Globalization Global Healthcare Initiatives

Globalization Global Healthcare Initiatives

Instructions for this assignment
Many professional entities contend that nursing should be considered as a global profession. Research this idea and compose a short paper using APA rules explaining your findings and opinion of whether you agree that nursing has a role in Global Health care initiatives in 400-500 words. Please note that your paper must contain a clear purpose statement, your textbook as a reference and a minimum of 2 other current scholarly references supporting your work. Be sure to include a title page and a separate reference page. Upload in dropbox by due date on course calendar. Be sure to review the RN to BSN Grading
Assignment rubric before writing this paper.
Note: Current references are considered published in the last 5 years. Please see your APA book and or resources. Please check out the library online, also.
Remember that a minimum of 3 scholarly references (with one including your book) must be included. For this assignment, additional, non-scholarly are also welcome in this paper to identify what is being said in newspapers, blogs, other articles.
Grading Criteria
This assignment will be graded according to the BSN assignment rubric located under the grading criteria section from the home page. Remember this is a scholarly paper – refer to your APA book or APA resources on writing scholarly papers.
Learning Outcomes Assessed:
1.Synthesize knowledge from the humanities, natural and behavioral sciences and nursing in meeting human responses to maintain wellness and/or prevent illness
2.Discuss historical issues and trends that impact the emerging role of the professional nurse
Learning assessments:
Identify the characteristics of a profession.
Discuss recommendations of the Institute of Medicine and major nursing organizations regarding transforming nursing education.
Compare early definitions of nursing with contemporary ones.

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