Rhabdo or Methanol poisoning or Pneumonia

Assignment Instructions
The task: You are tasked with working on a small case study to extend your knowledge in the
anatomy and physiology related to the case study. The case study represents a disruption to
homeostasis. There are several case studies to choose from and you should choose one case
study that best fits your interests and career goals.
In your written assignment you must identify and discuss the anatomy and physiology associated
with your case study and how it varies from the “normal” anatomy and physiology. To do this you
MUST demonstrate an understanding of how the human body systems and organs normally
function to maintain homeostasis and subsequently describe what goes “wrong” with physiology
and/or anatomical structures. For example what is the role of the gall bladder in a healthy person (Bile storage and secretion), how does a disease such as gall stones affect its normal function
(blocks the bile duct) and how does this affect the person’s physiology (fat metabolism is
disrupted). In your essay you must have a multifaceted approach (eg multiple organs and
multiple organ systems) and discuss how they integrate (integrate = how does a disruption to
homeostasis in the CV system affect the respiratory system?). Inclusion of graphs, images and
flow charts does not contribute to word count.
Word Count: The maximum word count is 1,500 words (non-negotiable; NO +10%; maximum of
1,500 words excluding title page, headings, figures and captions, and reference list).
Due dates and weighting:

You do not need to include diagnosis, prognosis or treatments in your assignment. Anatomy and
physiology is the focus of the assignment.
DRAFT Submission (5%)
Prepare your report using Microsoft Word. Write your responses under the headings and subheadings from the draft document.
Submit your assessment as a PDF to the relevant assignment folder
Common feedback on the Case Based Learning assignment: CBL General Feedback
FINAL Submission (25%)
CBL final assignment template

Title page: Please include a title page that includes: Title, Name, Student ID, Referencing style
and word count.
NB: Submissions must be YOUR original work with appropriate paraphrasing. Any source
material used, must be appropriately referenced.
Academic Integrity: https://www.deakin.edu.au/students/studying/academic-integrity
What referencing style should I use? APA 6
Submit your assessment as a Microsoft Word document (*.docx) or PDF to the assignment
What layout should I use: 11pt font, Arial or Times New Roman, 1.5 line spaces, Do not embed
images around text (eg separate graphs between paragraphs)
Read through the following and chose one of the case studies
Case Study Option # 1: Pneumonia:
Samreet contracts a zoonotic disease which causes pneumonia. Unfortunately, Samreet
develops a mild fever and cough and in addition Samreet experiences acute pulmonary
hypertension during the illness. The doctor advises to stay in bed until the illness passes.
Systems in focus: Respiratory, immune, cardiovascular
Specific questions to consider:
What structural and functional aspects of the lungs are impacted by pneumonia?
How does the immune system identify and respond to the pathogens?
How and why does pneumonia affect pulmonary blood pressure?

Case Study Option #2: Methanol poisoning:
Unbeknownst to Mark, a small brewery had mislabeled their new 80% methanol hand sanitizer
product line as Gin. Mark consumed his purchase and becomes ill within 10 minutes. Mark is
admitted to hospital with metabolic acidosis, increased blood lactate, impaired kidney function
and respiratory distress. Luckily Mark’s case is mild, and he recovers within a day without
Systems in focus: Renal, blood, respiratory
Specific questions to consider:
How will the body respond to the acute metabolic acidosis?
How is glomerular filtration rate affected by the illness?
Why is respiratory function impaired?
Case Study Option # 3: Rabdomyolysis:
Jamal wants to improve his fitness, and attends his first spin cycling class at a local gym. The
exercise intensity is very high, and Jamal’s legs feel very sore after the session. Over the next
two days, Jamal’s legs begin throbbing and his urine turns dark. Jamal’s has elevated venous
myoglobin and creatine kinase, and has a reduced glomerular filtration rate. Jamal is diagnosed
with a mild case of rabdomyolysis, though recovers in a few days with bed rest.
Systems in focus: Skeletal muscle, renal, cardiovascular
Specific questions to consider:
What structural/functional skeletal muscle abnormalities occur with Jamal’s condition? What role do ion channels play in this process?
How are renal processes impaired by the condition?
How can electrolyte balance be disturbed by the condition?

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