Body Cam Policy Paper
Do not prepare an Executive Summary or a Benefit/Cost Analysis. It is also not necessary for you to prepare an efficiency section unless the articles that you reviewed specifically dealt with the cost of the policy. For example, if you are discussing a comparison between probation and incarceration for first-time drug offenders then some of your sources may compare the relative costs of the two policies.
You are also required to complete a one-page proposal (see below) describing the policy you are planning to analyze and a reference page (APA) of five sources (professional journal articles pushed between 2005 and 2022) you found in your preliminary research. This is due on March 21st. See the
assignments for the first week of class for more information.
1. Read the Policy Analysis Guide found at the end of the syllabus.
2. Select a policy to study; begin research; gather at least 5 sources (professional journals)
3. Draft a one-page proposal describing the policy you are planning to analyze and a reference page of the 5 sources you obtained in APA format. This is due on March 21st.
Optional: Draft the Policy Description section of the paper. This section is on the 28thh of March. I will review your draft and provide suggestions for you to consider when completing your paper.
Examples of policies:
1. Drug treatment for first- and second-time drug offenders instead of imprisonment.
2. Police use of force policies
3. Drug courts or other specialty courts
4. Three strikes.
5. Police body cameras
6. Crisis intervention training for police
7. Bail
8. Multicultural training for police
9. Citizen review boards
Journals which are of particular interest when studying criminal justice policies include Criminology and Criminal Justice, Criminal Justice Policy Review, and the American Journal of Criminal Justice. You may also wish to consult the “PARTIAL LIST OF CRIMINOLOGY/CRIMINAL JUSTICE RELATED JOURNALS”
published by the American Society of Criminology for a more complete listing of acceptable journals which would satisfy the requirements for the course.