Increase the number of BSN RNs

You are assigned to create a strategic plan that facilitates change to improve outcomes in your organization. Knowing that change is based on data, relative position within the dynamics of an organization, and a theoretical foundation, you agree to complete a SWOT analysis supported by a change theory.
Generate a SWOT analysis that reflects an understanding of a problem within the context of the organization’s needs and potential for change. As a nurse leader or manager, develop your analysis based on a change theory to improve outcomes by addressing one of the following processes:
Healing spaces
Retention of new nurses
Increase the number of BSN RNs
Nurse leader succession planning
Clinical ladder
This SWOT analysis will include a description of the strengths of the proposed change, weaknesses within the context of the organization, opportunities for improving outcomes if the proposed change is implemented, and threats to the success of this proposal. A thorough analysis must include the following:
Identify and integrate a change theory as the foundation of your SWOT analysis justifying the selection of the theory used.
Description of the problem to be analyzed to promote a change and improve an outcome.
SWOT analysis to include the following elements:
Strengths of the proposal for change
Weakness of the proposal within the context of the organization
Opportunities for improved outcomes if the proposed change is implemented
Threats to this proposal, both internal and external to the organization.
Provides stated ideas with professional language and attribution for credible sources with correct APA citation, spelling, and grammar.

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Nurse leader succession planning

You are assigned to create a strategic plan that facilitates change to improve outcomes in your organization. Knowing that change is based on data, relative position within the dynamics of an organization, and a theoretical foundation, you agree to complete a SWOT analysis supported by a change theory.
Generate a SWOT analysis that reflects an understanding of a problem within the context of the organization’s needs and potential for change. As a nurse leader or manager, develop your analysis based on a change theory to improve outcomes by addressing one of the following processes:
Healing spaces
Retention of new nurses
Increase the number of BSN RNs
Nurse leader succession planning
Clinical ladder
This SWOT analysis will include a description of the strengths of the proposed change, weaknesses within the context of the organization, opportunities for improving outcomes if the proposed change is implemented, and threats to the success of this proposal. A thorough analysis must include the following:
Identify and integrate a change theory as the foundation of your SWOT analysis justifying the selection of the theory used.
Description of the problem to be analyzed to promote a change and improve an outcome.
SWOT analysis to include the following elements:
Strengths of the proposal for change
Weakness of the proposal within the context of the organization
Opportunities for improved outcomes if the proposed change is implemented
Threats to this proposal, both internal and external to the organization.
Provides stated ideas with professional language and attribution for credible sources with correct APA citation, spelling, and grammar.

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Leadership and Nursing Practice

Reflect upon a leader who impacted your practice:
How was this person an effective leader?
What leadership knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSA’s) did the person possess within the Chamberlain College of Nursing Conceptual Framework?
How did they impact others?
Discuss the significance of leadership competencies and personal leadership style related to your future MSN role and specialty track and how this may attribute to your growth as a leader.

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Personal Ethics Mission Statement

This paper is a two-page single space paper where you present to the instructor your personal ethics mission statement

1) stating in 60 words or less your personal ethics statement; and

2) supporting your
personal ethics mission statement with an explanation of ethics philosophies and principles, as you relate to these issues individually and in business.

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Personal Mission Statement How to Write it

“Complete the Leadership Style Quiz from the University of Southern California and/or the Leadership Framework Self-Assessment Tool from the NHS. From your results and through reflection, post your personal mission statement (no more than 250 words)

How to Write a Personal Mission Statement”

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Leadership in Healthcare Complete the Leadership Style Quiz

“Complete the Leadership Style Quiz from the University of Southern California and/or the Leadership Framework Self-Assessment Tool from the NHS. From your results and through reflection, post your personal mission statement (no more than 250 words)

How to Write a Personal Mission Statement”

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John Lockes reasoning for concluding that the concept of “substance” is the concept of a “something I know not what.”

For whichever prompt you choose, make sure that you do all three of the following:
1. Briefly explain:
(A) your position (or the author’s position, depending on the question) (B) your (or their) argument for that position.
2. Research, and briefly explain a counter-argument to that argument / position (whatever you consider to be the strongest counter-argument against it).
3. Give your own reasoned analysis of this debate, in which you:
(A) state clearly which side you believe has the better argument, (B) explain why that side has the better argument, and
(C) explain what error the other side has made in their argument.
Also, for university requirements, you need to cite a minimum of 5 scholarly sources (e.g., peer-reviewed journal articles, books, etc.) It is often easiest to include these in the counter-argument, but depends on the details of your essay.
the prompt is over John Locke: His reasoning for concluding that the concept of “substance” is the concept of a
“something I know not what.”

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Quantitative Analysis

Imagine you are a business analytics employee at BAT Car Company. The president and CEO of BAT have tasked you with providing them with a data plan addressing expansion of BAT’s production business into Frankfurt, Germany, on a $40 million Model Z plant. This $40 million, which encompasses all fixed costs, the BAT CEO plans to apportion equally (25%) each) among the four types of vehicles the Model Z plant will manufacture.
All economic and environmental impact studies have been approved. The size of the plant is predicted to be 420 soccer fields in size (a soccer field is 100 yards wide by 130 yards long). The car sales are expected to be: $30,000 per sedan; $50,000 per sports model; $20,000 per small cargo van; and $40,000 per passenger minivan. It will create 10,000 jobs for Frankfurt and the surrounding areas.
There have been some issues with protestors regarding the building of an automotive plant that destroys forestland valued at $350 million. There has been some rumbling regarding a group called “Save The Forest” that could implement a cease all actions lawsuit against BAT. Research has shown that previous lawsuits and environmental impact has led to years of litigation and legal fees. The variable costs for the first year’s operation look to be $20,000 per sedan; $40,000 per sports model; $10,000 per small cargo van; and $25,000 per passenger minivan. Sales are expected to be: 40,000 sedans; 5,000 sports cars; 2,000 cargo vans; and 12,000 minivans.
Prepare a brief report for the president and CEO of BAT Car Company. Your report should include the following elements:

an introduction section that describes how the quantitative analysis approach can be applied to this situation;
BAT’s profit formula results;
BAT’s break-even point for each vehicle type; and
your final recommendation on actions to take. (This section should convey to the CEO if the expansion of the production plant is profitable to BAT over the long haul, as well as how to deal with any possible litigation.)

Your final report must be at least three pages in length, and you must show all of your computations.
You should use at least two academic sources in your report, one of which may be your textbook. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used.

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Professional ethics for teachers

Briefly describe the content of teachers ‘professional ethics and reason on the basis of the course literature on how and for what reasons teachers’ professional ethics can be challenged in the teacher’s everyday work.

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Animal Cruelty in the USA

Essay must have cover page, abstract, narrative/body of the paper.

1. Define the problem related to your topic: What are current issues or concerns related to the issue you wish to discuss. You want to introduce the topic to the reader as if they do not have any knowledge of this topic.
2. Literature Review: What has been written in the literature on this topic? Please contact Lee Adams from the campus library. She can assist you with the location of academic journal articles and other resources. This section should be organized by theme and not a list of each article.
3. What are Possible Solutions?: What are underlying concerns that have resulted in the issue you discuss? What are possible solutions to improving in this area. In this section you might states solutions and provide examples from currently running programs. Make sure you have a strong opening paragraph. Does it clearly highlight what you indent to discuss in the paper?
Keep the writing simple and clear. You want to avoid relying too much on a thesaurus.
Use an active voice instead of a passive voice
Be clear and concise. You want to avoid fluff or redundancy.

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