Article analysis and evaluation summary and descriptive statistics

Article analysis and evaluation summary and descriptive statistics

We can help you carry out an analysis of data using descriptive statistics such as pie charts, bar graphs, histograms, and so fort. We can also help you to carry out analysis of data using data analysis tools such as SPSS. For example, we can help you in an analysis of variance ANOVA, regression analysis, and so forth. Place an order and we shall help you with the analysis. Before you place an order, chat with our support to help you estimate the cost of the work as data analysis involves both calculations and narrrative.

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Law enforcement intelligence

Law enforcement intelligence

Please for Chapter Summary, Answer the Following Question:
1. What is the Main Topic of the Chapter?
2. What are four separate points of learning/information from the chapter that relate back to the main topic?
3. How does the information in the chapter support the overall purpose and goals of the text?
The introduction to your text states, “New expectations and responsibilities are being placed on law enforcement agencies of all sizes to develop an intelligence capacity as part of a cohesive national strategy to protect the United States from terrorism and the deleterious effects of transjurisdictional organized crime. As part of this trend, particularly after the events of September 11, 2001, unprecedented initiatives have been undertaken to reengineer the law enforcement intelligence function.”
So this final question is, how does the material in this chapter assist in enhancing the intelligence capacity and function of law enforcement?

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Personal Finance Plan Assignment Help

Personal Finance Plan Assignment Help


Read newspaper or magazine articles to determine what expenses are likely to increase and decrease during retirement. How might this information affect your retirement-planning decisions?
Which type of housing will best meet your retirement needs? Is such housing available in your community? Make a checklist of the advantages and disadvantages of your housing choice.
Using the Internet to obtain information about wills. Visit Metropolitan Life Insurance Company’s website at Using this information, prepare a report on the following:
Who needs a will?
What are the elements of a will (naming a guardian, naming an executor, preparing a will, updating a will, estate taxes, where to keep your will, living will, etc.)?
How is this report helpful in preparing your own will?
Visit the Prudential Insurance Company of America website at Gather information on various estate planning topics such as an estate planning worksheet; whether you need an estate plan; when to update your plan; estate taxes, wills, executors, trusts, etc. Then prepare a report to help you develop your estate plan.
Planning for Retirement: Is a bad day fishing better than a good day at the office? Yes, according to a retired dad, Chuck. With his company pension, at least he didn’t have to worry about money. In the good old days, if you had a decent job, you’d hang on to it, and then your company’s pension combined with Social Security payments would be enough to live comfortably. Chuck’s son, Rob, does not have a company pension and is not sure whether Social Security will even exist when he retires. So when it comes to retirement, the sooner you start saving, the better.
Take Maureen, a salesperson for a computer company, and Therese, an accountant for a lighting manufacturer. Both start their jobs at age 25. Maureen starts saving for retirement right away by investing $300 a month at 9 percent until age 65. But Therese does nothing until age 35. At 35 she begins investing the same $300 a month at 9 percent until age 65. What a shocking difference! Maureen has accumulated $1.4 million, while Therese has only $553,000 in her retirement fund. The moral?
The sooner you start, the more you’ll have for your retirement. Women especially need to start sooner, because they typically enter the workforce later, have lower salaries, and, ultimately, lower pensions. Laura Tarbox, owner and president of Tarbox Equity, explains how to determine your retirement needs and how your budget might change when you retire. Tarbox advises that the old rule of thumb that you need 60 to 70 percent of preretirement income is too low an estimate. She cautions that most people will want to spend very close to what they were spending before retiring. There are some expenses that might be lower, however, such as clothing for work, dry cleaning, commuting expenses, and so forth. Other expenses, though, such as insurance, travel, and recreation, may increase during retirement.
In the past, many workers chose to stay with their employers until retirement. What was the major reason for employees’ loyalty?
How did Maureen amass $1.4 million for retirement, while Therese could only accumulate $553,000?
Why do women need to start early to save for retirement?
How is net worth determined?
What expenses may increase or decrease during retirement?
In 2013, Joshua gave $14,000 worth of XYZ stock to his son. In 2014, the XYZ shares are worth $25,000.
What was the gift tax in 2010?
What is the total amount removed from Joshua’s estate in 2014?
What will be the gift tax in 2014?
Joel and Rachel are both retired. Married for 50 years, they’ve amassed an estate worth $2.4 million. The couple has no trusts or other types of tax-sheltered assets. If Joel or Rachel dies in 2008, how much federal estate tax would the surviving spouse have to pay, assuming that the estate is taxed at the 45 percent rate?
Shelly’s assets include money in checking and savings accounts, investments in stocks and mutual funds, and personal property, including furniture, appliances, an automobile, a coin collection, and jewelry. Shelly calculates that her total assets are $108,800. Her current unpaid bills, including an auto loan, credit card balances, and taxes total $16,300. Calculate Shelly’s net worth.
When Jamal graduated from college recently, his parents gave him $1,000 and told him to use it wisely. Jamal decided to use the money to start a retirement account. After doing some research about different options, he put the entire amount into a tax-deferred IRA that pays 11 percent interest, compounded annually. Calculate how much money Jamal will have in his IRA at the end of 10 years, assuming that the interest rate remains the same and that he does not deposit any additional money. Show your calculations in the form of a chart.
Calculate how much you would have in 10 years if you saved $2,000 a year at an annual rate of 10 percent with the company contributing $500 a year.

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A. Facilitation Reflection (approximately 1/2 to 1 page maximum double spaced)
Please reflect on your entire facilitation experience from planning to presentation and

Please reflect on your entire facilitation experience from planning to presentation and feedback.
1. Planning – Did it go well and is there anything you would have changed? Briefly answer (unless you feel you need more depth).
2. Support – Do you feel you had enough support and resources to complete this task well? Please explain briefly.
3. Presentation
a. Considering the presentation as a whole (entire group), list the aspects that you think went well, along with anything you would change if you were to
facilitate a lesson again, and explain why.
b. Considering your portion of the presentation, list the aspects that you think went well, along with anything you would change if you were to facilitate a
lesson again, and explain why.
4. Experience – What did you learn? Do you believe the experience is relevant for an Organizational Change and Development course, and do you feel that
building your facilitation skills will be of benefit in your career and life going forward? Would you like to facilitate again (in this course, or only in another
course)? Please reflect and explain.
5. Advice – What is one piece of advice you would offer other student facilitators (in this class specifically, or in general)?
6. Feedback – Do you feel there were enough marks allocated for the work involved as a facilitator, and do you have any other comments or suggestions for
improvement of this assignment? Honest feedback is welcome, even if it’s tough feedback. 🙂
B. Participation Reflection (approximately 1/2 to 1 page maximum double spaced)
Please reflect on your experience as a participant in modules 4 through 9 (Chapters 6-10).
1. How do you feel your fellow students did (on the whole) as facilitators? Are there any lessons, tools, assignments or techniques that really stood out to
you, and that increased your interest and engagement? Was there anything that really didn’t work for you as a learner, and why? Please explain and provide
examples where possible.
2. Do you believe your learning (course content) was increased, decreased or about the same as it would have been if all modules had been delivered by a
professor, and why?
3. Please explain what you learned about facilitation as a participant that will assist you as you teach others in the future, whether in a formal OD position or
general professional life, as well as in your personal life if applicable.
4. Did you generally “attend” the sessions live or watch the recordings (or maybe a mix)? You do not need to explain why.
5. Do you feel there were enough marks allocated for the work involved as a participant (for each portion: feedback, TQs and assignments), and do you have
any comments or suggestions for improvement of the participation aspect of this assignment. Again, tough feedback is welcome. 🙂
C. OD Capabilities & Your Future (approximately 2 to 4 pages maximum double-spaced)
What are your goals for the future, and do you believe this course has better prepared you for upcoming roles (personal or professional)?
Please see the following headings in Chapter 12, and provide a reflective assessment on your OD capabilities in the following areas. Be sure to include
course content (with citations) as to whether or not your skills and abilities will be beneficial in your career.
1. Digital Fluency
2. Collaboration
3. Facilitation
4. Creativity and Curiosity
5. Resilience
6. Knowledge
D. Comments/Suggestions/Advice (at least three sentences, but you can keep this simple)
1. What comments do you have on the course as a whole, and regarding your learning over the term. It’s fine to refer me to comments you have made above.
Please let me know what worked for you, what did not work, and offer any suggestions for improvement to the sessions, materials, layout, etc.
2. Please let me know if you think the course would work well if the Learning Organization portion of the class was completed first, before going through the
OD and Change portion – in other words, if you have enough background to start with the Learning Organization in order to bump facilitating/participating
until after the break.
Thank you!
A. Facilitation Reflection 20
B. Participation Reflection 20
C. OD Capabilities 50
D. Comments/Suggestions/Advice 5
Professionalism 5
Total: /100

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Mental Illness and Adult Homelessness

Mental Illness and Adult Homelessness

Your assignment is to review/research the major developments in technology since the year 2000. These include the Internet of Things (IOT), Blockchain and
Bitcoin, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Realities, and Big Data, to name a few. Based on your analysis of both the previously expected
and unexpected developments (breakthroughs), predict two new digital technologies that will emerge in the next 10 years. Based on currently available
information, give your plausible vision of who will develop them, how they will do it, how the technology will go from inventor(s) to the market, and what
impact said technologies will have on the world once they have been commercialized, in an essay. Your submission must be a minimum of 1000 and a
maximum of 2000 words, and may include original images and diagrams that help to explain the future technologies you are describing. Your work must
utilize multiple credible sources and must NOT plagiarize! Thank you so much! If you have any questions please let me know!

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Analysis and Ethics and Accounting

Analysis and Ethics and Accounting

Part I Instructions (40 points)
What is C&C Sports’ strategy?
What are C&C Sports’ greatest financial challenges?
How might C&C Sports’ managers generate additional cash flow?
What are the potential threats to C&C Sports’ future success?
If you wanted to purchase baseball jerseys, baseball pants, or letter award jackets, what would you look for in a supplier?
Part II Instructions (20 points)
Read the following case and ASCP Statement on code of Medical Ethics. Then, respond to the question outlined below.
Making ethical decisions Charlie Anderson recently began a new job as the office manager for a prominent medical clinic. He has just received a bill from MedCount, one of the labs that performs tests for the clinic. In reviewing the bill, Charlie notices that the lab has charged the clinic $25 for a complete blood count test. The clinic, however, bills patients or their insurance companies $90 for the test, and that is the amount that most insurance companies will pay on the patient’s behalf. Thus, the clinic is earning a $65 profit on each blood test it orders. After a bit more investigation, Charlie finds similar profit margins on several other lab tests. He is concerned about the billing practice and suspects the clinic may have selected the lab based on its low cost rather than on the lab’s qualifications and the accuracy of its test results. He also wonders if the tests’ profit potential is driving doctors to order unnecessary tests.
American Medical Association (AMA) Code of Medical Ethics:
AMA Opinion E-8.09(2) states, “[a] physician should not charge a markup, commission, or profit on the services rendered by others.” This opinion describes a markup as “an excessive charge that exploits patients if it is nothing more than a tacked on amount for a service already provided and accounted for by the laboratory.” The opinion does allow the clinician to bill “an acquisition charge or processing charge” but that the “patient should be notified of any such charge in advance.” Moreover, this opinions states that a “physician who disregards quality as the primary criterion or who chooses a laboratory solely because it provides low-cost laboratory services on which the patient is charged a profit, is not acting in the best interests of the patient.”
Based on the information provided above, respond to the following questions in complete sentences:
Do you believe that the clinic’s billing for lab tests is an acceptable business practice?
Why or why not?
How could implementation of a proper code of ethics by MedCount help the medical clinic from avoiding an ethical violation?
In your own words, define ethical behavior.
Part II Grading Rubric
+4 Ethical Practice opinion Y/N
+6 Why or Why Not explanation
+4 Key Term
+6 Utilization of Code of Ethics

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Response Paper Essay

Response Paper Essay

Response piece to Snyder Decision: Please write a response piece to the below document. It may be in the form of a dissenting opinion. To do so:
(1) identify a central claim and holding of the opinion,
(2) identify the arguments the court sets forth in support of that claim, and then
(3) advance objections to those arguments along with arguments supporting your position.

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