Privacy Issues and Electronic Health Records (EHR)

Privacy Issues and Electronic Health Records (EHR)

Research about privacy issues faced in the health care field.

Research and Write about how HIPAA can be part of the solution.

Also include electronic health records and HOW it could be a risk.

Include possible solutions for the privacy issues that the health care industry may face.

Must use at least 3 peer-reviewed journal articles.

I am attaching three articles below that you may choose to use if appropriate.

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Public Health Community Assessment

Public Health Community Assessment

The paper is about ethiopian community in Adams Morgan in the DC area and you need to write about the methodology part for this community assessment paper.

Attached the example of methodology.( you can follow the same format as example)

You can check it from page 12.

Process and data collection methods

Data analysis

Limitation of community

Overview of service area

County government and economics



Child poverty

Race and ethinicity of eligible children in poverty that is attached another example of CNA

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Patient Health Protection

Patient Health Protection

To prepare for this discussion, you researched the manner in which the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is designed to add value to the health care setting.

  • Argue the importance of value-added patient services in health care organizations. Support your response with 2–3 examples of value-added patient services that health care providers can offer to patients.
  • Hypothesize the long-term impact of the Affordable Care Act on children’s overall health in the United States. Support your response with at least two examples of said impact.


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Ethical Issues in Electronic Health Records

Identifying and Addressing Ethical Issues in Using Electronic Health Records

Research Proposal Draft
By the due date assigned, write a 1-page paper addressing the sections below of the research
1. Data Analysis Plans
2. Describe plan for data analysis for demographic variables (descriptive statistical tests).
Describe plan for data analysis of study variables (descriptive and inferential statistical test
Please check APA format, loosing points. Also need the same has the last papers, Front page
and a reference page.

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Health Care Career Paper

Health Care Career Paper

Health Care Career Paper Instructions


The purpose of this paper is for students to research, learn and write about specific elements of a health care worker’s career. Students are recommended to choose the health care worker in the field they are planning to enter. Examples of paper topics include: Registered Nurse; Diagnostic Medical Sonographer; Physician Assistant; Pharmacy Technician; Massage Therapist or Radiographic Technologist. The Miami Dade College Campus’s (Medical Campus) Library has resources dedicated to these careers.

  • The required format is APA 6th


  • Using MS Word, the paper is to be neat, and well organized using correct spelling and grammar,
  • Students need to use the information and resources located

MDC Learning Resources Website at There you will at Search Resources, go to the Subject Guide, on the dropdown menu select Health and Medicine, then scroll down to HSC 0003 Health Care Career Paper.

There is an APA 6th ed style Microsoft Word Template for you to use for this paper.

  • A Cover Page
    • In APA 6th format
    • All pages are numbered
  • Body of the Report
    • In APA 6th Format
    • In-text Citations
    • No abstract or introduction
    • The body length is three to five pages. No less than 3 and not to exceed 5
    • Times New Roman, 12-point font
    • One inch margins
    • Double spaced
    • Left justification
    • No lists, bullets, graphics, tables or pictures
    • Work is to be expressed in paragraph form only
  • References Page
    • The title is References not Works Cited or Bibliography
    • Indicate the exact source of the specific information used in the paper by citing all references on the reference
    • Only references cited in the paper with in text citations are to be included on the reference
    • Include a minimum of four different sources of information (books, professional journal articles, electronic sources, websites, ).
    • Wikipedia is not acceptable as a reference


The health care career paper is to be the student’s original work. Plagiarism is the improper borrowing of another person’s words, ideas, or methods. If you use another person’s material, you must acknowledge your source. When you cite a source properly, you have given credit where it is due, and you have also given your readers a way to locate the original material on their own.

But, there is more than that to plagiarism. Copying material directly without placing it between quotation marks, even if you provide the source, is an act of plagiarism.

CONTENT AND APA CITATION (90% of written paper grade)


  • Describe the care/service provided by the healthcare professional, (used correct APA ciations)
  • Describe the limits of authority and responsibility legislated “scope of practice” for this health care career. (used correct APA citations)
  • Describe the “Code of Ethics” for this health care occupation (used correct APA citations)


  • Describe the requirements for the profession/occupation (using correct APA citations)
  • Identify at least two different types of educational institutions/schools offering the program. (using correct APA citations)
  • State how much time it takes to complete the program (using correct APA citations)
  • Describe the approximate cost for each of the educational institutions required using correct APA citations) (using correct APA citations)
  • What degree or certification that can be earned for this health care career (using correct APA citations)
  • Identify the professional certification or registration required (using correct APA
  • citations)


  • What is the job availability for this profession? (using correct APA citations)
  • Growth trends in the field (using correct APA citations)
  • Number of jobs advertised locally for example in the Sunday Herald or other publication (using correct APA citations)
  • Is experience required? explain (using correct APA citations)
  • Salaries – Entry level and with experience (using correct APA citations)
  • Advancement Opportunities, with or without additional education (using correct APA citations)


  • Local/State/National Professional Organizations (cost to join as a student) (using correct APA citations)
  • Professional journals with address and cost. (using correct APA citations)
  • Are Continuing Educational Units (CEUs) required for this profession? If so how many and how often (using correct APA citations)
  • Describe ways that members of a professional organization can gain continuing education requirements and earn CEUs (using correct APA citations)


  • Reflect on how you see yourself “fitting” into this
  • Describe a personal career plan for you to enter this field. Include goals, objectives and


paper grade)


  • At least 6 substantial references are used. They may include: books; professional journal articles; and web
  • All references are correctly cited on the Reference page in correct APA 6th e


  • Well organized, with each section containing appropriate content
  • Double spaced, 12-pt font size, 1”
  • Body of paper 3 – 5 pages with separate cover page and reference
  • Correct spelling and

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How does poverty relate to poor health?

Relationship Bteween Health and Poverty 

How does poverty relate to poor health?

Professor’s instructions: 250-500 word essay
You will all write a type of essay common in applying for academic admission or
scholarships called the Statement of Purpose. It is usually a short explanation of your goals and
experiences that have shaped you as a student. This helps the committee understand what you
like as a student and how you’ll use their scholarship or what you’ll be like in their department.
You want to sell yourself and sound like an asset. This essay is very similar to the cover letter
often asked for when applying for a job, so this essay has a practical purpose beyond applying for scholarships/transfer admission. Chose from one of two prompts:
From the ACC Scholarship Application –
Please provide a personal statement of 250-500 words that discusses your educational and
career plans and how ACC can help you achieve them. Please also include any extenuating or
unusual circumstances you want the committee to consider when reviewing your application.
*Take your time to write a thoughtful, grammatically correct essay as this is a major component
of the scholarship application.*
From the Common Application Topic E –
Choose an issue of importance to you – the issue could be personal, school related, local,
political, or international in scope – and write an essay in which you explain the significance of
that issue to yourself, your family, your community, or your generation.
50% of the grade will come from Organization and Ideas, 50% will come from Mechanics
I chose the second prompt. I want to write about how being poor affects health.

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Healthcare Models

Healthcare Models

The intervention wheel is a commonly used model used in public health. The purpose of this
assignment is to analyze the intervention wheel and contrast it with another model used in public
health. Write an 800-1000 word paper, including the following:
1. A description of the strengths and weaknesses of the intervention wheel.
2. An example of when the intervention wheel has been used in public health.
3. A brief description of another model used in public health (The Ecological Model)
4. A description of how the two models are similar.
5. A description of how the two models are different.
Cite at least three resources in your paper.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to
become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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Health Care Final Project

Health Care Final Project

Discuss how a current political issue(Health Care) has, or will, move through the entire political
system. Be sure to include those who have a stake in the issue (interest groups, organizations,
businesses, etc.), what current laws or Supreme Court decisions affect the issue , what agencies
(executive) and congressional committees (legislative) have jurisdiction, how the public views the
issue, how it is represented by the political parties, how the issue has evolved over time, and
what roles and responsibilities individuals (or citizens) including yourself have within the system
as it relates to the issue.Be sure to answer all of the questions and give me your impression of
where the policy area is going. All areas of the political system are sufficiently covered with detail
and cited examples. Demonstrates a full understanding of the interconnections within the political
system through examples, details, and logic of the processes involved. Includes fully
documented and reputable sources including proper formatting, in-text references, and citations
with minimal errors.

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Effect of Corona Virus (COVID-19) on the Food Service Industry


Write an essay discusing how the coronavirus has had an effect on the food service industry. This essay should be in 2 full pages. Minimum 3 citations from articles, podcasts, etc. Times New
Roman, 12 pt font, double spaced, standard margins

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Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation

Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation

Using the internet, discuss in a paper (2500 words) evidence-based support for NPPV use in the
following settings:
COPD exacerbations
Acute pulmonary edema
Hypoxemic respiratory failure
Immunocompromised patients
Remember to appropriately site your references in your paper.

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