Green economy trends and policy in a country of your choice

Green economy global warming climate change green architecture renewable energy technology economics of carbon sequestration carbon renewable energy generation climate change adaptation green purchase behavior pollution

  1. Instruction for authors for submitting research papers

Submissions should be typed in Times New Roman font size 12, with 1.5 line spacing and with a 1-inch margin on all sides.

               Research Paper (Empirical or Conceptual): 3500 to 4500 words.

Cover Page: Manuscript of a paper should have a cover page providing the title of the paper, the name(s), address (es), phone, e-mail address(es) of all authors and acknowledgements if any. In order to facilitate anonymous review of the papers, please restrict the author-related information only to the cover page.

Manuscript Title: The title of the paper should be in 16-point Times New Roman font. It should be bold typed, centered and fully capitalized.

Abstract: Following the cover page, there should be an ‘Abstract’ page, which should contain the title of the paper, the subtitle ‘Abstract’ and a summary of the paper in single space, not exceeding 150 words. The text of the paper should not start on this page, but on a fresh page with the title of the paper repeated.

Keywords: Abstract must be followed by a list of keywords, subject to a minimum of five. These should be arranged in alphabetical order and be separated by commas with a full stop at the end.

Body of Manuscript: Manuscript must be prepared on standard A4 size paper setting. It must be prepared on a 1.5 spacing and single column with a 1-inch margin set for top, bottom, left and right. It should be typed in 12-point Times New Roman font with page numbers at the bottom-centre of every page.

Headings: All section headings should be in 14-point Times New Roman font and sub-section headings should be in 12-point Times New Roman font. These must be bold-faced, aligned left and fully capitalized. Leave a blank line before each heading.

References: References should be cited in the style prescribed in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 6th Edition. At the end of the text, references should be listed in the alphabetical order of the last names of the authors, with a title REFERENCES (left-aligned) in 14-point Times New Roman. Examples of how the references are to be listed at the end are given below.

Alam, S. S., Ahmad, M., Othman, A. S., Shaari, Z. B. H., & Masukujjaman, M. (2021).

Factors Affecting Photovoltaic Solar Technology Usage Intention among Households in

Malaysia: Model Integration and Empirical Validation. Sustainability, 13(4), 1773.

Best, H., Mayerl, J., 2013. Values, beliefs, attitudes: An empirical study on the structure

of environmental concern and recycling participation. Soc. Sci. Quart. 94 (3), 691–714.

Chan, R.Y. (2001) ‘Determinants of Chinese consumers’ green purchase behavior’,

Psychology & Marketing, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp.389–413.

Di Falco S, Sharma S (2018) Investing in climate change adaptation: motivations and

green incentives in the Fiji Islands. Ecol Econ 154:394–408

Fatima, N., Li, Y., Ahmad, M., Jabeen, G., & Li, X. (2021). Factors influencing

renewable energy generation development: a way to environmental

sustainability. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(37), 51714-51732.

(Joint) Authorship of Papers: Authors should testify to the authenticity and originality of their papers. In case a paper has more authors than one, each of them has to separately testify that he/she has contributed to the paper and that it is an original creation by them.

Notes: Do not use footnotes. Minimize endnotes. If they are unavoidable, number them serially in the text using superscript and list them together on a separate sheet under the heading NOTES immediately following the text of the paper. Notes are not for citing a reference but for offering a significant explanation, which is important for understanding the text, but is tangential to the main idea discussed therein.

  1. Criteria of acceptance:

             The research paper should be relevant to the theme of the conference.

             Plagiarism should be below 20%.

             Novelty; the paper must have a contribution to the existing literature.





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