You must include the following:
Title slide: introduce your project and yourself – notes should also welcome guests
Identified problem slide: identifies the clinical issue you will address, must contain supporting internal data – notes discuss the bulleted content
Demographics slide: identifies the populations targeted to benefit from the intervention, to conduct the intervention, and the setting for your project – details should be provided for each of the 3 – notes should reflect content
Background slide(s): contains external data that supports the problem with cited references – notes discuss bulleted content and for cited evidence, provide discussion of the type of evidence with acknowledgment of the authors
Evidence Appraisal Summary: You will use your Evidence Appraisal Worksheets to summarize the evidence you have gathered for your project. Include the main points of how the evidence supports the problem and the intervention for the problem.
AIM Statement slide: contains only the statement with proper formatting
Stakeholders slide: identifies key stakeholders – notes discuss the stake they have in the proposed change
Reference slide(s): contains a list of cited sources in APA format
Narrative notes must be included for every slide in the notes section of the slide. They should read as a scriipt to discuss the slide content. They do not need to contain citations or quotations. Be sure you are citing on your slides to show where you are using the information from your references.
This first draft should be from 7-8 slides in length. See the attached Power Point for a visual example of expectations for slide appearance and notes.