Early Childhood Development Paper

Part 1 (use at min 150 words per answer)
1. Read Did Your children Receive Tech Gifts? What to Keep in Mind As They Play (2018) by Rhian Evans Allvin published by NAEYC’s Blog.
As tablets, smart phones, and large screen televisions connected to the internet transform households across the country, these devices become part of family gift giving. And, whether someone purchased a technology-related gift for your child or your child used a tablet that was a gift for you, it’s important to think about the quality of the context your children will interact with while using screen media as well as how much time you want your children to spend using tech toys and tools.
2. Review Media Technology on page 368 in Chapter 13 of the course textbook.
Focus your attention on the six guiding principles for use of technology and media by Copple and Bredekamp (2002).
Think about Developmentally Appropriate Practice for a moment and how these principles guide the use of technology within infant, toddler, and preschooler classrooms, either by the teacher or the children.
3. Read Technology and Interactive Media as Tools in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth through Age 8 (2012) by NAEYC and the Fred Rogers Center for Early Learning and Children’s Media.
Focus your attention on the Principles to Guide Appropriate Use of Technology and Interactive Media as Tools in Early Childhood Programs on pages 5 – 12.
Think about Developmentally Appropriate Practice for a moment and how these principles inform the use of technology within infant, toddler, and preschooler classrooms, either by the teacher or the children.
4. Download & Type into the Reflection Guide
Type into this document: Reflection Guide
Part 2 Use remaining count on part 2
Title/Name of resource Supporting Your Child’s Literacy Development at Home
Direct link to resource https://improvingliteracy.org/brief/supporting-your-childs-literacy-development-home
What topic from this week does it relate to?
What specific information does it provide?
Who will benefit from this information?
How will they benefit from this information?
As a teacher, how will you use this information?

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