Concerned About?

What Health Policy Issue are You Concerned About?

What Health Policy Issue are You Concerned About?

This assignment requires the student to initially do some thinking about what current health care problem, issue or topic is something that you (or someone you know) is interested in or concerned about.  Your interest or concern must be about a health-related problem that can be addressed by government.  This may be the same problem you submitted for the HOMEWORK #1 assignment.  HOWEVER, YOUR ISSUE CANNOT BE ONE CURRENTLY BEING PROPOSED.

You must use the following format (headings) and structure in completing the assignment:  

            Parts A & B: 2 double-spaced pages max!

  1. Identify a health care issue and describe why this issue is of concern and/or interest to you. Include evidence that supports the need for this issue to become a public policy (not an action by the healthcare industry).  YOUR TOPIC SHOULD BE VERY SPECIFIC AND NARROW IN SCOPE, MAKING IT A MORE FEASIBLE AND EFFECTIVE POLICY.  AS NOTED ABOVE, THE ISSUE CANNOT BE ONE CURRENTLY BEING PROPOSED.

You will need to provide reference sources for this information.

  1. Determine what kind of public policy your healthcare issue needs.

identify whether the policy should be a distributive or regulatory policy, and why.

Part C:  4 double-spaced pages

  1. Applying what you have learned in the class, produce a strategy for realizing your desire to have government address your health problem or concern. Your strategy will include the following:
  2. How you plan to accomplish your desire to have government address your problem. This includes:
  3. Identification of special interest groups NOT PART OF GOVERNMENT you will work with to get your issue/concern on the political agenda of policy makers in government.
  4. Determination of how best to advocate/lobby for your issue to government policymakers, including to whom in government you will be targeting your lobbying efforts, and how you plan to get their attention and support.

 C(1): 2 double-spaced pages

  1. Draft a bill that outlines your issue (briefly) and what government should do.

Use the same format and template provided for the “Draft a Bill” homework assignment.

C(2): 2 single-spaced pages

The paper should be a total of 6 pages (not including title page and references) with 1” margins, 11pt font.


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Opioid Abuse

Opioid Abuse

Please pay close attention to the REQUIREMENTS AND RUBRIC. I put opioid for the topic but if there is one you like better from the requirements section feel free to choose another. They are wanting 3 to 5 pages and no set amount of sources. They require the paper to follow the rubic. Im a nurse of 21 tears i have been working overtime in the ER . no time to write a paper. Hospital requires BSN so that’s my story. Please if you have questions and need to reach me texting is the best way.

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