5 P’s of healthcare marketing

5 P’s of healthcare marketing

In this unit, you become the sole owner of a health care organization. You would like to increase marketing potential while maintaining social responsibility within your field. As a new owner, you are not afforded a budget to hire a marketing expert and must develop the marketing strategy and subsequent collateral materials yourself. Your objective for this unit it to develop a marketing package that promotes your health care organization. By the end of this unit, you will become the subject matter expert on developing and deploying a marketing strategy for a health care organization.
Submit your marketing package as one (1) Word document. To do this, you will need to use Page Break and copy/paste functions. Failure to submit your marketing package into one (1) document may result in a grade reduction.
Your final submission must include each of the following:
Professional letter from you to the local Chamber of Commerce introducing your new health care organization to the community. This is your opportunity to make a good, first impression, so be sure to incorporate the elements you would want to promote.
Discuss the 4 P’s of marketing in your organization
Discuss the 5 P’s of health care marketing in your organization
Create mission and vision statements
Develop codes of professional conduct which support social responsibility in your select healthcare field
Record a 30-second radio announcement (using a free online voice recorder such as vocaroo.com). You will provide the audio link to your instructor on a separate page in your marketing package.
Design a print advertisement (e.g. billboard, bus, newspaper, etc.). You will provide the print advertisement that you create on a separate page in your marketing package.
All materials in your marketing packet must be completely original. Copying and pasting work from other sources for this assignment is strictly prohibited.
Remember, you are developing a marketing package for your own health care organization; make it unique. Plagiarism is not permitted and will result in an academic discipline. All content submitted needs to be original.
Although the use of APA formatting is not required for this assignment, proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation are expected

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4 P’s of marketing in healthcare organization

4 P’s of marketing in healthcare organization

In this unit, you become the sole owner of a health care organization. You would like to increase marketing potential while maintaining social responsibility within your field. As a new owner, you are not afforded a budget to hire a marketing expert and must develop the marketing strategy and subsequent collateral materials yourself. Your objective for this unit it to develop a marketing package that promotes your health care organization. By the end of this unit, you will become the subject matter expert on developing and deploying a marketing strategy for a health care organization.
Submit your marketing package as one (1) Word document. To do this, you will need to use Page Break and copy/paste functions. Failure to submit your marketing package into one (1) document may result in a grade reduction.
Your final submission must include each of the following:
Professional letter from you to the local Chamber of Commerce introducing your new health care organization to the community. This is your opportunity to make a good, first impression, so be sure to incorporate the elements you would want to promote.
Discuss the 4 P’s of marketing in your organization
Discuss the 5 P’s of health care marketing in your organization
Create mission and vision statements
Develop codes of professional conduct which support social responsibility in your select healthcare field
Record a 30-second radio announcement (using a free online voice recorder such as vocaroo.com). You will provide the audio link to your instructor on a separate page in your marketing package.
Design a print advertisement (e.g. billboard, bus, newspaper, etc.). You will provide the print advertisement that you create on a separate page in your marketing package.
All materials in your marketing packet must be completely original. Copying and pasting work from other sources for this assignment is strictly prohibited.
Remember, you are developing a marketing package for your own health care organization; make it unique. Plagiarism is not permitted and will result in an academic discipline. All content submitted needs to be original.
Although the use of APA formatting is not required for this assignment, proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation are expected

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HealthCare Marketing Homework Help

HealthCare Marketing Homework Help

In this unit, you become the sole owner of a health care organization. You would like to increase marketing potential while maintaining social responsibility within your field. As a new owner, you are not afforded a budget to hire a marketing expert and must develop the marketing strategy and subsequent collateral materials yourself. Your objective for this unit it to develop a marketing package that promotes your health care organization. By the end of this unit, you will become the subject matter expert on developing and deploying a marketing strategy for a health care organization.
Submit your marketing package as one (1) Word document. To do this, you will need to use Page Break and copy/paste functions. Failure to submit your marketing package into one (1) document may result in a grade reduction.
Your final submission must include each of the following:
Professional letter from you to the local Chamber of Commerce introducing your new health care organization to the community. This is your opportunity to make a good, first impression, so be sure to incorporate the elements you would want to promote.
Discuss the 4 P’s of marketing in your organization
Discuss the 5 P’s of health care marketing in your organization
Create mission and vision statements
Develop codes of professional conduct which support social responsibility in your select healthcare field
Record a 30-second radio announcement (using a free online voice recorder such as vocaroo.com). You will provide the audio link to your instructor on a
separate page in your marketing package.
Design a print advertisement (e.g. billboard, bus, newspaper, etc.). You will provide the print advertisement that you create on a separate page in your marketing package.
All materials in your marketing packet must be completely original. Copying and pasting work from other sources for this assignment is strictly prohibited.
Remember, you are developing a marketing package for your own health care organization; make it unique. Plagiarism is not permitted and will result in academic discipline. All content submitted needs to be original.
Although the use of APA formatting is not required for this assignment, proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation are expected

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European Cultural and Social Influences on Healthcare

European Cultural and Social Influences on Healthcare

Objectives: How does the European culture view healthcare as it relates to their belief and traditions.
1. To develop a written document illustrating the differences in the cultural and social influences on healthcare, including 3 resource citations for videos, books, and online material.
Grading is based on the following rubric:
Individual paper – (1 page typed, and double space paper)
The paper must include:
A summary of the specific cultural health beliefs, needs, and communication styles (4 points)
A description of what you learned about the cultural beliefs and how you will integrate your knowledge into your future healthcare practice (need at least two detailed examples) (4 points)

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Pharmacology pharmacovigilance bioscience

Pharmacology pharmacovigilance bioscience

Review the background and clinical data (meta-data, Table 2) for the new drug candidate, Exault. Analyse and interpret the Adverse Event (AE) data (Table 2) for safety signals, evaluate which signals are ADRs and recommend which signals should be included in ADRs of the Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) for Exault.


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Cost of Healthcare in US

Cost of Healthcare in US

Why the cost of healthcare in the US is so high?

What is the cause?

What? Are there different aspects or sides to the topic? Are there multiple viewpoints? Why is it an important question?

Who? Which groups are affected by the topic area in question? Who is involved in the discussion? Is culture an aspect?

When? Is this topic a contemporary concern, a question that affects people today? Is it a topic that can be explored across time periods? Is it a historical concern?

Where? Is the topic confined to a specific location? Does it affect one area more than another, or is it universal?




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Managing Mental Health in the Community Settings

Managing Mental Health in the Community Settings

Write a 3-5 page essay about how to manage mental health in community settings. Use 3 scholarly sources and format in APA style. Do a goo job like last time. I enjoyed the paper.


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Community Assessment Discussion Essay

Community Assessment Discussion Essay

This is a public health essay. Select a community of your choice and identify the problem they are currently facing. It could be a community in an urban setting or a rural setting. You can even choose communities that live in remote areas with hardly any access to healthcare facilities. Using ideas learned from the course, write an essay about how you will conduct an assessment within that community. You can also discuss how you will utilize 2-3 nursing roles to bring a change in society. The essay should be about 5 pages and formatted in APA style. Use a minimum of three scholarly sources.

Do you want such an essay? Or a similar one. Click the link below.



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Leininger’s theory of Culture care diversity and universality

Leininger’s theory of Culture care diversity and universality


Nurse practitioner specialty is A nurse practitioner (NP) hospitalist

Paper details:
Nurse practitioners actively engage in the process of translating nursing knowledge into practice, thereby establishing evidence-based approaches within the discipline. Throughout this process, a theoretical framework provides a meaningful context to guide and support the evidence-based practice. The purpose of this assignment is to identify a theory or theoretical model which can be used as a framework for a future evidence-based project during your nurse practitioner education.
Select a theory or theoretical model which is relevant to your nurse practitioner specialty and would offer
a meaningful context for evidence-based practice surrounding the issue or concern which you identified.
1. In a PowerPoint Presentation, address the following.
A. Introduction to the presentation
B. Identify and describe a theory or theoretical model, and explain its relevance to your nurse
practitioner specialty.
C. Describe an issue or concern that is related to your nurse practitioner specialty, and
explain its impact on health care outcomes
D. Explain how the theory or theoretical model can be used as a framework to guide
evidence-based practice to address the issue or concern, and discuss the unique insight or
perspective offered through the application of this theory or theoretical model.
E. Conclusion to the presentation
F. References


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Family health theory

Family health theory

Choose a condition in a specialty area AND apply it to a fictitious family
using one of the theoretical frameworks/models describing a family’s roles, developmental stage, culture religion, function, communication within the family
(verbal and nonverbal), and health promotion in family health. The Report must provide
1. An introduction
2. Applying a family health theory to the condition
3. Condition descriiption, roles, developmental stages, culture/religion, function, communication (include verbal and nonverbal communication). 4. Include 3
family health interventions. Use the nursing process with possible outcomes.
5. Reference Page Apply 6th edition APA Citing at least two peer review journal articles depending on the interventions.)
Denham, S., Eggenberger, S., Young, P. & Krumwiede, N. (2015) Family-Focused nursing care. F.A. Davis: Philadelphia. ISBN-13: 9780803629103

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