Reading Response Papers. These responses are short (200-300 words) discussions of one of the assigned readings (see below for details). Reading responses will be graded by a rubric that will be made available on D2L. The reading response should NOT just be a summary of the reading or a review of relevant literature. Instead, the reading response MUST include one of the following elements:
1. Clarification: The author claims p, but I don’t know what is meant by saying p. Here are some suggestions for what “p” might mean.
2. Argument: The author claims p. I think I know what is meant by p. But why does the author claim p? What is the argument for p?
3. Objection: The author claims p and offers an argument for p. But I think that p is problematic. Here’s my objection to p (or to the author’s argument for p): q. What might the author say in response to q?
4. Assistance: The author claims p. I agree with the author that p, but I think the following additional reason (which the author doesn’t mention) can be given in support of p: q
5. Suggestion of parallels: The author claims p. P (or your argument for p) reminds me of so-and-so’s claim that q (or their argument for q).