Community Health Needs Assessment

Community Health Needs Assessment

The purpose of this assignment is to apply the public health nursing practice model in order to
write a community needs assessment report. Utilizing the data collected from your Topic 3
chosen population, write a 800-1000 word community needs assessment report with the
following information:
A description of the community or population researched.

Summary of health needs identified through analysis of data.
Description of the data collection method planned for collecting secondary data.
Description of at least one key health issue/need from a nursing diagnosis, including the micro,
meso, and macro level.
Summary of at least one social determinant of the health issue identified.
Brief outline of a plan for addressing the chosen health need.
Include three to five resources in your paper.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide An abstract is
not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to
become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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Nursing Contingency Planning

Nursing Contingency Planning

Treating cover patients will be the contingency plan focus. Do an analysis of your organization’s
contingency plan. Assess whether or not the plan addresses key factors for effective contingency
planning from your readings. Using principles of Clockware and Swarmware create a
contingency plan for your organization taking into consideration present day issues. Present your
findings. Your discussion should be scholarly and have evidence from the literature which should
be cited using APA format

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Health Care Administrator Case Study Project

Health Care Administrator Case Study Project

Strategic management planning is vital in any organization. Baker, Baker, & Dworkin, (2018)
discuss six major components used in the creation of a strategic plan. Throughout the course we
have focused on financial matters of the health care administrator. Upon completion of M6A2
Health Care Administrator Case Study Project Part 1 of the project, the board of directors liked
what they saw and have tasked you with the creation of a revised strategic plan for the hospital
for their approval. You will use the budget you created using McKee & Mckee (2017) Case Study
13.3: North Side Hospital for your financial information and plan.

Review the Case Study 13.3: North Side HospitalPreview the document
Review the Excel workbook tab “M6A2” – completed Cash Budget Form.
Write a strategic plan for North Side Hospital using all components:
Mission Statement
Vision Statement
Organizational Values (for example, teamwork, compassion, community, etc.)
Goals – create a minimum of 3 goals
Objectives – create a minimum of 2 objectives per goal. Include at least one situational analysis
(SWOT) for the objective you believe is your most important objective for the hospital to focus
Performance plans for the objectives– create a minimum of 2 action plans for each objective and
include the tools you will measure performance for accountability and timeliness of the initiatives.
Include benchmarks for your goals (bullet points are recommended).
Integrate in your plan at least one goal to be used for financial planning projections using the
budget sheet. Remember, you must be realistic and work within your cash flow (for example, you
may need to collaborate with another organization in the community to share costs, if needed).
Based on what you learned in this assignment, what, in your opinion, would be the main focus for
North Side Hospital in a five-year strategic plan?
Paper Guidelines:
Your paper should be a total of 3,1/2 – 5 pages long. Use of headings in your paper is required.

You must apply your readings, including the textbook and a minimum of 2 other readings
assigned in your syllabus. Please put your name on the first page of your paper, and in the file
name. You will cite all references using APA 6 Style. Please refer to the Excelsior OWL
“Research Corridor” Resources. Click “Documenting” for the “APA Style” and the “APA Citations”

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Affordable Care Organizations

Affordable Care Organizations

Each case study includes a description of the assignment and a grading rubric. Assignments are
submitted in Blackboard under “Submissions”.
Instructions for Developing Case Study Analysis
Purpose of a case study is to build upon your foundational knowledge gained from the assigned
readings and create an analysis of an assigned topic using critical thinking skills.
Read each case and the questions carefully. Most errors occur when students do not answer the
actual question. I read many interesting papers about the assigned topic that do not answer
questions, and unfortunately do not receive a passing grade, regardless of how well written.
Work is evaluated for a logical approach as well as accurate content. Use Case Study Resources to learn how to approach assignment in terms of critical thinking.
Write a critical analysis of selected theme using evidence based literature and not based on your
own opinions, values or beliefs. This is not an assignment to write summaries of other persons’
work; this is a course where you must demonstrate the ability to think critically and to apply
models and theories to real world situations.
You must know how to conduct research to obtain journal publications — ((evidence-based (EB)
literature))– and how to use the library databases for obtaining information. You can request
assistance from the library staff, if needed. []. The ODU Information Literacy
Tutorials provide you this instruction.
References should be less than 7 years old and a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed journal articles.
Any reputable websites (such as government websites, like the CDC, CMS, etc.) count above
the 5 minimum EB sources. Sources like newspapers, blogs, and Wikipedia are unacceptable for
use as a reference. Use your textbook for your own foundational knowledge but do not quote or
Include an introductory and closing paragraph. Use subheadings to delineate the case questions.
Headings should match the question content. I should not have to guess the topic.
Instructions for Formating Case Study Paper
All typed work should be double-spaced, use Arial or Times New Roman, font size 12.
Basic knowledge of writing is required, such as how to construct a paragraph, an introduction
and closing. This is a technical report written in 3rd person and without contractions (cann’t,
don’t, doesn’t, wont’t, etc.).

Must use APA Style format for entire work: cover page, page numbering, subheadings, citations,
and references.
Cover page must include number and title of case, your name, course number and name (CHP
390 U.S. Healthcare Delivery System), instructor’s name (Dr. Shuman), date of submission, word
count, and ODU Honor Pledge. Headers are not needed so please do not use.
Paper should be 800-1,000 words. Any less indicates insufficient content and is an automatic
failure. Assignments 5% in excess of the word count (50 words) will be penalized. Cover page
and references are excluded from the word count.
Do not use direct quotes, but rather paraphrase original work and include citation and
corresponding reference. See APA Style.
Similarity Index for this assignment is at 20%. Any paper with a similarity index greater than 20%
will be penalized with automatic failure. I only count highlights within the body of the paper.
Sentences typically get highlighted that are too similiar to original work or have improper
citations. You have multiple opportunities for submission so that you can check your work, edit
and resubmit.
Please submit the assignments in the designated Drop Box in BLACKBOARD. NO other
submission method is acceptable. Never email papers to instructor.
All assignments are evaluated using the grading rubric. All grades on BLACKBOARD are final.
Papers less than minimum word count (800 words), with no in-text citations or with highlighting
by SafeAssign in the body of the paper receive an automatic failing grade. See Syllabus,
“Automatic Failing Grades on Assignments.”

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Metformin vs Diet in Controlling Type 2 Diabetes

Metformin vs Diet in Controlling Type 2 Diabetes

Answer the following Question

How effective is Metformin in controlling type 2 diabetes compared with diet alone?

Students will be required to undertake a comparison of current practice to best practice utilizing a systematic literature review approach,

detailing research question formulation, search strategy, critical appraisal, implications for practice and recommendations for practice


Students are expected to submit a comprehensive search strategy and presentation of results.

Then critically appraise the information retrieved and discuss implications for practice and make specific recommendations to improve

research and practice development.

Word limit equivalent to 5,500 words (excluding appendices and references).

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Malpractice in Healthcare and Defended Against Malpractice

Malpractice in Healthcare and Defended Against Malpractice

Annotated Bibliography describing the current state of malpractice in healthcare and how
healthcare professionals respond to and defend against allegations of malpractice.
Specifically, 10 sources dealing with the issues raised by acknowledgment and apology in
malpractice lawsuits:
• Injured patients often sue because they want an explanation of what happened and an apology
for the injuries.
• Statements by the healthcare professional that could be perceived as admissions can create
legal liability in formal litigation.
• Some state laws, and some methods of alternative dispute resolution, help enable the apology
without the liability.
I am attaching the grading rubric for the annotated bibliography.
All sources must meet the below requirements of the assignment:
• At least 10 scholarly sources other than the Bible are included.
• At least 2 sources related to the student’s area of practice are included.
• At least 2 sources related to biblical worldview are included.
• Each citation includes a brief description of the content of the source.
• Each citation includes an explanation of the source’s relevance to the paper.

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Heart Failure; Dementia; Kidney Disease (Healthy People 2020)

Heart Failure; Dementia; Kidney Disease (Healthy People 2020)

Choose a disease process with extensive public health implications (e.g. heart failure, dementia, kidney disease).

Research its impact upon both the national and international community, using such resources as the World Health Organization.

Review the goals of Healthy People 2020 regarding this disease process.

What inequities exist?

Give examples of policies that shape the public nursing response to the disease process.

Apply one of the theories of health maintenance and promotion to the aggregate.

How does systems theory influence policy design?

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Patient Health Protection

Patient Health Protection

To prepare for this discussion, you researched the manner in which the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is designed to add value to the health care setting.

  • Argue the importance of value-added patient services in health care organizations. Support your response with 2–3 examples of value-added patient services that health care providers can offer to patients.
  • Hypothesize the long-term impact of the Affordable Care Act on children’s overall health in the United States. Support your response with at least two examples of said impact.


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Ethical Issues in Electronic Health Records

Identifying and Addressing Ethical Issues in Using Electronic Health Records

Research Proposal Draft
By the due date assigned, write a 1-page paper addressing the sections below of the research
1. Data Analysis Plans
2. Describe plan for data analysis for demographic variables (descriptive statistical tests).
Describe plan for data analysis of study variables (descriptive and inferential statistical test
Please check APA format, loosing points. Also need the same has the last papers, Front page
and a reference page.

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