Labor Relations Issue in Foreign Country

Instructions: You will complete an in-depth analysis of a current labor event in one of the following countries: China, Hong Kong, France, England/UK, Germany, or Mexico. Pick a single specific topic of labor relations to evaluate, such as strikes, formation, impasse resolution, etc. Pick one of the listed countries to investigate how the chosen labor relations topic is complied with or handled in that country. Research the Internet for 3-5 reputable sources regarding how the issue in the comparison country is handled. Reference the textbook and any chosen additional outside research sources as to how the chosen topic is handled in the United States prepare a comparison between the United States and the chosen alternate country regarding that aspect of labor relations; for instance, a comparison of how negotiation impasse in labor relations bargaining is handled in China compared to the United States. Comparative graphs are encouraged. Also, you are required to integrate the SLU core value of community by discussing it within the context of your paper.
Your paper will be in APA style and in Microsoft Word (.doc or.docx) or rich text format (.rtf), and it will be 5-7 pages in length not including a title page or reference page and any graphics chosen. You must include references to articles or news events discussed as well as at least three additional references to include the text. Refer to the rubric on the next page for grading criteria.

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Freedom in the Workplace

Reading Response Papers. These responses are short (200-300 words) discussions of one of the assigned readings (see below for details). Reading responses will be graded by a rubric that will be made available on D2L. The reading response should NOT just be a summary of the reading or a review of relevant literature. Instead, the reading response MUST include one of the following elements:

1. Clarification: The author claims p, but I don’t know what is meant by saying p. Here are some suggestions for what “p” might mean.

2. Argument: The author claims p. I think I know what is meant by p. But why does the author claim p? What is the argument for p?

3. Objection: The author claims p and offers an argument for p. But I think that p is problematic. Here’s my objection to p (or to the author’s argument for p): q. What might the author say in response to q?

4. Assistance: The author claims p. I agree with the author that p, but I think the following additional reason (which the author doesn’t mention) can be given in support of p: q

5. Suggestion of parallels: The author claims p. P (or your argument for p) reminds me of so-and-so’s claim that q (or their argument for q).

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Nutrition in a Changing World Dietary Analysis Project

The Dietary Analysis Project is an assignment where you will keep track of your dietary intake and exercise over one week. This is not the time to start a diet or exercise program; I want to see your habits. Keep a food and exercise diary indicating when you eat (time), what you eat, and the estimated or exact portion size (use cups, ounces, teaspoons, tablespoons… consistent portions, not “a handful,” bag, etc.), plus any exercise or activities that increase your metabolism or fitness level. The reports generated from using the website are for you to help figure out how your diet measured up to health recommendations. After the program analyzes your intake, you will take the results and summarize them in your own words.

Turn in 2 documents: 1-Your typed food/exercise log and 2- A professionally written paper outlining the composition of your diet and improvements to make. Please use the following order to discuss the nutritional components of your diet. Each of the numbered items below should have its paragraph:

1. Calories. Start by explaining what Calories are and then what your average daily calorie intake was compared to what the program or other reputable resource says will meet your needs.

2. Carbohydrates. Start by explaining what Carbohydrates are, why they are needed, and then what your average daily carbohydrate intake was compared to what the program recommends for you. Discuss in terms of grams and comment on what percentage of your total calories come from Carbohydrates.

3. Protein. Start by explaining what Protein is, why it is needed, and what your average daily protein intake was compared to what the program recommends. Discuss in terms of grams and comment on what percentage of your total calories is made up of Protein.

4. Fat. Start by explaining what Fat is, why it is needed, and your average daily fat intake compared to what the program recommends for you. Discuss your fat information in terms of grams and comment on what percentage of your total calories is made up of Fat.

5. List the Important Vitamins & Minerals that you are consuming in your diet and your values compared to the recommendations for these nutrients (be specific about those analyzed on Fitday). The program will give you discounts for your Sodium, Potassium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Calcium, and Iron, so you will need to discuss them briefly.

6. Fiber (also analyzed in Fitday, link provided: Discuss the roles of fiber and what your consumption is compared to health recommendations.

7. How can you improve your diet and exercise level and come closer to meeting the recommendations? List several things you could do and different foods you could eat regularly to help you do this, and please be realistic. It is essential to consider whether you would swap certain foods, add them or delete them from your usual dietary patterns.

The written summary should be 3-5 pages in length, and you will also need to submit a copy of your food diary with all details (this could be a separate word document or at the beginning of your summary.

(Link if needed:
This website allows you to look up just about any food to find out its nutritional information.)

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How does cultural diversity and social inequality in U.S. society effect criminal law?

The basic format will be a minimum of five paragraphs in length. Please refer to the web addresses below in the Tips for Success as a reference on essay construction. Provide an APA citation for all references used.
There is no maximum page length requirement. Wikipedia is not considered an appropriate source of academic reference. Essays will be examined for grammar, punctuation, and composition as well as the content. The greater the knowledgeable content the better the grade.

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Skill and Employability

The following learning outcomes for the module are applicable to this assignment:
• Evaluate the broad approaches to organisation and management
• Understand the economic environment of business
• Examine the nature of economic activity in the business market
• Identify and understand the main reasons why countries benefit from engaging in international trade with
each other
Resubmission Question
Your response should be 1000 words.
Analyse the causes and consequences of the data on productivity shown below in Figures 1 & 2 from the Office for
National Statistics (ONS) in the BE module on Moodle. Please access the Unit 5 & 6 Discussion Forum to access
International Comparisons of Productivity information from the ONS.

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Police and Code of Silence

II. Abstract :

A. Summarize in less than 5 sentences in a paragraph to include the major issues discussed in your paper. Do not discuss or elaborate on your paper. Just tell the readers the key issues in the paper.

B. Single-spaced.
III. Introduction: state the issues and get readers interested.
Include the following issues:
A. How serious is the problem (drug, gang, corruption…)?
Cite recent news, stories, statistics, facts…
B. Why needs attention?
C. What other issues will be discussed?
IV. Main body :
Elaborate and discuss the main issues with *headings.

A. ____:

B. ____:

C. ____:

D. ____:
E. Programs and Policies:

Discuss how to deal with/manage/control the issues of your topic. (20%) of your grade. Cite 3 or more research & studies,  and not your personal views or comments.


1. Cite evidence (Studies, research, past and current programs/policies) and not personal comments/opinions. No “I” or “you”, & use 3rd  person writing.

2. Do not use/abuse direct quotations unless absolutely necessary. Instead, summarize or paraphrase the main ideas/concepts.

3. Need at least 5 refereed journal articles. Non-academic online sources are not acceptable.

V. Discussion and Conclusion:

A. Recap the major issues and argument of the paper.

B. Provide personal opinions and views.

VI. References

Give detail information on the sources you cited.

*All in-text citations should be included here & vise versa.

*Need at least 7 refereed journal articles with complete publisher’s information, including author (s), year, title, volume, issue and page number. E.g., Kantor, E. (2006). HIV Transmission and Preventions in Prison: HIV Incite
Knowledge Base Chapter, Prison Quarterly, 23, 55-78.

Grading criteria
A. Follow the required formats and sections;
B. Cite the sources;
C. Give headings D. Contents: Organization; logical arguments; creativity; and new information, balanced views
E. References; library research; F. Pages: 9 pages in main content; No need for a cover page. Put paper Title, Abstract and
Introduction on the same first page (please see Sample Paper).

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The muscular system

1. Select one muscle of interest to your group
2. Identify its:
a. Location
b. Name (proper anatomic and common, if applicable, e.g., gastrocnemius and calf muscle)
c. Attachment and insertion
d. Function and why this muscle is of interest to your group (One succinct sentence will suffice)
3. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation that includes:
a. A Title slide (Use the muscle name as your title)
b. One slide each for a, b, c and d above.
c. At a minimum, slide for “a” above must include an image of the muscle

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NCO Academy Leadership Essay help

Please see attached instructions as well as reference ADP 6-22, Army Leadership and the profession. Minimum three pages not including title page and references. APA 7 format needed. Chapter 2: Character and Chapter 5: Leads are the topics most important to me within Army Leadership and the profession. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you!

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Sleep and productivity

Does more sleep make the human body more productive?

Section 1: Introduction (3/4 to 1 page)

One way to think about the structure of an introduction is by relating it to an “upside-down Christmas tree” or a wine glass. In the first paragraph, start broad for your readers. What do your readers need to know about your selected topic? You will slowly become more specific, ending on your specific research question. (Your research question will be your “tree topper” or base of the wine glass.) It may be helpful to write your beginning paragraph first then write your final paragraph. After these two are written, you can connect the two with an additional “stepping stone” paragraph.

  1. Motivate your topic. Give readers some background in case they are unfamiliar with your topic.
  2. Provide some research to motivate your work. (Research articles, newspaper articles, etc.) (3 to 5 sources)
  3. Finish up this section by addressing your specific question.

Section 2: Data (1/4 to 1/2 page)

In this section, you will briefly describe the data that you used and how you analyzed it. Was a survey created and passed out among your classmates? Did you find a dataset online? Did you perform an experiment? If so, how did you do it? You should provide just enough information so that someone else could recreate your work. You must include descriptive statistics of your dataset. This may include bar plots, histograms, box plots, etc. along with some statements of your data’s characteristics.

Section 3: Analysis (3/4 to 1 page)

In this section, you will present your results. This should include any graphs, plots, tables, etc. that will help you make your point. In addition to these results, you will include a few paragraphs to guide your readers (what do you want your readers to see in your results? You should write, in words, what your data show). Be sure that your graphs, plots, tables, etc. are properly formatted!

Section 4: Conclusions (1/2 page)

Finally, you will conclude you paper by summing up your findings. Relate what you found back to your original research question. Be sure to address the following here:

  1. Do your results enforce or refute your original research question? What do you know now that you didn’t know before the study/experiment?
  2. What are the limitations of your work? (Perhaps your sample size was small or you were only able to survey college-aged students.)
  3. Include a few sentences addressing what could be studied next. Does your original question lead to another? Wrap up your paper in a couple of sentences. (Even though it is only a couple of sentences, this is one of the hardest parts to write!)


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War on drugs

The purpose of this paper is to showcase your knowledge and competencies. You are responsible for
demonstrating what you have learned by considering multiple perspectives and referencing a minimum of four
scholarly sources.

Your paper should focus on the following:
Has the War on Drugs achieved its objectives?
Provide a brief history on the War on Drugs.
Has the War on Drugs lowered drug usage?
Has the War on Drugs lowered crime rates?
What are some of the unintended consequences of the War on Drugs and how have they affected offenders,
their families, and communities? Select a minimum of three unintended consequences (some backgrounder in
text starting on page 241 – Do not use our text in your essays).
Has the War on Drugs been a success or failure?
Your research should leave the reader with a good understanding of how the War on Drugs has been a
success or failure.
This paper is worth 50 points toward your final grade. For this paper, you are to address the specific topics listed
above. Outside research is required.

Additional essay requirements include:
Your essay should be 4 – 6 pages

Your essay should include no less than 4 reliable, scientific, peer-reviewed sources (do not use our text)
Your essay should be written using APA formatting, with New Times Roman (12 pt) font, and standard one-inch
Your essay should be uploaded through the Assignment folder directly in Canvas
Your essay will be submitted through Turnitin, ASU’s anti-plagiarism software
Review the grading rubric for these assignments for more details

Writing Format for Critical Analysis #3 requires APA style formatting and must include:
Title Page
In-text APA formatted citations
APA formatted
Reference page

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