Managing brands and brand equity

This unit aims to develop learners’ understanding of the key principles that underpin
Managing brands and brand equity. The module enables you devise a strategic approach to branding for product/service level consistent with the corporate brand. The learners will develop an understanding of how to do marketing from a branding perspective. The learner will gain the skills to establish and position brand strategy, and also manage the brand so it continues to deliver the brand promise. The learners will also important issues involved in building strong brands and in maximising the value of existing brands in various industries and sectors.
Learning Outcomes – the learner will:
Assessment Criteria – the learner can:
1. Understand the concept of brand and how branding relates to other areas of marketing including, sustainability and corporate communications.
1.1 Analyse the concept of a brand, brand elements and brand management.
1.2 Analyse the relationship between corporate communication, corporate branding and individual product branding.
1.3 Evaluate the relationship between brand identity, brand image, brand positioning, and brand personality.
1.4 Evaluate the role of corporate social responsibility and sustainability practices in branding.
2. Understand branding models, brand equity, brand personality, corporate reputation and corporate communication and their interrelations.
2.1 Analyse the factors that drive brand identity and brand positioning.
2.2 Analyse brand personality of a brand or an organisation.
2.3 Analyse the interrelationship between brand. management and corporate reputation to sustain brand equity.
2.4 Evaluate the models of brand equity and the impact of brand equity on organisational success.
2.5 Analyse how brand equity and reputation can be developed through integrated marketing programmes together with a digital presence.
3. Understand the process and factors related to developing and enhancing brand image over time.
3.1 Analyse the main branding challenges in contemporary markets and potential approaches to overcome them.
3.2 Analyse the basis of brand association and brand
3.3 Analyse the process and stages of brand launch
sponsorship and development over time.
4. Understand the development of brand management strategies to meet marketing objectives.
4.1 Justify a brand development strategy and brand management plan.
4.2 Analyse the human and physical resources needed to support the brand plan.
4.3 Evaluate a marketing campaign, including digital & social media campaigns to successfully develop a brand position to meet marketing objectives.
4.4 Evaluate the outcomes of a range of brand metrics to determine the performance of the brand.

You are recently hired as the Head of Brand Management in the company.
The CEO wants you to analyse and develop an effective branding plan for any ONE brand of the chosen organisation.
Task 1 of 1 – Brand Management Report
The following points need to be addressed when preparing the report:
Section A (ACs 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4)
1. Analyse the concept of a brand, brand elements, and brand management. Give examples from your chosen brand.
2. Analyse the relationship between corporate communication, corporate branding and individual product branding at your chosen organisation.
3. Evaluate the relationship between brand identity, brand image, brand positioning, and brand personality for the chosen brand.
4. Evaluate the role of corporate social responsibility and sustainability practices in branding at the chosen organisation.
Section B (ACs 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5)
1. Analyse the factors that drive brand identity and brand positioning. Giving examples from your chosen brand.
2. Analyse brand personality of your chosen brand or chosen organisation.
3. Analyse the interrelationship between brand management and corporate reputation
to sustain brand equity at your chosen organisation.
4. Evaluate the models of brand equity and the impact of brand equity on success of
your chosen organisation.
You are tasked to choose ONE brand from your chosen company. Your report should analyse the current position of the chosen brand, show how the company develops an effective branding and brand development strategy to enhance brand value. Each task must be answered with application, analysis and evaluations of theoretical concepts and models
of branding with references to your chosen organization.
5. Analyse how brand equity and reputation can be developed through integrated marketing programmes together with a digital presence for your chosen brand.
Section C (ACs 3.1, 3.2, 3.3)
1. Analyse the main branding challenges in contemporary markets and potential approaches to overcome them for your chosen brand.
2. Analyse the basis of brand association and brand differentiation. Use examples of your chosen brand.
3. Analyse the process and stages of Brand launch sponsorship and development over time for the chosen brand.
Section D (ACs 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4)
1. Develop and Justify a brand development strategy and brand management plan for the chosen brand.
2. Analyse the human and physical resources needed to support the brand plan for the chosen organisation and the brand.
3. Evaluate a marketing campaign, including digital & social media campaigns to successfully develop the brand position to meet marketing objectives for the chosen organisation and the brand.
4. Evaluate the outcomes of a range of brand metrics to determine the performance of the chosen brand.
• 1x Word file Submission:
• 1x Word file – 4500 words excluding TOC, diagrams, references and appendices
• You should use and cite a range of academic and reliable sources.
• A comprehensive Harvard-style reference list must be included at the end of the
Evidence to be submitted:
• 1 x Word file – 4500 words


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