Family health theory

Family health theory

Choose a condition in a specialty area AND apply it to a fictitious family
using one of the theoretical frameworks/models describing a family’s roles, developmental stage, culture religion, function, communication within the family
(verbal and nonverbal), and health promotion in family health. The Report must provide
1. An introduction
2. Applying a family health theory to the condition
3. Condition descriiption, roles, developmental stages, culture/religion, function, communication (include verbal and nonverbal communication). 4. Include 3
family health interventions. Use the nursing process with possible outcomes.
5. Reference Page Apply 6th edition APA Citing at least two peer review journal articles depending on the interventions.)
Denham, S., Eggenberger, S., Young, P. & Krumwiede, N. (2015) Family-Focused nursing care. F.A. Davis: Philadelphia. ISBN-13: 9780803629103

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