Cover Letter for Job Application Help

Write a cover letter for the following position: This position is located in the Department of Veteran Affairs. The Veterans Service Representative (VSR) works as an employee in the Veterans Service Center (VSC) or Pension Management Center (PMC). The VSR explains benefit program and entitlement criteria, conducts interviews, identifies issues, gathers relevant evidence, adjudicates claims, and inputs data necessary to generate the award and notification letters
Primary duties include but are not limited to the following:
Makes determinations as to the eligibility for the type of benefit sought to include questions relating to the adequacy of military service, medical evidence, and the evaluation of evidence of income, employability, dependence, and relationship.
Requests examinations, re-examination, or opinions to evaluate disabilities resulting from diseases or injuries.
Reviews claims cases to assure all issues have been addressed, applies and interprets VA laws, including veterans’ case law, existing statutes and procedures, precedent rulings, and state law in the adjudication process.
May conduct interviews in person or by phone with veterans, representatives, and advocates to explain the full range of VA benefits and related programs.
Prepares and releases correspondence for use by other federal, state, and local agencies.
Utilizes various electronic data processing (EDP) systems to input data for processing claims and generating automated correspondence.
Work Schedule: Full time, Monday through Friday

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