Wearable Fitness Device Paper

Wearable Fitness Device Paper

Wearable fitness devices have been a hot topic in health and wellness for a few years now.
Wearable fitness devices can be used to track physical activity, sleep, and heart rate and are
often paired with a smartphone or website to track and store data. Several technology
companies are revealing new wearables that could be used in patient care. For this assignment
What impact the wearable devices had made on the health and wellness of the public through
monitoring health conditions – physical activity, blood glucose, blood pressure, pulse rate?
What are their potential benefits for remote patients’ monitoring?
What could be their potential security vulnerabilities for health data being transmitted wirelessly?
Include a title page and reference page(s).
Use appropriate APA-formatting.
Use at least 2-3 credible sources (can’t be older than 5 years ) of information as references and
submitted by Tuesday mid-night.

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Information Health Systems

Information Health Systems

I need re summiting an assignment I received a total of only 20% my professor has allowed me
to resubmit by Sunday night.
I attached as a file my original submission or work.
Below are the instructions of my assignment
In this assignment, you will compare and contrast paper-based medical record with Electronic
Health Record (EHR) and Electronic Medical Record (EMR). You may present this in a table or
written format. In the submission, address the following:
Describe the pros and cons of the three systems.
Identify the owner and users of the data in the systems.
Explain how and to what extent the information may be shared using each system.
If using a table, clearly identify the rows and the columns.
Include a title page and reference page.
Use appropriate APA-formatting, if presenting a paper.
Use at least 2-3 credible sources of information as references and submit by Tuesday mid-night.

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Community Health Problem

Community Health Problem

• My community is in Montgomery county ohio.
• Identify one health problem you believe to be the most prevalent in your community. You may
want to check with your local health department or a community health nurse. Also consider
researching the morbidity/mortality rates health problems in your community. School nurses and
are an excellent resource person to contact.
• Analyze the problem using Milio’s framework for prevention from the module 1 readings
(Chapter three in your text, pp 41). textbook, Nies, M. A., & McEwen, M. (2019).
Community/public health nursing: Promoting the health of populations. (7th ed.). Elsevier.
• Choose one of your nursing diagnoses and describe how your identified community health
problem applies.
• Nursing diagnosis I used
I used these diagnoses for module one. You can choose one. Thanks
Priority Community Health Nursing Diagnoses #1

Risk of high black infant mortality rate among blacks in Montgomery county in Ohio related to
prematurity-related conditions, preterm birth before 37 weeks of pregnancy has been reached,
low birth weight, respiratory distress syndrome, and neonatal hemorrhage. As evidenced by data
from Infant Vitality – Ohio Department of Health.
Priority Community Health Nursing Diagnoses #2
High risk of obesity among the population in Montgomery county in Ohio related to inactivity, not
participating in physical activities, bad eating habits, excessive alcohol consumption as
evidenced by Data presented by odh.ohio.gov.
Describe the health people 2030 national goal that relates closest to your chosen Diagnosis.
• Develop one-long term goal, minimum of three short-term goals and interventions for your
chosen diagnosis (you will be developing a teaching plan in week 3).
Goals: A goal is a final outcome of what is achieved after you provide the interventions. Goals
are broad in nature. Consider the long-term goal to be after one year and short-term goal after
six months. These are community goals and will take longer to obtain. Consider a reduction of statistics as a long-term goal as guided by the 2030 Healthy People site. Be specific and
measurable to include timeframes.
(See the examples on page 89)
Recommended headings include:
• Title Page
• Introduction (No heading needed –assure you introduced the topic of the paper with a purpose
statement) – 7 points
• Content (a total of 20 points and please use the following headings)
• Introduction of Your Community Problem/Diagnosis – 2 points
• Analysis of Problem/Diagnosis Using Milo’s Framework of Prevention – 6 points
• Compare Problem/Diagnosis to Healthy People 2030 National Goals – 6 points
• Long-Term and Short Term Goal – 8 points (2 points for long-term goal and 2 points for each of
the three short term goals with interventions)
• Conclusion (Again no heading required – use in conclusion or in summary at the beginning of
the paragraph)– 7 points
• Stylistic Points– 6 total points – APA formatting with proper word count. Proper citations with 4
references – 2 references from required course material and two peer-reviewed references. See
further criteria on rubric and underneath rubric.
Points: 40
Due Date: Sun, Jan 31, 2019 by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) of the US

Minimum of four (4) total references: two (2) references from required course materials and two
(2) peer-reviewed references. All references must be no older than five years (unless making a
specific point using a seminal piece of information)
Peer-reviewed references include references from professional data bases such as PubMed or
CINHAL applicable to population and practice area, along with evidence based clinical practice
guidelines. Examples of unacceptable references are Wikipedia, UpToDate, Epocrates,
Medscape, WebMD, hospital organizations, insurance recommendations, & secondary clinical
Unless otherwise specified, all the written assignment must follow APA 7th edition formatting,
citations and references. Click here to download a Microsoft Word APA template. Review this
annotated student sample paper guide which draws attention to relevant content and formatting
in 7th edition APA style. Make sure you cross-reference the APA 7th edition book as well before
submitting the assignment. Refer to the ‘LEARNER SUPPORT’ tab for more information
regarding APA 7th edition with comparisons to 6th edition.
Number of Pages/Words
Unless otherwise specified all papers should have a minimum of 600 words (approximately 2.5
pages) excluding the title and reference pages.

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Compare and Contrast Health Care Systems Canada Germany Great Britain

Compare and Contrast Health Care Systems Canada Germany Great Britain

Research the health systems of Canada, Great Britain, and Germany. For each, compare and
contrast the following to the United States’ health system:
The financing and delivery of healthcare services;
The financing and delivery of public health services;
Government intervention in healthcare and public health
You can organize your answers by country (and discuss 1, 2, and 3 for each county) or by
question (and discuss each country respectively). For question 3, you may need to find material
outside of the course (be sure to reference outside materials appropriately). There is no page limit
for this assignment.

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Ethical Theories and Principles That are the Foundation for the Code of Ethics for Nurses

Ethical Theories and Principles That are the Foundation for the Code of Ethics for Nurses

Identifying Ethical Theories and Principles That are the Foundation for the Code of Ethics for Nurses

Read the ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements, American Nurses Association. (2015).

http://nursingworld.org/codeofethics (Links to an external site.)

Then identify, explain, and discuss two ethical principljvzes that form the basis for Provision 1.


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Conduct a search on Google for recent news articles about diseases of the immune or musculoskeletal systems. Hint: put your selected term in quotation marks (i.e. “cellular injury”) then click the “News”jvz tab below the search field.

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Explain how the targeted community or population’s health status has changed within the past 10 years

Explain how the targeted community or population’s health status has changed within the past 10 years 

Introduction to Selected Public Health Issue In Milestone One, you will select an intervention and its corresponding health topic and then frame this topic as a public health issue. This milestone is graded with the Final Project Milestone One Rubric and is due at the end of Module Two. Prompt You can use the optional Public Health Issues Analysis Tool (located in Module Two of your course) to guide you in the process of identifying and analyzing public health issues. Please do not submit this tool for grading; it is intended solely as a tool to help you organize the required information for your report. The following critical elements must be addressed:

Introduction to Selected Public Health Issue a) Identify and summarize an intervention related to a public health issue. (Approximately 1 page)

  • Please identify your public health intervention by using either one Healthy People implementation story from HealthyPeople.gov or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

. · When summarizing the public health intervention, include all of the following: o Prevention Level: Using the CDC Prevention document, describe the main prevention level used by the intervention (e.g., primary, secondary, tertiary). Examine the science of the prevention level using evidence and examples.

o Health Service Delivered: Determine the main public health service delivered (from the CDC’s 10 Essential Public Health Services)

Explain how the service fulfills a core function of public health. § Notes: Focus on the specific issue that the intervention addressed, not the organization. Also, make certain to frame the intervention in terms of population or community health (not healthcare, medicine, or individual patients). 10 Essential Services of Public Health

  1. Monitor health status to identify community health problems.
  2. Diagnose and investigate health problems and hazards in the community.
  3. Inform, educate, and empower people about health issues.
  4. Mobilize community partnerships to identify and solve health problems. 5. Develop policies and plans that support individual and community efforts.
  5. Enforce laws and regulations that protect health and ensure safety.
  6. Link people to needed personal health services and assure the provision of healthcare when unavailable.
  7. Assure a competent public and personal healthcare workforce
  8. Evaluate effectiveness, accessibility, and quality of personal and population-based health services
  9. Research innovative solutions to health problems Table 2 b) Discuss your issue’s significance to public health. (Approximately 2 pages) · Identify one Healthy People topic area that connects to the intervention. You may find a list of topic areas on HealthyPeople.gov by visiting the “Topic & Objectives” tab. ○ Note: Sometimes, multiple topic areas are aligned to the same intervention. For example, if the intervention topic focuses on childhood obesity, the following topic areas could be relevant: nutrition and weight status, physical fitness, and diabetes. Select only one topical area.
  • Review the topic area’s main page (i.e., only the “Overview” tab—which is the default). If provided, explore the list of sources on this page provided as hyperlinks or detailed in the reference list (if available for free in the library or online). Continue to explore this topic area until you can address the following: o Identify the population or community that was the focus of the intervention. Describe the shared characteristics among this population or community and whether these characteristics were merely geographical or included other characteristics (e.g., demographics). o Describe why this population or community was identified as needing public health services. o Please include data or evidence to support your claims.

Discuss how your selected issue has evolved to its current state. (Approximately 2 pages) o Using peer-reviewed journals from the library, research the topic area as it relates to the population or community. Try to find a few sources published at different times over the past 10 years (e.g., three different sources published in 2019, 2015, and 2017). o Summarize the progression in public health efforts within the past 10 years with respect to the targeted population or community. Consider the following: · Discuss how long the issue has been a problem for the community or population, and whether it is recent or ongoing.

Explain how the targeted community or population’s health status has changed within the past 10 years, and whether it has improved or worsened.

Guidelines for Submission: Please use APA style (seventh edition) for formatting your Final Project Milestone One paper (APA-style title page, reference list, intext citations, etc.). For the body of your paper, it is recommended that you use different heading levels to connote specific sections and subsections. You may review the Final Project Suggested Headings Outline (located in Module Two of your course) for informational purposes. Your submission should be approximately 5 to 6 pages in length (excluding title page, reference list, and any appendices) with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins

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