Impact of digital technologies on accounting in general and management accounting

Part A

“The Internet and related information technologies such as cloud services, blockchain, data analytics (“big data”), and artificial intelligence (AI), combined with web-based business models, such as platforms, are rapidly transforming the digital economy and industry (now in its fourth revolution Industry 4.0) and have raised concern about the future of the accounting profession.” (Moll and Yigitbasioglu, 2019, p. 2).


Critically analyse how these technologies are transforming businesses. Do you think these technologies have impact on the work of management accountants? How can management accounting be more relevant in this digital era?

Your evaluation should include the following:

  • explanation of the fourth industrial revolution
  • detailed analysis of at least three technologies and how they are transforming businesses.
  • The impact of digital technologies on accounting in general and management accounting in specifically.
  • assessment of opportunities, problems/limitations that digital technologies present to management accounting practices and the management accountant
  • appropriate practical examples (some insight may be gained from published case studies)
  • reference to appropriate literature.

Part B

Choose any hospitality company or a Strategic Business Unit of a hospitality company; analyse your chosen company’s current situation and design, develop and outline a Balanced Scorecard (BSC) for the company or the Strategic Business Unit. Where feasible your BSC should have specific measures, targets and initiatives.

Contribution of the assignment to the overall module mark 50%.  Approximate mark split indicated.

All sources and references should be shown.


This is an academic assignment.  In terms of format, your work should be well structured, clearly presented and adequately referenced, making use of suitable headings and sub-headings within the text. It is recommended that you also use page numbers and a table of contents page. A comprehensive bibliography is expected.  You may also make use of appendices where appropriate.

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Technologies and how they are transforming businesses

Part A

“The Internet and related information technologies such as cloud services, blockchain, data analytics (“big data”), and artificial intelligence (AI), combined with web-based business models, such as platforms, are rapidly transforming the digital economy and industry (now in its fourth revolution Industry 4.0) and have raised concern about the future of the accounting profession.” (Moll and Yigitbasioglu, 2019, p. 2).


Critically analyse how these technologies are transforming businesses. Do you think these technologies have impact on the work of management accountants? How can management accounting be more relevant in this digital era?

Your evaluation should include the following:

  • explanation of the fourth industrial revolution
  • detailed analysis of at least three technologies and how they are transforming businesses.
  • The impact of digital technologies on accounting in general and management accounting in specifically.
  • assessment of opportunities, problems/limitations that digital technologies present to management accounting practices and the management accountant
  • appropriate practical examples (some insight may be gained from published case studies)
  • reference to appropriate literature.

Part B

Choose any hospitality company or a Strategic Business Unit of a hospitality company; analyse your chosen company’s current situation and design, develop and outline a Balanced Scorecard (BSC) for the company or the Strategic Business Unit. Where feasible your BSC should have specific measures, targets and initiatives.

Contribution of the assignment to the overall module mark 50%.  Approximate mark split indicated.

All sources and references should be shown.


This is an academic assignment.  In terms of format, your work should be well structured, clearly presented and adequately referenced, making use of suitable headings and sub-headings within the text. It is recommended that you also use page numbers and a table of contents page. A comprehensive bibliography is expected.  You may also make use of appendices where appropriate.

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How can management accounting be more relevant in this digital era?

Part A

“The Internet and related information technologies such as cloud services, blockchain, data analytics (“big data”), and artificial intelligence (AI), combined with web-based business models, such as platforms, are rapidly transforming the digital economy and industry (now in its fourth revolution Industry 4.0) and have raised concern about the future of the accounting profession.” (Moll and Yigitbasioglu, 2019, p. 2).


Critically analyse how these technologies are transforming businesses. Do you think these technologies have impact on the work of management accountants? How can management accounting be more relevant in this digital era?

Your evaluation should include the following:

  • explanation of the fourth industrial revolution
  • detailed analysis of at least three technologies and how they are transforming businesses.
  • The impact of digital technologies on accounting in general and management accounting in specifically.
  • assessment of opportunities, problems/limitations that digital technologies present to management accounting practices and the management accountant
  • appropriate practical examples (some insight may be gained from published case studies)
  • reference to appropriate literature.

Part B

Choose any hospitality company or a Strategic Business Unit of a hospitality company; analyse your chosen company’s current situation and design, develop and outline a Balanced Scorecard (BSC) for the company or the Strategic Business Unit. Where feasible your BSC should have specific measures, targets and initiatives.

Contribution of the assignment to the overall module mark 50%.  Approximate mark split indicated.

All sources and references should be shown.


This is an academic assignment.  In terms of format, your work should be well structured, clearly presented and adequately referenced, making use of suitable headings and sub-headings within the text. It is recommended that you also use page numbers and a table of contents page. A comprehensive bibliography is expected.  You may also make use of appendices where appropriate.

Place this order or similar order and get an amazing discount. USE Discount code “GET20” for 20% discount

Technologies impact on the work of management accountants

Part A

“The Internet and related information technologies such as cloud services, blockchain, data analytics (“big data”), and artificial intelligence (AI), combined with web-based business models, such as platforms, are rapidly transforming the digital economy and industry (now in its fourth revolution Industry 4.0) and have raised concern about the future of the accounting profession.” (Moll and Yigitbasioglu, 2019, p. 2).


Critically analyse how these technologies are transforming businesses. Do you think these technologies have impact on the work of management accountants? How can management accounting be more relevant in this digital era?

Your evaluation should include the following:

  • explanation of the fourth industrial revolution
  • detailed analysis of at least three technologies and how they are transforming businesses.
  • The impact of digital technologies on accounting in general and management accounting in specifically.
  • assessment of opportunities, problems/limitations that digital technologies present to management accounting practices and the management accountant
  • appropriate practical examples (some insight may be gained from published case studies)
  • reference to appropriate literature.

Part B

Choose any hospitality company or a Strategic Business Unit of a hospitality company; analyse your chosen company’s current situation and design, develop and outline a Balanced Scorecard (BSC) for the company or the Strategic Business Unit. Where feasible your BSC should have specific measures, targets and initiatives.

Contribution of the assignment to the overall module mark 50%.  Approximate mark split indicated.

All sources and references should be shown.


This is an academic assignment.  In terms of format, your work should be well structured, clearly presented and adequately referenced, making use of suitable headings and sub-headings within the text. It is recommended that you also use page numbers and a table of contents page. A comprehensive bibliography is expected.  You may also make use of appendices where appropriate.

Place this order or similar order and get an amazing discount. USE Discount code “GET20” for 20% discount

Critically analyse how these technologies are transforming businesses

Part A

“The Internet and related information technologies such as cloud services, blockchain, data analytics (“big data”), and artificial intelligence (AI), combined with web-based business models, such as platforms, are rapidly transforming the digital economy and industry (now in its fourth revolution Industry 4.0) and have raised concern about the future of the accounting profession.” (Moll and Yigitbasioglu, 2019, p. 2).


Critically analyse how these technologies are transforming businesses. Do you think these technologies have impact on the work of management accountants? How can management accounting be more relevant in this digital era?

Your evaluation should include the following:

  • explanation of the fourth industrial revolution
  • detailed analysis of at least three technologies and how they are transforming businesses.
  • The impact of digital technologies on accounting in general and management accounting in specifically.
  • assessment of opportunities, problems/limitations that digital technologies present to management accounting practices and the management accountant
  • appropriate practical examples (some insight may be gained from published case studies)
  • reference to appropriate literature.

Part B

Choose any hospitality company or a Strategic Business Unit of a hospitality company; analyse your chosen company’s current situation and design, develop and outline a Balanced Scorecard (BSC) for the company or the Strategic Business Unit. Where feasible your BSC should have specific measures, targets and initiatives.

Contribution of the assignment to the overall module mark 50%.  Approximate mark split indicated.

All sources and references should be shown.


This is an academic assignment.  In terms of format, your work should be well structured, clearly presented and adequately referenced, making use of suitable headings and sub-headings within the text. It is recommended that you also use page numbers and a table of contents page. A comprehensive bibliography is expected.  You may also make use of appendices where appropriate.

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Financial Analysis of a Publicly Listed Organization Financial Ratios etc

This assignment aims to provide you with the opportunity to think and write as a professional financial analyst. It will test your ability to utilise corporate published financial information to assess a company’s financial and economic performance. You are expected to employ various appraisal techniques learned during the semester. This assignment also tests your critical thinking as you interpret financial ratios in the context of micro-and macro events.

You are required to prepare a financial commentary of no more than 2000 words which analyses the performance of a chosen company over a period of ten years. In your commentary, you are expected to consider the financial performance of the company, both over time and compared to other companies in the industry within which it operates. You will also report on the stock market performance of the company over the same ten-year period. You will consider whether this is reflective of the financial performance of the company, referring to relevant financial theory.

Instructions on Assessment

1) Choose a publicly listed company (listed on a stock market) and briefly describe the profile of your chosen company (to include the industry within which it operates, its target market, etc).

2) Analyse the company’s financial performance over the past 10 years using the tools you have learnt in the module (Please reference your data sources and include all workings in a supplementary excel file with all data used and excel formulae).
Hint you can use data on industry averages if it is available or you can construct your own averages from the available data using the company’s industry peers. For the latter case please use five peer firms to construct any average.

3) Comment on the real micro (firm related) and macro (systematic) factors/ events that may have impacted the financial performance of the company over the period of your analysis. Please use academic papers and professional reports to support your arguments.

4) Analyse the movement of your company’s stock price over the past 10 years: was the stock market performance (changes in the stock price) consistent with the company’s financial performance based on the financial analysis performed in the previous section?

5) Calculate and comment on the behaviour of Earnings Per Share (EPS) and the Price Earnings Ratio (P/E) for the company over the past ten years.

6) Comment on the implications of your findings on the market efficiency/inefficiency debate. Please reference academic papers and professional reports to support your arguments.

Please make sure to include the following in your submission
2 documents:
1 word document of your financial commentary
1 excel file that includes all the data and workings
Note: please signpost workings in the financial commentary.

You may include relevant graphs and charts (constructed using Microsoft Excel functions) to illustrate and support your arguments.

Mapping to Programme Goals and Objectives
• To provide a critical appreciation of the important topics in financial and business analysis.
• To understand, appraise and critique companies’ financial performance.
• To formulate and apply models and tools to derive inferences from publicly available business and financial information.
• To appreciate the importance of business and financial analysis in decision making.
• Identify contemporary professional practice in business and management and finance and understand how it is informed by theory and research.

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How to Create PowerPoint Presentation Assignment Help

Create a 15 slide PowerPoint presentation that includes:
Agenda slide – This lists the key points covered in the PPT;
Content slides- containing bullet points information with illustrations, diagrams, pictures, graphics etc., as appropriate to the slide’s content;
(Note: Speaker’s Notes are not duplication of the text on the slides. They are explanatory narrative.)
Identify the company you selected; explain the company and its industry; provide the factual background of the problem; and
clearly state the ethical dilemma presented by the situation. There should be only ONE ethical dilemma. The company had two choices: the act it chose and an alternative it did not do.
Identify and define at least one ethical framework that the company apparently employed in making its decision. Note — Not “Should have used.” It is not acceptable to say it did not act ethically or did not use a framework. Analyze it. Frameworks include utilitarianism, free market ethics, deontology, virtue ethics , etc., covered in your course readings.
Then, identify and define at least one ethical framework that the company should have used when the problem arose, and explain how to apply it for them to have reached a better result than what actually happened. Be clear.
Identify and explain measures the company should implement to avoid this type of problem in the future.
Within your discussion include whether the company had a code of ethics or policy that seemed to apply to the situation, and if so, what went wrong with that?
Explain what business leadership in any company can learn from this situation.
Have a conclusion that wraps up the key points.
Include a Reference slide with at least seven (7) credible sources listed in APA format. (NOTE: Sources must be cited in slides and speaker’s notes for direct quotes, specific facts and graphics, same as in a paper, per APA format.) (Reminder; we are using APA 7th Ed. format.)
1. Boeing – 737 MAX-8 Jet death crashes.
The Link below is a factual starting point for your information and further research.

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Examine the Measurement of Macroeconomic Variables

Examine the Measurement of Macroeconomic Variables
Please answer all questions in a Word file and remember to include all questions and show all work.
1. The poverty threshold in 2017 for a family of four people with two children under the age of 18 years of age was $24,858. If a family of this size has an income of $23,500, then calculate the income surplus or deficit and the income to poverty ratio. What do these measures allow you to conclude about the poverty status of the family?
2. The Lorenz curve representing the income distribution in a particular country is shown in Figure 1.1 (below).

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What do economists do?

This discussion forum has several goals:

(1) to assemble an array of current offers of entry-level, full-time jobs for individuals with a Bachelor Degree in Economics

(2) to evaluate the job offers with respect to desirability

(3) to identify the skills these jobs require

(4) evaluate our own strengths and weaknesses as potential applicants for these jobs.


This is what you have to do:

A. Using an internet job search site of your choice (for example,, find a job that satisfies simultaneously the following five conditions:

(1) The add should have been placed within that past 10 days

(2) Located within 50 miles of New York

(3) Open to those who hold a Bachelor degree in Economics (lists BA/BS in Economics among its education requirements)

(4) Full-time, entry-level

(5) If the job were offered to you, once you graduated, you would be taking it.

B. Why have you chosen this job? List the two (2) most important criteria that you used to choose your most preferred job.


C. Relative to the required qualifications of this job, what are your main strengths? List two areas in which you think you meet or your are close to meeting the required qualifications.


D. Relative to the required qualifications of this job what are the areas in which with think you need to improve the most? List two areas in which you think you will have to work the hardest to meet the required qualifications.



Start a new thread.
Copy and paste the complete add for your most preferred job. Make sure to include the job descritption, resonsibilities, requirements, etc.
List the two (2) most important criteria that you used to choose your most preferrred job
List two areas in which you think you meet or are close to meeting the required qualifications
List two areas in which you think you will have to work the hardest to meet the required qualifications.
Address ALL the questions.

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