Bonds, Bond Valuation, and Interest Rates Case Analysis

Case learning is a method of applying theory to sound practical real-world applications. Each selected case provides a description of a problem situation taken from a specific company. The purpose of each case is to augment the course content with applications that enable the Learner to apply text materials to a problem and solve that application problem using Learner selected methods and procedures.

There are no exact answers or perfect solutions to case problems. Indeed, each recommended solution and justification can and is usually different comparatively amongst a group of respondents. The solution must fit the case and must be vigorously supported. The problem statement, analysis, selected solution, and especially the justification of the selected solution, are all critical elements in the case method. There are no shortcuts to case presentations but a formalized methodology that enables the case presenter the optimal way to solve the case problem.

Be sure to answer all of the questions given for the case. Your responses must be complete, using terminology and concepts presented in the primary textbook as well as supplementary resources. Include a minimum of five (or more) peer-reviewed journal articles along with the other sources used to provide support for the assignment. You must read and follow the Case Submittal Format file found in the course resources area. Please double-space, use 12 point font, with one inch margins. Be sure to cite your resources and provide the references using APA format.  Remember to reference all work cited or quoted by the text authors. You should be doing this often in your responses.

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Risk and Return Case Analysis

Case learning is a method of applying theory to sound practical real-world applications. Each selected case provides a description of a problem situation taken from a specific company. The purpose of each case is to augment the course content with applications that enable the Learner to apply text materials to a problem and solve that application problem using Learner selected methods and procedures.

There are no exact answers or perfect solutions to case problems. Indeed, each recommended solution and justification can and is usually different comparatively amongst a group of respondents. The solution must fit the case and must be vigorously supported. The problem statement, analysis, selected solution, and especially the justification of the selected solution, are all critical elements in the case method. There are no shortcuts to case presentations but a formalized methodology that enables the case presenter the optimal way to solve the case problem.

Be sure to answer all of the questions given for the case. Your responses must be complete, using terminology and concepts presented in the primary textbook as well as supplementary resources. Include a minimum of five (or more) peer-reviewed journal articles along with the other sources used to provide support for the assignment. You must read and follow the Case Submittal Format file found in the course resources area. Please double-space, use 12 point font, with one inch margins. Be sure to cite your resources and provide the references using APA format.  Remember to reference all work cited or quoted by the text authors. You should be doing this often in your responses.

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Time Value of Money Case Analysis



Case learning is a method of applying theory to sound practical real-world applications. Each selected case provides a description of a problem situation taken from a specific company. The purpose of each case is to augment the course content with applications that enable the Learner to apply text materials to a problem and solve that application problem using Learner selected methods and procedures.

There are no exact answers or perfect solutions to case problems. Indeed, each recommended solution and justification can and is usually different comparatively amongst a group of respondents. The solution must fit the case and must be vigorously supported. The problem statement, analysis, selected solution, and especially the justification of the selected solution, are all critical elements in the case method. There are no shortcuts to case presentations but a formalized methodology that enables the case presenter the optimal way to solve the case problem.

Be sure to answer all of the questions given for the case. Your responses must be complete, using terminology and concepts presented in the primary textbook as well as supplementary resources. Include a minimum of five (or more) peer-reviewed journal articles along with the other sources used to provide support for the assignment. You must read and follow the Case Submittal Format file found in the course resources area. Please double-space, use 12 point font, with one inch margins. Be sure to cite your resources and provide the references using APA format.  Remember to reference all work cited or quoted by the text authors. You should be doing this often in your responses.

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Time Value of Money Case Analysis

Case learning is a method of applying theory to sound practical real-world applications. Each selected case provides a description of a problem situation taken from a specific company. The purpose of each case is to augment the course content with applications that enable the Learner to apply text materials to a problem and solve that application problem using Learner selected methods and procedures.

There are no exact answers or perfect solutions to case problems. Indeed, each recommended solution and justification can and is usually different comparatively amongst a group of respondents. The solution must fit the case and must be vigorously supported. The problem statement, analysis, selected solution, and especially the justification of the selected solution, are all critical elements in the case method. There are no shortcuts to case presentations but a formalized methodology that enables the case presenter the optimal way to solve the case problem.

Be sure to answer all of the questions given for the case. Your responses must be complete, using terminology and concepts presented in the primary textbook as well as supplementary resources. Include a minimum of five (or more) peer-reviewed journal articles along with the other sources used to provide support for the assignment. You must read and follow the Case Submittal Format file found in the course resources area. Please double-space, use 12 point font, with one inch margins. Be sure to cite your resources and provide the references using APA format.  Remember to reference all work cited or quoted by the text authors. You should be doing this often in your responses.

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Enron Scandal Case Study

Written case study analysis.
1. Provide a summary of the case or the article.
2. A “Problem” or “Opportunity” Statement (aka. the Critical Issue). Provide a single statement of the critical issue present in the case or article. If several issues are apparent, identify them in priority order. Generally, several problems are all symptoms of one overriding problem. Try to abstract up to the overriding problem after the symptoms are known.
i. i.e. “The critical issue is…”
B. Critical Factors. If applicable List (using bullet points) the key factors that give evidence that there is a problem or opportunity condition. Identify them in priority order. Explain why they are relevant.
ii. Critical Factor #1
iii. Critical Factor #2
iv. Critical Factor #3
v. Etc.
3. If you are writing about a case, at the end of the case, there are several questions provided by the author. Copy the questions down (single-spaced) and provide your answers to those questions (double-spaced). Answers must be clear and grammatically accurate., and attach hard copy of the supporting references to your writing.
4. If you are writing about an article, please provide hard copy of the article and the supporting references to your writing. Provide a section on why you selected this article and how it’s related to audit. In addition, provide a conclusion to your writing.

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Business Prospectus Proposal Report

For this assignment, you will create a hypothetical company. This company will be the basis for several of the activities in this class, as well as the Business Prospectus Assignment, which is due at the end of the quarter. You should give your company a name, briefly describe the product or service your company will provide, and explain why you want to create this company. The company you create should be realistic, and it should be based on a product or service you would actually want and be able to provide. In terms of scale, assume you will have $50,000 in start-up capital to get the company off the ground—the purpose of the Business Prospectus Assignment is to persuade investors to provide more capital for your business.

Possible examples:

  • A writing consulting company.
  • A food truck.
  • A neighborhood coffee shop.
  • A photography service.
  • A training consultant.
  • A graphic design consultant.

By the end of your project proposal, one should have a very good sense of your project and a clear understanding of your preliminary sources. If not, one will ask you to resubmit (not for a higher grade, but for clarification of your ideas). The proposal should detail these TWO aspects of your project:

  1. what you plan to do: the company’s name, a description of a realistic product or service your company will provide, why you want to create this company, etc. AND
  2. how you plan to do it: 3-4 annotated bibliographies of sources you plan to use in the company & industry, market analysis, and financial plan sections of the prospectus—use reputable sources ONLY

Here’s an example proposal from a previous student in this course


The proposal should be 2-3 pages, single-spaced, written in memo format, block style. Be sure to use headings and/or lists to group, organize, and signal content. Do not use underline. Sources should be in APA format.


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Financial Statements Essay

Financial statement users can be internal or external. Choose one of the following stakeholders (or one of your own) and discuss which accounting information might be the most important or relevant to them and how they might use it:
Company Managers.
External Auditors.

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Strategic Plan and Analysis Report

3.4 Analysis of Financial Statement Projections.
Based on your strategies and projected financial statements, here we test whether your strategy or plan works. For each of the objectives in Section 2.1 (revenues, income (profit), ROE, Share Price, Target Share Price, and EPS), compare your projected results in your financial statements to these objectives.
This tests whether your plan works (i.e., whether it achieves your objectives). For example, if your objective was to achieve Profit/Net Income of $5,000,000 in Year 5 and $6,000,000 in Year 6, compare the Profit/Net Income from your projected financials with these objectives. State whether your objectives were met by your plan. Then, discuss meaningfully why you believe your objectives were met or not met by your plan.
Although Stock Price cannot be measured directly from your projected statements, it can be estimated indirectly. Calculate your historical Price-to-Earnings Ratio (i.e., P/E Ratio) and use that ratio with your proforma earnings to estimate your future stock price.

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Hospitality company or a Strategic Business Unit of a hospitality company current situation and design a Balanced Scorecard BSC

Part A

“The Internet and related information technologies such as cloud services, blockchain, data analytics (“big data”), and artificial intelligence (AI), combined with web-based business models, such as platforms, are rapidly transforming the digital economy and industry (now in its fourth revolution Industry 4.0) and have raised concern about the future of the accounting profession.” (Moll and Yigitbasioglu, 2019, p. 2).


Critically analyse how these technologies are transforming businesses. Do you think these technologies have impact on the work of management accountants? How can management accounting be more relevant in this digital era?

Your evaluation should include the following:

  • explanation of the fourth industrial revolution
  • detailed analysis of at least three technologies and how they are transforming businesses.
  • The impact of digital technologies on accounting in general and management accounting in specifically.
  • assessment of opportunities, problems/limitations that digital technologies present to management accounting practices and the management accountant
  • appropriate practical examples (some insight may be gained from published case studies)
  • reference to appropriate literature.

Part B

Choose any hospitality company or a Strategic Business Unit of a hospitality company; analyse your chosen company’s current situation and design, develop and outline a Balanced Scorecard (BSC) for the company or the Strategic Business Unit. Where feasible your BSC should have specific measures, targets and initiatives.

Contribution of the assignment to the overall module mark 50%.  Approximate mark split indicated.

All sources and references should be shown.


This is an academic assignment.  In terms of format, your work should be well structured, clearly presented and adequately referenced, making use of suitable headings and sub-headings within the text. It is recommended that you also use page numbers and a table of contents page. A comprehensive bibliography is expected.  You may also make use of appendices where appropriate.

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Opportunities problems limitations that digital technologies present to management accounting practices and the management accountant

Part A

“The Internet and related information technologies such as cloud services, blockchain, data analytics (“big data”), and artificial intelligence (AI), combined with web-based business models, such as platforms, are rapidly transforming the digital economy and industry (now in its fourth revolution Industry 4.0) and have raised concern about the future of the accounting profession.” (Moll and Yigitbasioglu, 2019, p. 2).


Critically analyse how these technologies are transforming businesses. Do you think these technologies have impact on the work of management accountants? How can management accounting be more relevant in this digital era?

Your evaluation should include the following:

  • explanation of the fourth industrial revolution
  • detailed analysis of at least three technologies and how they are transforming businesses.
  • The impact of digital technologies on accounting in general and management accounting in specifically.
  • assessment of opportunities, problems/limitations that digital technologies present to management accounting practices and the management accountant
  • appropriate practical examples (some insight may be gained from published case studies)
  • reference to appropriate literature.

Part B

Choose any hospitality company or a Strategic Business Unit of a hospitality company; analyse your chosen company’s current situation and design, develop and outline a Balanced Scorecard (BSC) for the company or the Strategic Business Unit. Where feasible your BSC should have specific measures, targets and initiatives.

Contribution of the assignment to the overall module mark 50%.  Approximate mark split indicated.

All sources and references should be shown.


This is an academic assignment.  In terms of format, your work should be well structured, clearly presented and adequately referenced, making use of suitable headings and sub-headings within the text. It is recommended that you also use page numbers and a table of contents page. A comprehensive bibliography is expected.  You may also make use of appendices where appropriate.

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