Nurse’s role in advocating for policy change
In Eastern Asia, Northern Africa, and Southern Asia, maternal mortality has declined by around two thirds. however, the maternal mortality ratio- the proportion of mothers
who do not survive childbirth compared with those who do in developing regions is still 14 times higher than in the developed region.
(Holtz, P13, 2021)
Assignment Details
Identify the need for change. Support with evidence.
Discuss relevant epidemiological trends as well as ethical and cultural issues as a global health issue, that is, why is it a global issue?
Discuss what if any health policy efforts, local or globally, have taken place to support the issue.
Describe your proposed change project including your vision for the project. Include a discussion of future policy efforts that could improve the problem.
Include nursing’s role in advocating for policy change. Identify other professionals, healthcare, and non-healthcare, that would be instrumental to success.
Describe how the change project addresses the epidemiological, ethical, and cultural issues of the problem.
How would you apply change theory in the development of your project including key strategic steps?
Describe how your project will positively impact your chosen global health issue.
Conclude with how you would measure and evaluate the outcome of your proposed project.
APA compliance including a sophisticated introduction with issue/position statement, correct grammar, and conclusion.