Disorder of Joints. Joint Disorders
There are many disorders associated with our Joints. Some of these disorders are genetic in origin while others result from injuries or overuse. Choose ONE of the disorders below and write a brief description for each of these categories as it pertains to the disease you choose:
- Pathophysiology – how does the disorder affect the body
- Etiology – when does the disorder first show up and how does it progress
- Signs and Symptoms – how does the disorder manifest itself (Note: signs and symptoms are
NOT the same!) - Diagnostic Tools – how do doctors diagnose this disorder
- Treatment Options – how is the disorder managed
- Disorders to choose from (unless there is something you would rather research):
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Writing Requirements:
APA essay format with proper paragraphs and punctuation.
Minimum of two scholarly resources (No Wickipedia!)
Less than 10% can be direct quotations
No word minimum but answers need to be thorough