Potential Natural or Man-made Disaster in Community


Select a potential natural or man-made disaster that could happen in your community. Then,
write a 3- to 4-page paper about the disaster from the community nurse’s perspective.
Section 1: The Disaster, Man-Made or Natural
What disasters may strike your community and why? For example, do you live in “Tornado Alley,”
or has climate change resulted in unusual cold weather snaps or blizzards in your community?
Are you located in a flood plain? Include possible diseases that may result from a natural
disaster, such as tetanus or cholera.
Section 2: The Nursing Response
Formulate responses to the disaster, considering systems and community levels of intervention.
Review websites where a disaster plan may be available for the public, or if one is not currently available, call public health department to see if a disaster plan exists for your community and
what the plan contains.
In addition to reviewing websites for information about your local disaster plan, you will need to
locate best practice/evidence-based practice guidelines in professional literature to determine
whether your community’s disaster plan is as sound as it might be or if there is room for
Section 3: Is My Community Prepared for a Disaster?
What conclusions can you draw about your community’s preparedness plan from having
completed this evaluation?
Rubric Detail
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Name: NURS_4210_Week5_Assignment_Rubric
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Required Content
Descibed a potential local natural or man-made disaster.–

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Effects of Paid Maternity Leave

Topic: The effects of paid maternity leave
Guidelines for Writing the Cause/Effect Essay
Typed MLA formatted Cause/Effect essay, 800 words minimum
Plus typed MLA formatted Works Cited page
Must include in-text citations that identifies when you use the sources in the Works Cited page, at least one per body paragraph
I want one quote per paragraph, no paraphrased sources. I want all your citations to be in quote form.
Paper is to be written in third person
2 Sources, one must be peer reviewed and ALL need to come from a PVCC library database
Must concentrate on either causes or effects, but not both.
Must identify 3 causes or 3 effects, depending on your focus
Papers will be deducted 10 points for each missing requirement listed above. A grade of 0 to 40 will be issued for papers with no citations or works cited page.
Writing the Causal Analysis/Cause Effect Essay
The cause/effect essay can be split into four basic sections: introduction, body, conclusion and Works Cited page. There are also three basi formats for writing a cause/effect:
Single effect with multiple causes–air pollution is the effect, and students would identify several causes;
Single cause with multiple effects–bullying is the cause, and students would establish several effects it has on children;
Causal Chain–this is complicated, and I try to steer students away from this format. Causal chains show a series of causes and effects. For
example. dust storms between Tucson and Phoenix can be deadly causing a chain reaction of accidents. The dust is the initial catalyst. It
causes car A to stop. Car B crashes into Car A. Car C crashes into Car B., etc. Global Warming is a good example of a causal chain topic.
Population increase is causing an increase in traffic and greenhouse gases. It is also causing an increase in deforestation for housing, roads and farming. Deforestation means less plants to take up the CO2 and release O2 into the environment. Each item causes an effect. That effect causes another effect. All of this contributes to global warming.
The Introduction

The introduction introduces the reader to the topic. We’ve all heard that first impressions are important. This is very true in writing as well. The goal is to engage the readers, hook them so they want to read on. One way is to write a narrative. Topics like bullying or divorce hit home.
Beginning with a real case study highlights the issue for readers. This becomes an example that you can refer to throughout the paper. The final sentence in the introduction is usually the thesis statement.
Another way to introduce the topic is to ask a question or questions. What are the main causes of schizophrenia? Who is susceptible? The
student would then begin a brief discussion defining schizophrenia and explaining its significance. Once again, the final sentence would be a thesis statement introducing the main points that will be covered in the paper.
The Body
The body of the essay is separated into paragraphs. Each paragraph covers a single cause or effect. For example, according to the National
Institute of Mental Health, the two main causes of schizophrenia are genetic and environmental. Thus, if I was writing about the causes of
schizophrenia, then I would have a body paragraph on genetic causes of schizophrenia and a body paragraph on the environmental causes.
The global warming example would have separate paragraphs that explain each cause/effect relationship: population increases, increases in air pollution due to traffic exhaust and manufacturing, increases in food production and agriculture, deforestation, all causes for global warming and all intricately linked.
A body paragraph should include the following:
Topic sentence that identifies the topic for the paragraph,
Several sentences that describes the causal relationship,
Evidence from outside sources that corroborates your claim that the causal relationship exists,
MLA formatted in-text citations indicating which source listed on the Works Cited page has provided the evidence,
Quotation marks placed around any information taken verbatim (word for word) from the source,
Summary sentence(s) that draws conclusions from the evidence,
Remember: information from outside sources should be placed in the middle of the paragraph and not at the beginning or the end of the
Be sure and use transitions or bridge sentences between paragraphs.

Draw final conclusions from the key points and evidence provided in the paper;
Tie in the introduction. If you began with a story, draw final conclusions from that story;
If you began with a question(s), refer back to the question(s) and be sure to provide the answer(s).
Works Cited page
A Works Cited page is a type of bibliography that is formatted according to the Modern Language Association’s (MLA) guidelines;
Citations are double spaced and placed in alphabetical order by the author’s last name;
If there is no author, then the title is used;
The first line of each entry is placed on the left margin with subsequent lines of that entry indented a half inch.
More Resources
Cause/Effect Essay from Roane State Community College (Links to an external site.)
Purdue Online Writing Lab–OWL (Links to an external site.)
Submit your final draft here. Before you submit, make sure your essay has:
800 words minimum
Works Cited Page
In-text citations(I want one quote per body paragraph)
MUST USE TWO SOURCES. ONE should be scholarly (peer reviewed), and all have to come from a PVCC library database.
Written in third person
Double spaced
Do not begin the conclusion paragraph with the words “In conclusion” or “In summary.”
Written in Microsoft Word
Must concentrate on either causes or effects

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Evaluation of Quantitative Research Article

You may select an article focusing on a healthcare topic of your choice or an article focusing on one of the following topics: falls and fall
prevention, pain management in children, opioid abuse, hepatitis C, catheter associated urinary tract infections, or hand hygiene and infections in hospitals. You may use the same topic that was used in part A.
Must include full article with assignment.
APA format with at least 1 reference
1. Describe how the researcher addresses the following four areas in the selected journal article:
background or introduction (e.g., the purpose of the study)
review of the literature (e.g., research used to support the study)
data analysis (e.g., how the researcher analyzed the data)
methodology (e.g., research type and sampling methods)
2. Evaluate whether the evidence presented in each of the four areas of the journal article from part B1 supports the outcome of the study and implications for future research.
3. Explain how the protection of human subjects and cultural considerations were addressed by the researcher, using specific information from the journal article from part B.
4. Identify one strength and one limitation of the study.
5. Describe how the evidence from the article in part B informs current nursing practices.
C. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

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Medicare and Medicaid. Quality Improvement Organization (QIO).

Signature Assignment: Medicare and Medicaid
Consider how people qualify to receive Medicare and/or Medicaid and write a paper that addresses the bullets below. There should be four (4) sections in your paper; one for each bullet below. Separate each section in your paper with a clear brief heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Start your paper with an introduction and include a “Conclusion” section that summarizes all topics. This paper should consist of at least 1650 words. APA. 2 sources.
This week reflect upon the Medicare and Medicaid programs to address the following:
• Describe the Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) and explain how the QIO improves policies and healthcare for Medicare beneficiaries.
• Briefly define the qualifications for Medicare and Medicaid benefits. How can qualifications be modified to serve more people who are
considered a vulnerable population?
• Discuss the impact (including at least two positive and two negative aspects) that the ACA has had on benefits and coverage for Medicare and Medicaid recipients.
• Describe your role(s) as a healthcare leader as it applies to the practice of advocating for cost effective care for vulnerable populations.

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Continuing Care Retirement Community: To move or not to move

In this scenario, you are the newly appointed CEO for the Continuing Care Retirement
Community, which is under the large Hospital System. A board retreat is coming up, and you
must help the board with a critical decision: relocate the facility to a more suburban area, or stay
in its current, metropolitan area location. By gaining a solid understanding of the key target ratios
that the Board is responsible for, you may find that a more financially feasible alternative should
be considered.
Click the link below to view the scenario, then return to this assignment to submit your video.

Record and upload a 3- to 4-minute video presenting the points to make to the board in this case
Highlight in detail the pros and cons to staying in the current, metropolitan area.
Highlight in detail the pros and cons to moving to a suburban area.
Prepare and use visual aids to demonstrate the points above.
After you present all your information, provide a solid recommendation with supporting
information on your decision.
click below
To view the scenario, click the link “To Move or Not to Move” below. Then return to this
assignment to submit your video.
Week 6: To Move or Not to Move

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Enhancing Quality and Safety in Healthcare


For this assessment, you will develop a 3-5 page paper that examines a safety quality issue in a
health care setting. You will analyze the issue and examine potential evidence-based and bestpractice solutions from the literature as well as the role of nurses and other stakeholders in
addressing the issue.
Health care organizations and professionals strive to create safe environments for patients;
however, due to the complexity of the health care system, maintaining safety can be a challenge.
Since nurses comprise the largest group of health care professionals, a great deal of responsibility falls in the hands of practicing nurses. Quality improvement (QI) measures and safety improvement plans are effective interventions to reduce medical errors and sentinel
events such as medication errors, falls, infections, and deaths. A 2000 Institute of Medicine
(IOM) report indicated that almost one million people are harmed annually in the United States,
(Kohn et al., 2000) and 210,000–440,000 die as a result of medical errors (Allen, 2013).
The role of the baccalaureate nurse includes identifying and explaining specific patient risk
factors, incorporating evidence-based solutions to improving patient safety and coordinating
care. A solid foundation of knowledge and understanding of safety organizations such as Quality
and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN), the Institute of Medicine (IOM), and The Joint
Commission and its National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs) program is vital to practicing nurses
with regard to providing and promoting safe and effective patient care.
You are encouraged to complete the Identifying Safety Risks and Solutions activity. This activity
offers an opportunity to review a case study and practice identifying safety risks and possible
solutions. We have found that learners who complete course activities and review resources are
more successful with first submissions. Completing course activities is also a way to demonstrate
course engagement. You may also choose to use the scenario in the activity as the basis for
your assessment.

Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
Competency 1: Analyze the elements of a successful quality improvement initiative.
Explain evidence-based and best-practice solutions to improve patient safety related to a specific
patient safety risk and reduce costs.
Competency 2: Analyze factors that lead to patient safety risks.
Explain factors leading to a specific patient safety risk.
Competency 4: Explain the nurse’s role in coordinating care to enhance quality and reduce
Explain how nurses can help coordinate care to increase patient safety and reduce costs.
Identify stakeholders with whom nurses would need to coordinate to drive quality and safety
Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly, evidence-based strategies to communicate in a
manner that supports safe and effective patient care.
Communicate using writing that is clear, logical, and professional with correct grammar and
spelling using current APA style.
Allen, M. (2013). How many die from medical mistakes in U.S. hospitals? Retrieved from
Kohn, L. T., Corrigan, J., & Donaldson, M. S. (Eds.). (2000). To err is human: Building a safer health system. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
Professional Context
As a baccalaureate-prepared nurse, you will be responsible for implementing quality
improvement (QI) and patient safety measures in health care settings. Effective quality
improvement measures result in systemic and organizational changes, ultimately leading to the
development of a patient safety culture.
Consider the hospital-acquired conditions that are not reimbursed under Medicare/Medicaid,
some of which are specific safety issues such as infections, falls, medication errors, and other
concerns that could have been prevented or alleviated with the use of evidence-based
Choose a specific condition of interest and incorporate evidence-based strategies to support
communication and ensure safe and effective care.
For this assessment, consider using one of the following approaches:
Expand on the scenario presented in Vila Health: Identifying Patient Safety Concerns and
analyze a quality improvement (QI) initiative.
Analyze a current issue in clinical practice and identify a quality improvement (QI) initiative in the health care setting.
The purpose of this assessment is to better understand the role of the baccalaureate-prepared
nurse in enhancing quality improvement (QI) measures that address safety risk. This will be
within the specific context of patient safety risks at a health care setting of your choice. You will
do this by exploring the professional guidelines and best practices for improving and maintaining
patient safety in health care settings from organizations such as QSEN and the IOM. Looking
through the lens of these professional best practices to examine the current policies and
procedures currently in place at your chosen organization and the impact on safety measures for
patients, you will consider the role of the nurse in driving quality and safety improvements. You
will identify stakeholders in QI improvement and safety measures as well as consider evidencebased strategies to enhance quality of care and promote safety in the context of your chosen
health care setting.
Be sure that your plan addresses the following, which corresponds to the grading criteria in the
scoring guide. Please study the scoring guide carefully so that you know what is needed for a
distinguished score.
Explain factors leading to a specific patient-safety risk.
Explain evidence-based and best-practice solutions to improve patient safety related to a specific
patient-safety risk and reduce costs.
Explain how nurses can help coordinate care to increase patient safety and reduce costs.

Identify stakeholders with whom nurses would coordinate to drive safety enhancements.
Communicate using writing that is clear, logical, and professional, with correct grammar and
spelling, using current APA style.
Additional Requirements
Length of submission: 3–5 pages, plus title and reference pages.
Number of references: Cite a minimum of 4 sources of scholarly or professional evidence that
support your findings and considerations. Resources should be no more than 5 years old.
APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style.

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Contemporary Global Issues in Nursing and Healthcare

Overview: You will conduct a research project in this class that will involve solving a real-world
contemporary global issue. You will methodically work through a series of seven (7) activities that
will be completed weekly (approximately). Your responses to each of these activities will be the
basis for a discussion post and should be about 250 to 300 words. The Instructor will provide
feedback on your discussion post which you can then incorporate into the final draft of your term
Using the Problem-Solving Worksheet and Weekly Discussion Posts: Each activity is outlined in
the worksheet below. By completing these activities, you will have outlined the key information
that you need to incorporate into your final term paper (which will be submitted separately).
Each activity is worth 15 points. You will upload your response to the appropriate weekly
discussion post. At this point, you will receive feedback from Instructors and classmates. This will
allow you to reflect on the information you have provided, and make improvements to your ideas in your final research paper.
Please provide full references to any article or publication that you mention in each step. You can
choose any commonly accepted citation style (e.g. APA, MLA, Chicago, Vancouver, etc) just use
the same style consistently in your worksheet and term paper.
Individual Research Paper: Your final research paper will be turned in as a separate assignment
on Canvas. Your research paper must incorporate the information you have found in response to
the questions posed in the Problem Solving Worksheet. However, resist the urge to just string
together your discussion posts. Instead, reflect on your earlier activities and discussion posts and
use this information to write a cohesive, thoughtful, researched opinion paper.
Your research paper should be organized into the following four sections using appropriate subheaders. The text of these sub-headers should be tailored to your specific problem.
(a) The public health significance of the problem that has been posted to the class
(b) Root causes/drivers that have helped to create and/or perpetuate the problem
(c) Identify specific hazard(s) and describe how they can affect human health and environmental
(d) Policies and practices that could be applied to reduce the impact of these hazards on human
health and the environment.
Your final research paper must be a minimum of 1250 words (this is a mandatory BACC Core
requirement) and your paper will be evaluated on the following criteria:
i. Accuracy and evidence (30%)
ii. Critical thinking and analysis skills (30%)

iii. Writing quality (20%)
iv. Adherence to format guidelines (10%)
Independent Paper Grading Rubric
Exceeds expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement Does Not Meet Expectations
*Required Elements – These are required BACC Core elements and if not followed, the paper will
be returned to students without being graded.
Word Limits* Paper must be 1250 to 1500 words Paper is less than 1250 words
Citations* Contains at least two reputable sources Contains less than 2 reputable sources
Adherence to format guidelines (10%) – 10pts total
Citation Style All cited works, both text and visual, are done in an approved citation format with
no errors (6pts) All cited works done in an approved citation format with few minor errors. (5pts)
All cited works are done with different formats or with errors. (4pts) Citations present but follow
no approved citation style. (1pt)
Title and section headers Title, Your Name, Course Title, Date, Section headers. Figure labels.
Neatly finished-no errors (4 pts) Evidence of 4. Neatly finished-no errors (3pts) Evidence of 3.
Neatly finished-no errors (2 pt) Evidence of 2. Or poorly finished with errors. (1 pt)
Writing quality (20%) – 20 pts total
Grammar and spelling Proper utilization of grammar including punctuation, spelling, subject and
verb usage with no errors (6pts) Proper utilization of grammar including punctuation, spelling,
subject and verb usage. May have 1-2 minor errors that do not distract the reader. (5pts) Faulty
utilization of grammar including punctuation, spelling, subject and verb usage. Errors sufficient to distract the reader. (4pts) Faulty utilization of grammar including punctuation, spelling, subject
and verb usage. Errors sufficient to impair the reader’s ability to comprehend the meaning. (3pts)
Thesis Statement Clearly and concisely states the paper’s purpose in a single sentence, which is
engaging, and thought-provoking (6pts) Clearly states the paper’s purpose in a single sentence.
(5pts) States the paper’s purpose in a single sentence. (4pts) Incomplete and/or unfocused.
Organization-Structural Development of the Idea Writer demonstrates logical and subtle
sequencing of ideas through well-developed paragraphs; each paragraph has a strong topic
sentence, and transitions are used to enhance organization (8 pts) Paragraph development
present but not perfected. (6 pts) Logical organization; organization of ideas not fully developed.
(4 pts) No evidence of structure or organization. (2pts)
Accuracy and evidence (30%)
Sources Relative and appropriate evidence and examples are used to support all opinions and
facts in the paper. Uses a broad range of sources including journal articles, governmental
reports, or scholarly books that students found outside of the course material. (30-27pts) Relative
and appropriate evidence and examples are used to support all opinions and facts in the paper.
Sources include journal articles, governmental reports, or scholarly books that were presented in
the course. (26-21pts) Relative and appropriate examples are used to support some opinions
and facts in the paper. Sources only from the course material. (20-15pts) Examples and
evidence are missing from paper leaving most opinions and facts unsupported. (15-0pts)
Critical thinking and analysis skills (30%)
Integration of Knowledge The paper demonstrates that the writer fully understands and has applied and integrated 7 concepts learned in the course, course activities, and course
discussions. (30-27pts) The paper demonstrates that the writer fully understands and has
applied and integrated 6 concepts learned in the course, course activities, and course
discussions. (26-21pts) The paper demonstrates that the writer mostly understands and has
applied and integrated 5 concepts learned in the course, course activities, and course
discussions. (20-15pts) The paper demonstrates that the writer mostly understands and has
applied and integrated 4 concepts learned in the course, course activities, and course
discussions. (15-0pts)
Additional formatting guidelines:
• Your paper must include at least two outside sources (ideally more) from reputable sources
(e.g. peer-reviewed journals, governmental agency reports, non-governmental agency reports,
• The paper must have a title and reference section that is labeled (which do not count towards
the word limit)
• The paper must be at least 1250 words and no more than 1500 words.
• The paper must be typed, using standard margins, double spaced, using 12-point Times New
• Your paper should not include bulleted lists
• Charts, graphs, tables, photos are encouraged but do not count towards the word limit. If they
are included, they should be appropriately labeled and referenced, and placed in an appendix
section at the end of the paper, before the reference section.

• References must follow a commonly accepted citation style (e.g. APA, MLA, Chicago,
Vancouver, etc) just use the same style consistently in your term paper. All statistics, data or
researched information must be given a reference mark within the body of the paper, with
complete references organized in a reference section at the end of the paper.
Finally, all papers will be checked for plagiarism using the latest software. If plagiarism or
academic dishonesty is detected, you will be given a zero grade and referred to the Office of
Academic Affairs for appropriate disciplinary action.
H344 – Problem Solving Worksheet
Overview: Throughout the term, you will be asked to complete an activity that will require you to
do research and answer specific questions that are related to the assigned topic. For each
activity, you will compose your answer into a short essay (150-200 words) and post this to the
Paper Discussion Board. The instructor will provide comments on your essays. You should
review these comments and consider them when you use this research to compose your final
Activity and due date Activity
Activity 1
Due End of Week 2
What are the hazards? 1. Describe at least one specific hazard that would result from an earthquake along the Cascadia subduction zone.
2. Explain at least two ways that hazard can adversely affect public health problems.
3. Support your choices with a reference to at least one authoritative source.
Activity Grading Rubric
Exceeds Expectations (10-9pts) Meets Expectations (8-7pts) Needs Improvement (6-0pts)
An important hazard is identified; at least two appropriate examples are provided that explain
how the hazard can impact public health; examples come from reputable sources that are from
outside of class and are appropriately cited. An important hazard is identified; it provides
accurate information explaining how the hazard can impact public health that is appropriately
cited. A hazard is identified; an explanation for how the hazard can affect public health is cursory
or is inaccurate.

Activity 2
Due End of Week 2
Identify a specific event and action to reduce injury 1. Identify a single event that would be
triggered by the disaster and contribute to the public health problem you identified above.
2. Apply a Haddon’s Matrix to brainstorm actions that could be taken pre, during, and post-event that would minimize the potential for injury to people.
Activity 3
Due End of Week 3
Identify vulnerable populations 1. Identify the demographic characteristics of your area.
2. Identify and describe at least two (2) different populations that could be impacted by the
3. Support your choices with a reference to at least one authoritative source.
Activity 4
Due End of Week 5
Identify Food Impact 1. Identify at least one environmental hazard that could arise after the
disaster struck your area.
2. Identify the consequences of getting food to your area, how would you store it, how would you
reduce foodborne illnesses?
3. Food footprint currently and what would happen after a disaster
4. Support your choices with a reference to at least one authoritative source.
Activity 5 

Due End of Week 6
Identify toxic impacts 1. Identify at least one toxic release that could arise after the disaster
struck your area.
2. Identify the consequences of that toxic release on human health.
3. Support your choices with a reference to at least one authoritative source.
Activity 6
Due End of Week 7
Governmental agencies
1. Identify at least one (1) governmental organizations that have the regulatory authority to help
the public prepare
2. Identify at least one (1) source of information that is accessible to the vulnerable populations
you described in Activity 3 that addresses the hazard you have identified
Activity 7
Due End of Week 8
Solutions 1. Identify at least one (1) interventions that can (or should) be put into place to before
an event (reflect on Activity 2) that would reduce the risk posed by the hazard you identified in Activity 4 and Activity 5 (if these are different hazards, then you will be proposing 2
Note- This is your primary prevention plan that addresses the root causes of injury and
environmental damage.

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Correlation Between Substance Abuse and Mental Disorders

Choose a drug: cannnabis, cocain, cigarette, heroine, etc


Conduct a library search for five research articles published in peer-reviewed sources within the
last five years. This will be the first set of articles you will use for your literature review paper later
in the course. As you read the articles, keep notes on each of them using the Synthesis
Worksheet, located in this week’s resources. Download the Synthesis Worksheet, complete it,
and submit it as your assignment.
While completing the assignment, do not cut and paste material directly from the article; instead,
provide a summary in your own words of the key points from each article. Keep direct quotations
to a minimum, and quote only when paraphrasing is difficult—for example, statistics and results.
Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages

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Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Assignment (Solved)

Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Assignment 

The goal of this activity is to allow the student to integrate concepts discussed
throughout the semester related to quality, safety and health IT. The paper will
provide a platform for the student to discuss ideas and observations from past or
current work environments related to quality improvement.
From your work or residency environment, discuss an area where you witnessed
or assisted with quality improvement to improve overall safety. Integrate
concepts discussed or learned throughout your experience and education to
develop the discussion and formulate quality improvement outcomes.
The paper should be no more than 5 pages in length (not including references), be
fully referenced by relevant sources, and include at least the following sections:
I. Introduction
II. History of the problem
III. Discussion of the solution
IV. Relevance to Quality and Safety in a Healthcare Environment
V. References

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