Glucose Regulation Case Study

Glucose Regulation Case Study

Case Presentation

Maria is a 34-year-old woman with who presents to a healthcare provider to establish primary care and management of her diabetes. She was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 3 years ago, and has a history of polycystic ovary syndrome and hypertension. She works as a pharmacy technician at a local pharmacy chain, and has been married for 1 year. She lives with her husband and recently moved to the area from across the country for better job opportunities. Her A1C 1 year ago was at the recommended goal of 7.0%. Her current medications include metformin ER 2000 mg daily, enalapril 10 mg daily, and a prenatal vitamin daily. She has no allergies, and does not smoke or drink alcohol. She has been checking his glucose levels at home once daily, and readings vary from 110 to 165 mg/dL. She walks for 30 minutes 2 days a week (her days off), as she feels she is on her feet enough when she is at work. She would also like a referral to obstetrics/gynecology, as she and her husband want to start a family in the coming year and are not using any contraception.

Vital signs are as follows: weight, 72.5 kg; height, 63 in.; body mass index, 29.5; temperature, 98.4°F; pulse, 84 beats/min; respiratory rate, 20 breaths/min; and blood pressure, 140/82 mm Hg.

Lab results are as follows: A1C, 7.6%; glucose, 155 mg/dL; sodium, 135; blood urea nitrogen, 19; creatinine, 0.8; total cholesterol, 186 mg/dL; triglycerides, 186 mg/dL; HDL, 44; and LDL, 104.


Case Analysis Questions

1. What is your overall assessment of Marla’s current diabetes management status?
2. What considerations should be made regarding Marla’s desire to get pregnant?
3. How should Marla focus her self-management activities prior to becoming pregnant?

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Maria is a 34-year-old woman with who presents to a healthcare provider to establish primary care

Maria is a 34-year-old woman with who presents to a healthcare provider to establish primary care

Case Presentation

Maria is a 34-year-old woman with who presents to a healthcare provider to establish primary care and management of her diabetes. She was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 3 years ago, and has a history of polycystic ovary syndrome and hypertension. She works as a pharmacy technician at a local pharmacy chain, and has been married for 1 year. She lives with her husband and recently moved to the area from across the country for better job opportunities. Her A1C 1 year ago was at the recommended goal of 7.0%. Her current medications include metformin ER 2000 mg daily, enalapril 10 mg daily, and a prenatal vitamin daily. She has no allergies, and does not smoke or drink alcohol. She has been checking his glucose levels at home once daily, and readings vary from 110 to 165 mg/dL. She walks for 30 minutes 2 days a week (her days off), as she feels she is on her feet enough when she is at work. She would also like a referral to obstetrics/gynecology, as she and her husband want to start a family in the coming year and are not using any contraception.

Vital signs are as follows: weight, 72.5 kg; height, 63 in.; body mass index, 29.5; temperature, 98.4°F; pulse, 84 beats/min; respiratory rate, 20 breaths/min; and blood pressure, 140/82 mm Hg.

Lab results are as follows: A1C, 7.6%; glucose, 155 mg/dL; sodium, 135; blood urea nitrogen, 19; creatinine, 0.8; total cholesterol, 186 mg/dL; triglycerides, 186 mg/dL; HDL, 44; and LDL, 104.


Case Analysis Questions

1. What is your overall assessment of Marla’s current diabetes management status?
2. What considerations should be made regarding Marla’s desire to get pregnant?
3. How should Marla focus her self-management activities prior to becoming pregnant?

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Five Stages of Grief

Five Stages of Grief

In 2-3 pages, please explain the five stages of grief. Include the following information in your discussion.

Who is the nurse theorist we associate with the five stages of grief?
Name the five stages of grief and describe the manifestations we would expect to see with each one.
Are the five stages of grief considered to be a healthy coping mechanism? Why or why not?
What can nursing do to help support the families and the clients during this time?
How do we provide our clients dignity in dying?

Please use proper APA formatting to include title page, in-text citations, and at least 2 references.

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The OPPA Associate Administrator provided another EMRAAS Pilot Project Team update to FEMA senior leadership

The OPPA Associate Administrator provided another EMRAAS Pilot Project Team update to FEMA senior leadership

RAT 3 Topic

Tropical Storm Lani is now showing wind speeds averaging a consistent 60-65 miles per hour (mph). Current tracking and modeling point to an expectation that Tropical Storm Lani will develop sufficiently over the next several days to reach the threshold criteria to become classified as a Category 1 hurricane – i.e., sustained wind speeds of 74-95 mph. Over the last several days, Tropical Storm Lani has continued a somewhat westerly direction now approximately 1,100 miles east of Puerto Rico. The latest forecast is still projecting a landfall to the U.S. east coast between Norfolk VA and Charleston, SC. The next forecast is expected to provide a more defined landfall area of focus once then-Hurricane Lani’s path is better estimated based on nearing populated land masses within the northern Caribbean geographical area.
The OPPA Associate Administrator provided another EMRAAS Pilot Project Team update to FEMA senior leadership. One of the topics raised for EMRAAS Pilot Project Team consideration was that of resources; specifically, what type and in what amounts. It was acknowledged by FEMA senior leadership that detailed planning at this point would be “big picture” in nature. However, emergency management-related resources from a national perspective are not unlimited and sufficient lead-time will be needed to ensure proper resources are strategically located in advance of a Hurricane Lani landfall. This strategic pre-positioning approach is preferred to provide emergency management support as quickly as possible to those landfall areas most impacted by the Hurricane Lani weather event.
Of specific interested from FEMA senior leadership was the identification and prioritization of those emergency support function (ESF) capabilities thought by the EMRAAS Pilot Project Team to be most in demand after landfall. Since there are 15 different ESF categories, FEMA senior leadership is intensely interested in the EMRAAS Pilot Project Team’s initial thoughts regarding those ESFs considered “most important.” With this information, FEMA senior leadership – and other relevant internal and external stakeholders – can begin the necessary planning actions to proactively start to request, schedule, and pre-position the prioritized ESF capabilities as soon as possible and certainly before actual landfall.
As a result, the OPPA Associate Administrator has tasked the EMRAAS Pilot Project Team for a point paper that provides our Team’s brainstorming thoughts on which ESF sectors the Team views as “most important” when it comes to best ensuring the most effective and efficient disaster preparedness and subsequent response/recovery actions to be taken by the whole emergency management community for the benefit of all affected stakeholders.
Part 1: Request the EMRAAS Pilot Project Team to briefly discuss the role of “emergency support function” (ESF) sectors as they relate to emergency management. How are they organized and why?
Part 2: Based on a projected Hurricane Lani landfall between the Norfolk, VA and Charleston, SC geographical area, conduct your own research to recommend which two (2) emergency support functions (ESFs) you deem as “most important” for preparedness and subsequent response/recovery emergency management support activities related to Hurricane Lani. Briefly provide rationale for your recommendation.
The following link serves as a starting point for some relevant information to this tasking.
• FEMA National Response Framework: Emergency Support Functions (ESFs) [Webpage]
Post your answer with supporting in-text citations and a reference list (in APA 7th edition format) to the Discussions page / Week 3 forum / EMRAAS RAT #3 topic folder.


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Tropical Storm Lani is now showing wind speeds averaging a consistent 60-65 miles per hour

Tropical Storm Lani is now showing wind speeds averaging a consistent 60-65 miles per hour

RAT 3 Topic

Tropical Storm Lani is now showing wind speeds averaging a consistent 60-65 miles per hour (mph). Current tracking and modeling point to an expectation that Tropical Storm Lani will develop sufficiently over the next several days to reach the threshold criteria to become classified as a Category 1 hurricane – i.e., sustained wind speeds of 74-95 mph. Over the last several days, Tropical Storm Lani has continued a somewhat westerly direction now approximately 1,100 miles east of Puerto Rico. The latest forecast is still projecting a landfall to the U.S. east coast between Norfolk VA and Charleston, SC. The next forecast is expected to provide a more defined landfall area of focus once then-Hurricane Lani’s path is better estimated based on nearing populated land masses within the northern Caribbean geographical area.
The OPPA Associate Administrator provided another EMRAAS Pilot Project Team update to FEMA senior leadership. One of the topics raised for EMRAAS Pilot Project Team consideration was that of resources; specifically, what type and in what amounts. It was acknowledged by FEMA senior leadership that detailed planning at this point would be “big picture” in nature. However, emergency management-related resources from a national perspective are not unlimited and sufficient lead-time will be needed to ensure proper resources are strategically located in advance of a Hurricane Lani landfall. This strategic pre-positioning approach is preferred to provide emergency management support as quickly as possible to those landfall areas most impacted by the Hurricane Lani weather event.
Of specific interested from FEMA senior leadership was the identification and prioritization of those emergency support function (ESF) capabilities thought by the EMRAAS Pilot Project Team to be most in demand after landfall. Since there are 15 different ESF categories, FEMA senior leadership is intensely interested in the EMRAAS Pilot Project Team’s initial thoughts regarding those ESFs considered “most important.” With this information, FEMA senior leadership – and other relevant internal and external stakeholders – can begin the necessary planning actions to proactively start to request, schedule, and pre-position the prioritized ESF capabilities as soon as possible and certainly before actual landfall.
As a result, the OPPA Associate Administrator has tasked the EMRAAS Pilot Project Team for a point paper that provides our Team’s brainstorming thoughts on which ESF sectors the Team views as “most important” when it comes to best ensuring the most effective and efficient disaster preparedness and subsequent response/recovery actions to be taken by the whole emergency management community for the benefit of all affected stakeholders.
Part 1: Request the EMRAAS Pilot Project Team to briefly discuss the role of “emergency support function” (ESF) sectors as they relate to emergency management. How are they organized and why?
Part 2: Based on a projected Hurricane Lani landfall between the Norfolk, VA and Charleston, SC geographical area, conduct your own research to recommend which two (2) emergency support functions (ESFs) you deem as “most important” for preparedness and subsequent response/recovery emergency management support activities related to Hurricane Lani. Briefly provide rationale for your recommendation.
The following link serves as a starting point for some relevant information to this tasking.
• FEMA National Response Framework: Emergency Support Functions (ESFs) [Webpage]
Post your answer with supporting in-text citations and a reference list (in APA 7th edition format) to the Discussions page / Week 3 forum / EMRAAS RAT #3 topic folder.


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Quality improvement and quality assurance arrangements

Quality improvement and quality assurance arrangements

Explain the function of self-assessment and self-evaluation in the quality cycle.

The student should submit an essay explaining the function of self-assessment and self-evaluation in the
quality cycle.

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Patient Fall Protection Plan

Patient Fall Protection Plan

This assignment requires you to write a fall protection plan.

Given Conditions:
Your role is a safety professional (safety manager or other similar title) working for a commercial contractor, R & R Industrial.

The prime/controlling employer (general contractor and/or GC) has hired your company for renovation work on a large office building.

The GC requires that your company provide a fall protection plan for the job prior to the start of the job. The GC requires that your fall protection plan (at a minimum) comply with OSHA standards at Subpart M.

a. The only type of work your company will be involved is the removal of old paint via abrasive blasting.
b. Your employees will be exposed to falls ranging from 6 to 75 feet.
c. Your fall protection plan must address potential fall hazards that require the use of personal fall arrest systems (PFAS).
d. Fall restraint systems will not be available.
e. Your employees will not be using ladders, scaffolds, or any type of mechanical lift.
f. Guardrails and safety nets will not be available.
g. Access to work areas will be provided via temporary stairs which are the responsibility of the GC and do not need to be addressed in your company’s fall protection plan.

Key Elements of Your Plan
1. PFAS equipment provisions
2. Training provisions
3. Rescue provisions
4. Other miscellaneous provisions

1. Use OSHA’s sample plan: You will have to tailor the OSHA sample plan substantially according to the Given Conditions above.
2. Include Key Elements listed above in your Plan.
3. Follow Parameters listed below.


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Ethical Behavior for Professionals

Ethical Behavior for Professionals

Discuss some of the peer-reviewed research findings pertaining to why individuals behave unethically. In doing so, discuss using critical thinking what the academic literature has to say and apply that information toward police officer unethical conduct. No direct quotes should be utilized in the response.

Note: The essay response given should reflect upper-level undergraduate writing in accordance with current APA standards. The essay response is to include a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed scholarly sources listed in proper APA format with in-text citation(s) in proper APA format. In-text citations are to correspond to a source in proper APA format listed after the essay response.

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Evidence Based Practice In Exercise Science Case Study

Evidence Based Practice In Exercise Science Case Study

The remaining written assignments in this course will build upon each other as you develop a fictional case study in the style of the case studies presented in chapters 12 through 15 of your textbook. Be sure to save your assignment in a safe place on your computer to build upon for next week’s lesson.

To begin, think of a problem in exercise science that can be addressed through evidence-based practice. Develop a question in the EBP style that will accurately address the problem. Then, use the tools mentioned in this week’s lesson to research your topic. Include at least 5 links to research papers on your topic. Write an opening statement, a Background statement, and a Search Strategy for your case study.

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