Medical Uses of Marijuana (Argumentative Essay)


As efforts to make marijuana legal for medicinal use continue to gain momentum, researchers are studying the effects of the nation’s most popular illicit drug – and several are sounding notes of caution. Researchers are exploring the risks of dependence, developing more effective interventions for marijuana users who want to quit, studying withdrawal, and evaluating medicinal uses of marijuana’s main active chemical, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

In a 3-5-page paper, evaluate the debate regarding the legalization of marijuana, both for medicinal purposes as well as overall legalization for recreational purposes. Provide both arguments for and against marijuana legalization, as well as how this fits into your position regarding legalization. Provide citations and reference page from at least two (2) scholarly resources. You may refer to chapters 10 and 38 in Doweiko, as well as other published sources.

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QA/QI Quality Across Models Comparative Analysis Touchstone

Quality Across Models Comparative Analysis In 2018, the cost of U.S. healthcare cost grew 4.4%, reaching $3.65 trillion (, 2018). However, despite this expenditure, the U.S. lags behind other developed countries in both the quality of care and patient safety (, (Links to an external site.) 2017).

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act included the mandate to move healthcare toward quality, safe and cost-effective care. Advanced practice nurses must now be proficient in quality assurance/quality improvement activities to improve the quality of care and patient outcomes and to meet reporting requirements that impact reimbursement. Several new models have been identified for reform in primary care practice.

The ANA has called for APRN’s to take an active role in leading the improvement in care (—final—haney—6-9-10-1532.pdf (Links to an external site.)).

To ensure nursing has the future role described by the IOM, APRN’s must be able to show they can take the lead in new models to advance healthcare reform.


The purpose of this assignment is to allow the student to demonstate their ability to apply the knowledge and skills learned in this module to
1) analyze QA/QI data,

2) use the data to compare nurse-led models with other models on quality performance,

3) identify priorities based on the analysis,

4) choose an appropriate toolkit to address the priorities and

5) develop a technical, scholarly written report on the findings based on the criteria in the rubric.

The survey of practice-level quality assurance and quality improvement activity (based on the National Quality Strategy (NQS) Levers) has been completed, and the data compiled.

Below you will find an excel file with the compiled raw data and survey results. We suggest you don’t print the Excel file pages as this is a scrolling spreadsheet designed to assist you in analyzing the data.


Excel Spreadsheet Analysis Tool (Version 2.0) .xlsxPreview the document Be sure to “enable editing” so you can click or hover over the highlighted yellow areas for definitions.

Perform your analysis of the data and prepare a written report of your findings.

You will want to use headings to organize your paper: Title heading (for the introduction)

Practice Standards (a short section discussing practice standards in general) CABC Standards JC Standards Leadership Priorities for Compliance Toolkit Conclusion References Please click on the following file which contains a template to use for your paper and Table and follow the requirements in the grading rubric: APA__7th_Word_Template_for_FNU_Students-PC713 2.0.docx

Preview the document Please click on the following link to view a PDF which contains instructions for constructing your table: Quality Across Models Table instructions 3.19.20 (1).docxPreview the document

The report is limited to 1200 words.

The word count does not include the title page, references, or table. When word limits apply, using frequency tables to report data is very helpful in describing your sample.

A table is included in the paper template following the references page(s). Please complete the table with findings in the data.

The purpose of the table is to help you report the results succinctly. Do not repeat the same information in the table in the text, as this is redundant. Summarize the findings in the text and refer your reader to the table for additional details.

Use Grammerly (supplied by Frontier) and follow APA style guidelines for technical writing.

Refer to the APA Manual 7th Edition and the APA Resources Guide found on the left sidebar of Canvas. By Friday 11:55 PM EST (Hyden Time) Week 5, upload your comparative analysis report to the assignment dropbox.

If you submit your assignment early, please notify your assigned faculty via email and they may be able to grade earlier.

However, our commitment is to grade all assignments within 5 business days of an assignment due date. Rubric QA/QI Comparative Analysis (1) QA/QI Comparative Analysis (1) Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction and Sample Description 8.0 pts Meets All Requirements *The introduction is well written and logically organized. *Summarizes the purpose of the survey and the paper.

*Describes site characteristics including geographic locations, types of practices, and model types with definitions.

*Makes a statement about QA/QI performance across sites.

*Identifies the respondent with the highest compliance rates.

7.3 pts Meets standards of clarity, accuracy and logical organization but is missing one required element 6.4 pts Shows minor deficits in clarity, accuracy or organization and is missing one required element 0.0 pts Does not meet minimum requirements: Introduction shows major deficits in clarity, accuracy or organization and is missing 2 or more elements. 8.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCABC standards 6-8 7.0 pts Meets all requirements Clearly, logically and accurately summarizes the participants’ performance on CABC standards using ranges and percentages. Includes a statement of APRN-led model performance compared to other models. Describes variations in high and low compliance across models, settings and locations. 6.3 pts Clear, logical and accurate summary but missing one required element. 5.6 pts *Summary lacks clarity, accuracy or is illogically organized and is missing one required element or is missing 2 required elements. 0.0 pts Does not meet requirements Summary lacks clarity, accuracy or is not logically organized and is missing > 2 required elements 7.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeJC standards 9-11 7.0 pts Meets All Requirements *Clearly, logically and accurately summarizes the participants’ performance on JC standards using ranges and percentages. *Includes a statement of APRN model performance compared to other models. *Describes variations in high and low compliance across models, settings and locations. 6.3 pts Clear, logical and accurate summary but missing one required element. 5.6 pts Summary lack clarity, accuracy or is illogically organized and is missing one required element or is missing 2 required elements. 0.0 pts Does not meet requirements Summary lacks clarity, accuracy or is not logically organized and is missing > 2 required elements 7.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCommunicates Leadership Priorities 8.0 pts Meets All Requirements Clearly describes and justifies one CABC leadership priority and one JC leadership priority. Leadership priorities are identified as CABC or JC priorities. Provides a logical, well-written justification of why each priority was chosen based on the findings from the analysis and supports the choice using current, peer-reviewed literature to explain how and why addressing this priority will impact the quality of patient care. Includes citations and references of at least one peer-reviewed journal article for each priority. 7.3 pts Meets all criteria with minor deficits. Fails to identify the priority as CABC or JC, or minor deficits in clarity or logic of choice of priority or justification. 6.4 pts Meets minimum standards. One priority is not clearly or logically justified (how or why is not well addressed) or literature is not current or peer-reviewed; 0.0 pts One priority is missing or *Absent or minimal information on justification of priorities given or references from peer-reviewed literature are not included for each topic. 8.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSelects a TOOL KIT 6.0 pts Meets All Requirements *Selects a tool kit to use across all sites that addresses at least one of the identified priorities. * Provides a well-written, logical description of how the toolkit addresses the quality of care related to the identified priority *The discussion presents a meaningful justification of the selected toolkit and how it applies to the sites under consideration*Includes a reference from current literature to support the choice of toolkits. 5.4 pts 5.4 pts Minor deficits in clarity or logic of appropriateness of toolkit for sites or or the justification for the choice or the reference is not current. 4.8 pts *A tool kit is identified that addresses one of the identified sites, description of how it addresses the quality of care or justification for the choice present but limited. 0.0 pts A toolkit is not identified, or is not appropriate for use across all sites, or lacks support from the literature or no description or justification is given. 6.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion 6.0 pts Meets All Requirements Concludes the comparative analysis with a succinct and logical paragraph summarizing the main points of the paper. *Includes brief, concluding thoughts. *Does not bring up new ideas or information 5.4 pts *Conclusion is logically organized but is missing one of the main points or the brief concluding thoughts, or introduces new ideas of information. 4.8 pts * Conclusion is logically organizes but is missing 2 of the main points of the paper, or the concluding thoughts lack logical connections to the papers content. Does not introduce new content. 0.0 pts *Conclusion is absent. or missing 3 or more key points, or concluding thoughts are missing or new content is introduced. 6.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA 8.0 pts Meets All Requirements *Correct APA format applied for the table, headings, and text according to APA 7th Edition *Contains 10 or fewer grammatical, punctuation, and/or spelling errors. *Adheres to 1200 word limit. 7.3 pts Meets the criteria with minor errors *Correct APA format applied for the table, headings, and text according to APA 7th Edition *Contains 11-15 grammatical, punctuation, and/or spelling errors. * or exceeds the 1200 word limit by less than 25 words 6.4 pts Meets the minimum criteria *3 or less errors in APA format for the table, headings, and text according to APA 7th Edition or *Contains 16-20 grammatical, punctuation, and/or spelling errors. or *exceeds the 1200 word limit by 26-50 words 0.0 pts Unacceptable *Poor or absent APA format for table and text, significant grammatical, punctuation, spelling errors, and exceeds 1200 word count. 8.0 pts

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Curbing the Medical Imperative

Please answer to this two questions in two different pharagraph.
(Being mortal, Chapter 6, Letting Go)

1. Gawande speaks of “curbing the medical imperative.” (pg 149) “When should we try to fix, and when should we not? “How would you answer the same question?
2. Why do you think it’s so difficult for doctors/nurses and/or family to refuse or curtail treatment?

Please use attached textbook as your source.

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Diabete’s Teaching Plan

Diabetes is a major health problem in the United States and worldwide. Hinkle (2019) estimates
that one in three adults may have the diagnosis of diabetes by the year 2050. Reducing the
burden of diabetes is a goal of Healthy People 2020 (2019). With this information in mind, the
successful management of diabetes depends on self-care and self-management of the person
diagnosed with the disease.
Patient teaching is very important to the management of diabetes. Correct use of insulin, selftesting of glucose, use of other technology such as insulin pumps, and vigilance about
preventing and detecting complications are key teaching topics.
Please choose one of the topics and develop a detailed teaching plan with an emphasis on selfmanagement. Be sure to include a collaborative suggestion for another professional who would
be involved in the teaching plan. Inclusion of culture, client developmental level, and socioeconomic factors should be considered.
Initial Post
For your first post, please select one of the topics below and address the question(s). Consider
briefly looking at the topics in the appropriate chapters or reading the position statements linked
in the assigned readings.
A nine-year-old male patient with newly diagnosed type one diabetes. You are caring for this
child and his parents in the pediatric unit and need to provide essential teaching related to
diabetes so the patient can be discharged home before seeing the pediatric endocrinologist in a
few days.
Textbook Readings
Burchum, J. R., & Rosenthal, L.D. (2019). Lehne’s pharmacology for nursing care (10th ed.).
Chapter 57: Drugs for Diabetes Mellitus (pp. 674-710)
Hinkle, J., & Cheever, K. (2018). Brunner and Suddarth’s textbook of medical-surgical
nursing (14th ed.). Wolters Kluwer.

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Epidemiology Paper (Concepts of Epidemiology and Nursing Research to a Communicable Disease)

Epidemiology Paper Write a paper (2,000-2,500 words) in which you apply the concepts of epidemiology and nursing research to a communicable disease.

Refer to “Communicable Disease Chain,” “Chain of Infection,” and the CDC website for assistance when completing this assignment. Communicable Disease Selection

1). Chickenpox

2). Tuberculosis

3). Influenza

4). Mononucleosis

5). Hepatitis B

6). HIV

7). Ebola

8). Measles

9). Polio

10). Influenza

Epidemiology Paper


1). Describe the chosen communicable disease, including causes, symptoms, mode of transmission, complications, treatment, and the demographic of interest (mortality, morbidity, incidence, and prevalence). Is this a reportable disease? If so, provide details about reporting time, whom to report to, etc.

2). Describe the social determinants of health and explain how those factors contribute to the development of this disease.

3).Discuss the epidemiologic triangle as it relates to the communicable disease you have selected. Include the host factors, agent factors (presence or absence), and environmental factors. Are there any special considerations or notifications for the community, schools, or general population?

4). Explain the role of the community health nurse (case finding, reporting, data collection, data analysis, and follow-up) and why demographic data are necessary to the health of the community.

5). Identify at least one national agency or organization that addresses the communicable disease chosen and describe how the organizations contribute to resolving or reducing the impact of disease.

6). Discuss a global implication of the disease. How is this addressed in other countries or cultures? Is this disease endemic to a particular area? Provide an example. A minimum of three peer-reviewed or professional references is required.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric.

Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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Measles Disease


Measles, the history of, and the controversy of childhood vaccines causing autism.

Here are the four sources I used in my annotated bibliography:

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Eleven Blue Men Epidemiology Question

Eleven Blue Men
The true story of the eleven blue men by Berton Roueché is one of the staple readings for many
who study public health and epidemiology. The story takes place in late 1944 and centers upon
eleven men who, aside from their breakfast location, have little to do with one another. However,
what makes this story unique and of interest today is that it highlights the speed and importance
of a proper epidemiologic investigation.
Read “Eleven Blue Men.”
After reading, answer the following questions:
Describe the 10 steps of an outbreak investigation as it pertains to this particular event in 1944.
That is, for each step highlight where in the event that step occurred.
On your own, draw the epidemic curve for this incident. In your submitted assignment identify the
type of curve it represents.
Calculate and state the incubation period for the illness affecting the eleven blue men.
Identify three questions that Dr. Greenberg asked the patients.
Identify three questions that Dr. Pellitteri asked the patients.
Identify three questions that the epidemiologists asked the Eclipse Cafeteria employees.
Identify the culprit. Also, what about these men was unique when compared to the other people
who ate in the cafeteria that day?

Provide at least two additional questions you would have liked the investigators to have asked
the patients or employees. Why do you feel these questions would have helped?
The Eleven Blue Men assignment
Must be at least two to three double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references
pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the University Writing Center.
Must contain responses to these questions that are placed in paragraph form, not simply listed
as bullets.
You need to demonstrate that you can collect, compile, and present a broad array of information
in a narrative form.
Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
Must include introduction and conclusion paragraphs
Must document all sources in APA style as outlined here and here.
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in
the University Writing Center.

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Depression and Antidepressant Medication

Natalee Williams, a 10-year-old African American girl, comes to your psychiatric nurse
practitioner office for evaluation. She has been sad and withdrawn, complaining about
headaches and “tummy aches.”
Her mother, Trina, accompanies her to the appointment. Trina notes that Natalee has seemed
depressed and presents as irritable. The mother notes her daughter’s mood change occurred
about two months ago. Natalee’s school performance has fallen, and she is now doing C work.
Last term, she earned all As. She wants to sleep more, and her appetite has decreased. She
rarely wants to play with friends and spends a lot of time in her room alone. Her height and
weight are normal for her age, but she has lost 2 pounds over the last two months.

There is a history of depression in the family, as Natalee’s maternal grandmother and maternal
aunt both have had major depression. Her maternal grandmother was hospitalized for psychiatric
care 20 years ago for depression and a suicide attempt by an overdose of Tylenol.
From your perspective as Natalee’s psychiatric nurse practitioner, answer the following questions
in a paper no longer than two double-spaced pages (not including the reference page and
prescription) and in APA format. Include at least three peer-reviewed, evidence-based
What are some differential diagnoses you would give – identify one medical differential diagnosis
and two psychiatric differential diagnoses?
What diagnosis would you give Natalee? On what evidence/symptoms do you base your
What medication(s) would you prescribe for Natalee and why? Please note the medication, initial
dose, and dosing schedule.
How will you educate and inform Trina (Natalee’s mother) about how this medication will work?
How will you discuss with Trina the commonly expected side effects and potentially serious
adverse effects and risks for a child of this age with taking this medication?

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