Julia Chan is a 3.5-year-old girl who just started attending daycare about 1 month ago
Julia Chan is a 3.5-year-old girl who just started attending daycare about 1 month ago. She did not want to go and still exhibits a lot of clinging behavior
when her mother tries to leave; she still cries when her mother eventually does manage to leave. Her mother says that Julia’s atopic dermatitis has
flared up again. Julia has had atopic dermatitis since she was about 6 months old. It had been well controlled by topical corticosteroids and liberal use
of moisturizers. Her recent flare-up began about 2–3 weeks ago. She has not been sleeping well and is constantly trying to scratch her skin at night. Her
mother has been using 100% cotton sheets for her bed since she was an infant. She has sewn mittens on Julia’s 100% cotton pajamas to prevent her
from scratching, because she had previously caused excoriations from scratching, which then became infected. During the day, Julia constantly wants
to scratch her skin but has been told to just “pat” the itchy area. The caregivers at the daycare center keep an eye on her scratching behavior as well but
are not always able to prevent her from scratching herself. They also inform her mother that Julia likes to eat food shared by other children.