Interviewing Licensed Professional Counselor LPC
**Grades are based on the Notes on Evaluation of Written Work (posted on our course website) for additional information regarding what constitutes a grade of A, A-, etc. Core Area Standard 1: Professional Counseling Orientation and Ethical Practice Key Performance Indicator: Students will understand counselor professional identity and apply ethical and legal considerations in professional counseling. A grade of 80 indicates that the student has met the expectation for this assignment and the key performance indicator.
- Counselor Interview (CACREP required): This assignment requires to you interview a person in the field who is working, and credentialed, as a Professional Counselor; someone who is credentialed as a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and who is working as such. The preference is to facilitate an in-person interview, however, a virtual interview will also be accepted. Interviews over phone, or through email, are not accepted; there must be some type of face-to-face component involved in this process. Your paper is to reflect the information you gathered and compiled from the following areas:
-Name, credentials, position
-How did you first become interested in pursuing a career as a professional counselor?
-Education & credentialing process
-Describe a “typical day”
-What aspects of your education and training have been most crucial to your success?
-What are the most challenging or difficult aspects of your work?
Ethical dilemmas/issues:
-Name two ethical dilemmas/issues you face in your day-to-day work
-Describe one in detail; what steps were taken to resolve it?
-What do you do for self-care?
Trends/continuing education:
-What recent trends have you noticed in your work area? How has your work been affected?
-What future tends do you foresee?
-What do you do for continuing education in counseling?
Final thoughts:
-If you could do your training and career development again, what might you do differently?
-What advice would you give someone considering a career as a counselor?
-Your thoughts after reflection of your conversation…
Summarize key things you learned from your time during the interview experience and discuss how your own decision to become a professional counselor has been impacted. This paper should be as long as needed to convey the answers to the questions above, and should be double spaced, in APA 7th edition, format. Title page and abstract are required. Please note: approval of the person you are going to interview is required prior to conducting the interview. Once you know whom you are going to interview, please send an email including the person’s name, credentials, and current job for which this individual is working as an LPC. Interviews/papers completed without prior approval will not be accepted.