Clinical Question in PICOT Format

Perineal discomfort can be a substantial problem for postpartum patients. What is the best non-pharmacological method of reducing perineal pain post
vaginal delivery?
Week 1 Assignment – EBP Project Introduction and Title Page
Weekly Objective 4 will be addressed in this assignment.
Document: EBP Project Proposal Paper Template
Each group will submit the EBP Project Proposal Paper Template with the Title page. The submission should also include a 2 to 4-page introduction including
the following subheadings:
• Purpose
• Relevance/significance
• Potential outcomes
• Clinical question (in either the PICO or PICOT format)
Additional Criteria to address:
• Title page (use the format provided) (use month of week 5)
• References (located at the end of the EBP Project Proposal Paper Template)
Week 2 Assignment – Group Literature Review and Appraisal
Must complete both a narrative summary and an evidence table that includes a minimum of eight sources representing the best available evidence on the
topic. Tools to appraise the evidence include RAPID, RAPid, AGREE, CASP, and NOTARI. You should include all references cited in the table format using APA.
You are expected to search for the best available evidence and critically appraise the evidence.
It is recommended that you use either the JBI Hierarchy of Evidence or Melnyk’s of evidence (as noted in the “Steps” series) to rank your evidence.
You should develop both an evidence table (see EBP Project Proposal Paper Template) and narrative synthesis. You need to write a very clear, descriiptive,
and in-depth narrative synthesis (4-8 pages) of evidence that reveals the current state of knowledge on the topic [see sample integrative reviews in the lib
guides: Hewitt (2010) and Larret (2009) papers]. Include in the narrative the following:
• Descriiption of common themes found in the literature/sources
• Identification of consistencies and contradictions in the literature/sources
• Identification of gaps in the existing body of knowledge
Criteria to address:
• Introduction to section: PICO(T), keywords, and a minimum of three relevant databases searched
• Table which includes a minimum of 8 sources of evidence
• Narrative Synthesis
• Update References
Week 3 Assignment – Plan for Implementation and Evaluation
This week you will develop a plan that describes the steps for the proposed implementation using the PARIHS framework. Include the following:
• Stakeholders
• Organizational fit (select an appropriate type of organization to determine fit)
• Barriers to EBP implementation with input from RN facilitator
• Facilitation strategies for EBP implementation with input from RN facilitator
• Resources needed
• Timetable for implementation
You will also develop a plan to evaluate the implementation of the EBP project that should include:
• Defining baseline data sources and collection strategies (think about how you will show your starting point)
• Define outcome indicators for your project (these are the objectives or goals).
• Define outcome measures (how will each of the outcomes be measured).
• Define how data will be collected (when and who).
Week 4 Assignment – Final EBP Project Proposal Paper
Please include the following criteria:
• Title Page and Thank You Acknowledgements (faculty, coach, RN facilitator)
• Abstract (Please click NUR 49800 Template for Abstract for instructions and template.)
o Purpose PICO (PICOT) Question
o Significance of the Problem
o Summary of Synthesis of Evidence
o Recommended Implementation for Practice Change
o Conclusions/recommendations (Practice, Education or Research)
o Keywords
• Introduction
• Review of Literature and Synthesis of Evidence including narrative synthesis and table
• Plan for Implementation including table
• Plan for Evaluation including table
• Conclusions, Recommendations, and Implications
• References
• Appendices (if applicable) otherwise you may delete these pages


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