This discussion forum has several goals:
(1) to assemble an array of current offers of entry-level, full-time jobs for individuals with a Bachelor Degree in Economics
(2) to evaluate the job offers with respect to desirability
(3) to identify the skills these jobs require
(4) evaluate our own strengths and weaknesses as potential applicants for these jobs.
This is what you have to do:
A. Using an internet job search site of your choice (for example,, find a job that satisfies simultaneously the following five conditions:
(1) The add should have been placed within that past 10 days
(2) Located within 50 miles of New York
(3) Open to those who hold a Bachelor degree in Economics (lists BA/BS in Economics among its education requirements)
(4) Full-time, entry-level
(5) If the job were offered to you, once you graduated, you would be taking it.
B. Why have you chosen this job? List the two (2) most important criteria that you used to choose your most preferred job.
C. Relative to the required qualifications of this job, what are your main strengths? List two areas in which you think you meet or your are close to meeting the required qualifications.
D. Relative to the required qualifications of this job what are the areas in which with think you need to improve the most? List two areas in which you think you will have to work the hardest to meet the required qualifications.
Start a new thread.
Copy and paste the complete add for your most preferred job. Make sure to include the job descritption, resonsibilities, requirements, etc.
List the two (2) most important criteria that you used to choose your most preferrred job
List two areas in which you think you meet or are close to meeting the required qualifications
List two areas in which you think you will have to work the hardest to meet the required qualifications.
Address ALL the questions.