Labor and Human Resources and Ethics

READ: Harvard Business Review Case Study: Culture Clash in the Boardroom. (SEE attached document Case Study Culture).
Dolf Schulman has also asked for your advice on how to handle Chen Dong’s proposed adjustments of operating procedure:
regarding cost-containment versus employee safety regarding gifts and commissions.
Use all eight steps of the Approach to analyze each issue (cost containment versus employee safety, and regarding gifts and commissions); your use of the approach should be evident/identifiable in your analysis of each. (SEE attached document as a source of reference titled EIGHT (8) Steps…etc)
Then, give Dolf your professional recommendation on how you believe he should respond, complete with supporting logic rooted in your Eight-Step analyses.

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Presenting Statistical Results for Decision Making

This is a 2 portion a PP presentation and a 4-page summary. There are several attachments that I copied from the simulation. The first email you receive in the simulation is from David Brooks then Rick. If you have difficulty finding the next slide, please let me know.

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Girls Like US

Read the book Girls Like Us by Rachel Lloyd from chapters 10-12, then read Human Trafficking: A Comprehensive Exploration of Modern Day Slavery book by Christine White, Shelby Hickman, and Wendy Stickle from chapters 8-9. after you read the chapters, you will identify and briefly explain the main issue discussed in each of the assigned Girls Like Us chapters and RELATE each of those issues to the human trafficking book. (In addition, relate at least 2 of the main issues discussed in the assigned chapters of Girls Like Us to CURRENT NEWS items) In the end, Come up with 3-4 discussion questions that are open-ended, thoughtful, and show that you have read and understood the issues discussed in the chapter.

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Confucian philosophy

At the heart of Confucian philosophy, what is the idea and practice of moral self-cultivation. What implications does this have for the application of criminal justice?

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Fishbone Diagram Project

Read the U.S. Chemical Safety Board investigation report of the 2007 propane explosion at the Little General Store in Ghent, WV. The final report can be read/downloaded at the following link:
Additional information on the incident, including a video summary, can be found at the following link:

Complete the assignment as detailed below.
Part I: fishbone diagram that illustrates the relationship between the causal factors and the accident. In your diagram, the backbone of the fish should represent the accident, and the big bones should represent the people, procedures, environment, equipment, and policies.
Part II: On a separate page, discuss what new information about the accident is revealed in the chart, and describe how that information might be used to identify potential corrective actions. This part of the assignment should be a minimum of one page in length.
Upload Parts I and II as a single document. For Part II of the assignment, you should use academic sources to support your thoughts. Any outside sources used, including the sources mentioned in the assignment, must be cited using APA format and must be included on a references page.

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Personal Ethical Action Plan

Personal Ethical Action Plan (“PEAP”) – Instructions & Assessment Rubric


The PEAP supports your learning in important ways. It entails drafting—and revising—a multi-part, self-reflection portfolio of between 2,200 and 3,000 words total.

The purpose of this assignment is to:

  1. Increase your self-awareness in terms of the values, emotions, cognitions, and environmental factors influencing your work-related actions and behaviors
  2. Challenge you to think about the impact of your values, emotions, cognitions, actions, and behaviors on factors external to you (i.e., other people at work and your broader work environment)
  3. Deepen your understanding and application of course concepts
  4. Develop your formal writing skills for communicating with a variety of audiences (e.g., professional audiences, the general public)
  5. Advance your critical thinking and argumentation skills
PEAP Component Min words Max words
Introduction 100 175
P1 A Tale of of Two Stories 400 500
P2 Role Models as Moral Prototypes 150 250
P3 Professional Purpose 150 250
P4 Reasons and Rationalizations: A Cognitive-Emotional Analysis 350 450
P5 Strengths and Opportunities for Improvement: A Behavioral Analysis 450 600
P6 What You Have Learned and What You Will Do With It 500 600
Conclusion 100 175
Appendices (at least 3, as many as you wish). Appendices should appear after the Conclusion. n/a n/a
Total 2,200 3,000

Open your PEAP with an Introduction paragraph (100-175 words)

PART 1. A Tale of Two Stories (400-500 words)

Write “A Tale of Two Stories” reflection in paragraph format based on your completed “A Tale of Two Stories” worksheet (adapted from GVV Appendix B).

This section should be written through a values lens. The values-related questions are highlighted in orange in your worksheet to emphasize this.

Appendix 1: Your top five values (print screen from your “Values, etc.” survey)

Most relevant GVV sections: Chapters 2-3 and Appendix B

PART 2. Role Models as Moral Prototypes (150-250 words)

Begin this part with, “I want to do right by ______________.”  (fill in the blank with the name of a person who is your role model)

Identify a living role model who you look up to and deeply respect, and clarify ways in which they motivate your ethical excellence in decision making and behaviors at work. Answer the following questions in your PEAP Part 2:

  • What does your role model mean to you: what values do they remind you of? What memories do they evoke when you think of them? What motivations does it surface when you think of them?
  • Where will you display a photo of your role model? Based on this plan, when/in what situations will you see it? When/in what situations will others see it?

Appendix 2: A photo of your role model

Most relevant GVV sections: Chapter 2

PART 3. Professional Purpose (150-250 words)

Write a new version of your LinkedIn “About” section with an eye toward ethical excellence. This is a public-facing message that communicates important information about you to existing and potential (i.e., new) contacts.

Answer the following questions in your PEAP Part 3:

  • What do you wish to achieve in your career (e.g., in the next 3-5 years) and how will you reach this/these achievement(s)?
    • Guided by what value(s)? Exhibiting what behavior(s)?
  • What have you achieved in your career so far and how have you reached this/these achievement(s)?
    • Guided by what value(s)? Exhibiting what behavior(s)?

Appendix 3: A printout/PDF of your LinkedIn profile. (It does not need to incorporate this new addition yet. Rather, this printout/PDF contains the content of the page to which you can add your Professional Purpose statement when you are ready.)

Most relevant GVV sections: Chapter 5

PART 4. Reasons and Rationalizations: A Cognitive-Emotional Analysis (350-450 words)

Between T&N and GVV, we have read about many cognitive biases and emotions that arise when we confront ethical dilemmas. Many of the cognitive biases referred to in GVV Ch. 8 are actually dimensions of moral disengagement.

In this part of your PEAP, discuss a recent (past 2 years) work-related ethical dilemma. Identify and describe the cognitive biases and emotions that arose and reflect on how they influenced your actions and behaviors.

Discuss at least three cognitive-emotional course concepts, with at least one of them being a cognitive bias and at least one of them being an emotion. For each cognitive bias or emotion:

  • Identify it (i.e., name it and ensure that it is accurate)
  • Define or describe it (e.g., “this cognitive bias refers to..” or “this cognitive bias entails…” or “this cognitive bias is defined as…”)
  • Illustrate it with an example. In your example, you should be the person experiencing the cognitive bias/emotion.

Most relevant GVV sections: Chapter 8

PART 5. Strengths and Weaknesses: A Behavioral Analysis (450-600 words)

Discuss 1-2 key strengths and 1-2 key weaknesses (opportunities for improvement) in terms of ethical excellence. Aim for a balanced discussion with mostly equal parts allotted to each discussed strength and improvement opportunity.

The purpose of your PEAP Part 5 is to identify and analyze ways in which behaviors that you display enable your ethical excellence and ways in which behaviors that you display disables your ethical excellence.

PEAP Part 5 should be written through a behavioral lens (i.e., focused on observable [in]action). Specifically, your self-analysis of strengths/weaknesses may discuss behaviors as strengths/weaknesses themselves (e.g., frequently displaying constructive ethical voice may be a strength of yours) OR may discuss behaviors as outcomes of your strengths/weaknesses (e.g., perspective taking may be a cognitive strength of yours which has behavioral outcomes or impacts). Not all of your strengths and weaknesses need to be behaviors themselves, but each strength/weakness discussed should be connected to behaviors in your writing.

For each strength/weakness:

  • Identify it (i.e., name it and ensure that it is accurate)
  • Define or describe it (e.g., “this strength is cognitive and refers to…” or “this strength is behavioral and is defined as …”)
  • Provide evidence in support of your claim that this is a strength/weakness
  • Discuss its impact (i.e., how does it enable or disable ethical excellence? for whom does it matter/who does it affect?)

Most relevant GVV sections: Chapter 3

PART 6. What You Have Learned and What You Will Do With It (500-600 words)

Part 6 is a synthesis section that brings together Parts 1 through 5, captures your key insights or lessons learned and identifies tactics you will use to support your ethical excellence moving forward.

Answer the following three main questions in your PEAP Part 6:

  • What lessons have you learned through your self-analysis? Ways to answer this question may include discussing the following (these are just ideas to consider):
    • Lessons learned from your own bad/unethical behaviors (given you are a good person)
    • Lessons learned from observing other good people’s bad behaviors
    • Lessons learned when you successfully transformed bad behaviors into ethical excellence, especially in a bad work context
    • Lessons learned from experimenting with pre-scripting enablers
    • Lessons learned from observing others (e.g., coworkers) using pre-scripted enablers
    • Lessons learned about the relationship between values, traits/tendencies, behaviors, cognitions, emotions, work roles, and/or work contexts
  • Building on your self-analysis in your PEAP Part 5, how will you amplify your strengths (and their impact) and neutralize your weaknesses (reducing their impact) moving forward?
  • Based on your own experience and/or observations of others, (a) what pre-scripts will be most helpful for you in amplifying your strengths (and their impact) and neutralizing your weaknesses (and their impact) and (b) provide a concrete example or illustration of successful use of this pre-script

Most relevant GVV sections: Chapter 3 & 7

Complete your PEAP with a Conclusion paragraph (100-175 words)

Appendices should follow your Conclusion section.

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How and why States comply with international law

1. What was the influence of Machiavelli, Locke, and Hobbes on Political Theory? What is the realist view of the world and how has realist thought evolved in the 20th century? What are the basic features and differences between liberalism and realism thought and how have both evolved in the 20th Century? What theory (realism, liberalism, and constructivism) do you think provides the best explanation for global politics and can work best in international relations today? Thinking about Ukraine which theory could end the conflict by getting Russia out of Ukraine?

2. What is globalization and how does it affect the Global North and South? Explain why the benefits of globalization have been distributed unevenly. What is the role of MNCs in Globalization? How has technology contributed to globalization? Discuss the causes and consequences of the globalization of finance. Discuss the factors that cross state borders and why global problems cannot be solved unilaterally. What role does trade impact Globalization? Does Globalization make States more or less relevant? Why? Looking at the three levels of analysis where is the power in international politics, with NGO’s or IGO’s?

3. What is the history of the Global Political Economy in the 20th Century? What are the differences between liberalism and mercantilism? Explain the role of the Global North in the establishment of international economic regimes. Why is the North concerned about the economies of the Global South? Discuss the changes in the postwar monetary regime from the period of after World War II to today. Explain how the Bretton Woods system sought to stabilize the international monetary system. What are the advantages and disadvantages of free trade in the current international monetary system? What needs to be done to improve the economic lives of people in the Global South? Why is the EU important to Ukraine’s future?

4. From a theoretical perspective, explain how and why States comply with international law. How has international law addressed war and aggression? Compare/contrast the views regarding just war. In your opinion, was the war in Iraq just? Does it meet the criteria of jus ad Bellum and jus in Bello? In your opinion, when should the international community intervene in the affairs of other countries? Would going to Iran to stop their nuclear development be an acceptable action?

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Global Political Economy in the 20th Century

1. What was the influence of Machiavelli, Locke, and Hobbes on Political Theory? What is the realist view of the world and how has realist thought evolved in the 20th century? What are the basic features and differences between liberalism and realism thought and how have both evolved in the 20th Century? What theory (realism, liberalism, and constructivism) do you think provides the best explanation for global politics and can work best in international relations today? Thinking about Ukraine which theory could end the conflict by getting Russia out of Ukraine?

2. What is globalization and how does it affect the Global North and South? Explain why the benefits of globalization have been distributed unevenly. What is the role of MNCs in Globalization? How has technology contributed to globalization? Discuss the causes and consequences of the globalization of finance. Discuss the factors that cross state borders and why global problems cannot be solved unilaterally. What role does trade impact Globalization? Does Globalization make States more or less relevant? Why? Looking at the three levels of analysis where is the power in international politics, with NGO’s or IGO’s?

3. What is the history of the Global Political Economy in the 20th Century? What are the differences between liberalism and mercantilism? Explain the role of the Global North in the establishment of international economic regimes. Why is the North concerned about the economies of the Global South? Discuss the changes in the postwar monetary regime from the period of after World War II to today. Explain how the Bretton Woods system sought to stabilize the international monetary system. What are the advantages and disadvantages of free trade in the current international monetary system? What needs to be done to improve the economic lives of people in the Global South? Why is the EU important to Ukraine’s future?

4. From a theoretical perspective, explain how and why States comply with international law. How has international law addressed war and aggression? Compare/contrast the views regarding just war. In your opinion, was the war in Iraq just? Does it meet the criteria of jus ad Bellum and jus in Bello? In your opinion, when should the international community intervene in the affairs of other countries? Would going to Iran to stop their nuclear development be an acceptable action?

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Globalization and effect on the Global North and South

1. What was the influence of Machiavelli, Locke, and Hobbes on Political Theory? What is the realist view of the world and how has realist thought evolved in the 20th century? What are the basic features and differences between liberalism and realism thought and how have both evolved in the 20th Century? What theory (realism, liberalism, and constructivism) do you think provides the best explanation for global politics and can work best in international relations today? Thinking about Ukraine which theory could end the conflict by getting Russia out of Ukraine?

2. What is globalization and how does it affect the Global North and South? Explain why the benefits of globalization have been distributed unevenly. What is the role of MNCs in Globalization? How has technology contributed to globalization? Discuss the causes and consequences of the globalization of finance. Discuss the factors that cross state borders and why global problems cannot be solved unilaterally. What role does trade impact Globalization? Does Globalization make States more or less relevant? Why? Looking at the three levels of analysis where is the power in international politics, with NGO’s or IGO’s?

3. What is the history of the Global Political Economy in the 20th Century? What are the differences between liberalism and mercantilism? Explain the role of the Global North in the establishment of international economic regimes. Why is the North concerned about the economies of the Global South? Discuss the changes in the postwar monetary regime from the period of after World War II to today. Explain how the Bretton Woods system sought to stabilize the international monetary system. What are the advantages and disadvantages of free trade in the current international monetary system? What needs to be done to improve the economic lives of people in the Global South? Why is the EU important to Ukraine’s future?

4. From a theoretical perspective, explain how and why States comply with international law. How has international law addressed war and aggression? Compare/contrast the views regarding just war. In your opinion, was the war in Iraq just? Does it meet the criteria of jus ad Bellum and jus in Bello? In your opinion, when should the international community intervene in the affairs of other countries? Would going to Iran to stop their nuclear development be an acceptable action?

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Machiavelli, Locke, and Hobbes on Political Theory

1. What was the influence of Machiavelli, Locke, and Hobbes on Political Theory? What is the realist view of the world and how has realist thought evolved in the 20th century? What are the basic features and differences between liberalism and realism thought and how have both evolved in the 20th Century? What theory (realism, liberalism, and constructivism) do you think provides the best explanation for global politics and can work best in international relations today? Thinking about Ukraine which theory could end the conflict by getting Russia out of Ukraine?

2. What is globalization and how does it affect the Global North and South? Explain why the benefits of globalization have been distributed unevenly. What is the role of MNCs in Globalization? How has technology contributed to globalization? Discuss the causes and consequences of the globalization of finance. Discuss the factors that cross state borders and why global problems cannot be solved unilaterally. What role does trade impact Globalization? Does Globalization make States more or less relevant? Why? Looking at the three levels of analysis where is the power in international politics, with NGO’s or IGO’s?

3. What is the history of the Global Political Economy in the 20th Century? What are the differences between liberalism and mercantilism? Explain the role of the Global North in the establishment of international economic regimes. Why is the North concerned about the economies of the Global South? Discuss the changes in the postwar monetary regime from the period of after World War II to today. Explain how the Bretton Woods system sought to stabilize the international monetary system. What are the advantages and disadvantages of free trade in the current international monetary system? What needs to be done to improve the economic lives of people in the Global South? Why is the EU important to Ukraine’s future?

4. From a theoretical perspective, explain how and why States comply with international law. How has international law addressed war and aggression? Compare/contrast the views regarding just war. In your opinion, was the war in Iraq just? Does it meet the criteria of jus ad Bellum and jus in Bello? In your opinion, when should the international community intervene in the affairs of other countries? Would going to Iran to stop their nuclear development be an acceptable action?

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