Disaster management phases mitigation preparedness disaster response and recovery
Develop a disaster recovery plan to lessen health disparities and improve access to community services after a disaster.
Then develop a 10-12 slide presentation of the plan with speaker notes for the villa health system, city officials, and disaster relief team.
This is a health care question that needs a writer who is conversant with project management and disaster recovery plans. Or nenerally one who is conversant with disaster management cycle from prevention to recovery plans. Disaster recovery is the last stage of the disaster management cycle. Disaster management cycle comprises mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. The five phases of disaster management phases include disaster : mitigation, preparedness, disaster, response, and recovery. Disaster occurs after the preparedness phase. This is followed by a response. In this 10-12 slides, there should be a cover page and references page which is not part of the 10-11 skides. Ensure you use references that are relevant to the topic of disaster management.