Buy Reflection Essay
The Reflection Essay represents your understanding of the assigned instructional material. You will submit in Moodle one essay for each textbook chapter.
Instructional material forms the basis for classroom discussion and allows measurable evaluation. Reflection Essays must be a minimum of 100 words and must follow APA style for in-text citations and references. You must reference and cite the assigned textbook. I have written the textbook in APA style in this syllabus to serve as an example. Please see the Grading Rubric in the Submission area prior to submission. Please see the syllabus Course Schedule section for due dates. Please see the syllabus Late Work section. Please format your attachment in Word .doc or .docx. Please double check that what you intended to attach is indeed attached, and that it is in the required format. If an extension reads anything other than .doc or .docx, I may not be able to open it. A submission that is not attached or not capable of being opened is the same as not being submitted. The late policy applies for correcting such user-based errors.
There is no assigned textbook for this class. However, there are videos posted on Moodle that may help with the assignment.