Overview: You will conduct a research project in this class that will involve solving a real-world
contemporary global issue. You will methodically work through a series of seven (7) activities that
will be completed weekly (approximately). Your responses to each of these activities will be the
basis for a discussion post and should be about 250 to 300 words. The Instructor will provide
feedback on your discussion post which you can then incorporate into the final draft of your term
Using the Problem-Solving Worksheet and Weekly Discussion Posts: Each activity is outlined in
the worksheet below. By completing these activities, you will have outlined the key information
that you need to incorporate into your final term paper (which will be submitted separately).
Each activity is worth 15 points. You will upload your response to the appropriate weekly
discussion post. At this point, you will receive feedback from Instructors and classmates. This will
allow you to reflect on the information you have provided, and make improvements to your ideas in your final research paper.
Please provide full references to any article or publication that you mention in each step. You can
choose any commonly accepted citation style (e.g. APA, MLA, Chicago, Vancouver, etc) just use
the same style consistently in your worksheet and term paper.
Individual Research Paper: Your final research paper will be turned in as a separate assignment
on Canvas. Your research paper must incorporate the information you have found in response to
the questions posed in the Problem Solving Worksheet. However, resist the urge to just string
together your discussion posts. Instead, reflect on your earlier activities and discussion posts and
use this information to write a cohesive, thoughtful, researched opinion paper.
Your research paper should be organized into the following four sections using appropriate subheaders. The text of these sub-headers should be tailored to your specific problem.
(a) The public health significance of the problem that has been posted to the class
(b) Root causes/drivers that have helped to create and/or perpetuate the problem
(c) Identify specific hazard(s) and describe how they can affect human health and environmental
(d) Policies and practices that could be applied to reduce the impact of these hazards on human
health and the environment.
Your final research paper must be a minimum of 1250 words (this is a mandatory BACC Core
requirement) and your paper will be evaluated on the following criteria:
i. Accuracy and evidence (30%)
ii. Critical thinking and analysis skills (30%)
iii. Writing quality (20%)
iv. Adherence to format guidelines (10%)
Independent Paper Grading Rubric
Exceeds expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement Does Not Meet Expectations
*Required Elements – These are required BACC Core elements and if not followed, the paper will
be returned to students without being graded.
Word Limits* Paper must be 1250 to 1500 words Paper is less than 1250 words
Citations* Contains at least two reputable sources Contains less than 2 reputable sources
Adherence to format guidelines (10%) – 10pts total
Citation Style All cited works, both text and visual, are done in an approved citation format with
no errors (6pts) All cited works done in an approved citation format with few minor errors. (5pts)
All cited works are done with different formats or with errors. (4pts) Citations present but follow
no approved citation style. (1pt)
Title and section headers Title, Your Name, Course Title, Date, Section headers. Figure labels.
Neatly finished-no errors (4 pts) Evidence of 4. Neatly finished-no errors (3pts) Evidence of 3.
Neatly finished-no errors (2 pt) Evidence of 2. Or poorly finished with errors. (1 pt)
Writing quality (20%) – 20 pts total
Grammar and spelling Proper utilization of grammar including punctuation, spelling, subject and
verb usage with no errors (6pts) Proper utilization of grammar including punctuation, spelling,
subject and verb usage. May have 1-2 minor errors that do not distract the reader. (5pts) Faulty
utilization of grammar including punctuation, spelling, subject and verb usage. Errors sufficient to distract the reader. (4pts) Faulty utilization of grammar including punctuation, spelling, subject
and verb usage. Errors sufficient to impair the reader’s ability to comprehend the meaning. (3pts)
Thesis Statement Clearly and concisely states the paper’s purpose in a single sentence, which is
engaging, and thought-provoking (6pts) Clearly states the paper’s purpose in a single sentence.
(5pts) States the paper’s purpose in a single sentence. (4pts) Incomplete and/or unfocused.
Organization-Structural Development of the Idea Writer demonstrates logical and subtle
sequencing of ideas through well-developed paragraphs; each paragraph has a strong topic
sentence, and transitions are used to enhance organization (8 pts) Paragraph development
present but not perfected. (6 pts) Logical organization; organization of ideas not fully developed.
(4 pts) No evidence of structure or organization. (2pts)
Accuracy and evidence (30%)
Sources Relative and appropriate evidence and examples are used to support all opinions and
facts in the paper. Uses a broad range of sources including journal articles, governmental
reports, or scholarly books that students found outside of the course material. (30-27pts) Relative
and appropriate evidence and examples are used to support all opinions and facts in the paper.
Sources include journal articles, governmental reports, or scholarly books that were presented in
the course. (26-21pts) Relative and appropriate examples are used to support some opinions
and facts in the paper. Sources only from the course material. (20-15pts) Examples and
evidence are missing from paper leaving most opinions and facts unsupported. (15-0pts)
Critical thinking and analysis skills (30%)
Integration of Knowledge The paper demonstrates that the writer fully understands and has applied and integrated 7 concepts learned in the course, course activities, and course
discussions. (30-27pts) The paper demonstrates that the writer fully understands and has
applied and integrated 6 concepts learned in the course, course activities, and course
discussions. (26-21pts) The paper demonstrates that the writer mostly understands and has
applied and integrated 5 concepts learned in the course, course activities, and course
discussions. (20-15pts) The paper demonstrates that the writer mostly understands and has
applied and integrated 4 concepts learned in the course, course activities, and course
discussions. (15-0pts)
Additional formatting guidelines:
• Your paper must include at least two outside sources (ideally more) from reputable sources
(e.g. peer-reviewed journals, governmental agency reports, non-governmental agency reports,
• The paper must have a title and reference section that is labeled (which do not count towards
the word limit)
• The paper must be at least 1250 words and no more than 1500 words.
• The paper must be typed, using standard margins, double spaced, using 12-point Times New
• Your paper should not include bulleted lists
• Charts, graphs, tables, photos are encouraged but do not count towards the word limit. If they
are included, they should be appropriately labeled and referenced, and placed in an appendix
section at the end of the paper, before the reference section.
• References must follow a commonly accepted citation style (e.g. APA, MLA, Chicago,
Vancouver, etc) just use the same style consistently in your term paper. All statistics, data or
researched information must be given a reference mark within the body of the paper, with
complete references organized in a reference section at the end of the paper.
Finally, all papers will be checked for plagiarism using the latest software. If plagiarism or
academic dishonesty is detected, you will be given a zero grade and referred to the Office of
Academic Affairs for appropriate disciplinary action.
H344 – Problem Solving Worksheet
Overview: Throughout the term, you will be asked to complete an activity that will require you to
do research and answer specific questions that are related to the assigned topic. For each
activity, you will compose your answer into a short essay (150-200 words) and post this to the
Paper Discussion Board. The instructor will provide comments on your essays. You should
review these comments and consider them when you use this research to compose your final
Activity and due date Activity
Activity 1
Due End of Week 2
What are the hazards? 1. Describe at least one specific hazard that would result from an earthquake along the Cascadia subduction zone.
2. Explain at least two ways that hazard can adversely affect public health problems.
3. Support your choices with a reference to at least one authoritative source.
Activity Grading Rubric
Exceeds Expectations (10-9pts) Meets Expectations (8-7pts) Needs Improvement (6-0pts)
An important hazard is identified; at least two appropriate examples are provided that explain
how the hazard can impact public health; examples come from reputable sources that are from
outside of class and are appropriately cited. An important hazard is identified; it provides
accurate information explaining how the hazard can impact public health that is appropriately
cited. A hazard is identified; an explanation for how the hazard can affect public health is cursory
or is inaccurate.
Activity 2
Due End of Week 2
Identify a specific event and action to reduce injury 1. Identify a single event that would be
triggered by the disaster and contribute to the public health problem you identified above.
2. Apply a Haddon’s Matrix to brainstorm actions that could be taken pre, during, and post-event that would minimize the potential for injury to people.
Activity 3
Due End of Week 3
Identify vulnerable populations 1. Identify the demographic characteristics of your area.
2. Identify and describe at least two (2) different populations that could be impacted by the
3. Support your choices with a reference to at least one authoritative source.
Activity 4
Due End of Week 5
Identify Food Impact 1. Identify at least one environmental hazard that could arise after the
disaster struck your area.
2. Identify the consequences of getting food to your area, how would you store it, how would you
reduce foodborne illnesses?
3. Food footprint currently and what would happen after a disaster
4. Support your choices with a reference to at least one authoritative source.
Activity 5
Due End of Week 6
Identify toxic impacts 1. Identify at least one toxic release that could arise after the disaster
struck your area.
2. Identify the consequences of that toxic release on human health.
3. Support your choices with a reference to at least one authoritative source.
Activity 6
Due End of Week 7
Governmental agencies
1. Identify at least one (1) governmental organizations that have the regulatory authority to help
the public prepare
2. Identify at least one (1) source of information that is accessible to the vulnerable populations
you described in Activity 3 that addresses the hazard you have identified
Activity 7
Due End of Week 8
Solutions 1. Identify at least one (1) interventions that can (or should) be put into place to before
an event (reflect on Activity 2) that would reduce the risk posed by the hazard you identified in Activity 4 and Activity 5 (if these are different hazards, then you will be proposing 2
Note- This is your primary prevention plan that addresses the root causes of injury and
environmental damage.