Julia Chan is a 3.5-year-old girl who just started attending daycare about 1 month ago

Julia Chan is a 3.5-year-old girl who just started attending daycare about 1 month ago

Julia Chan is a 3.5-year-old girl who just started attending daycare about 1 month ago. She did not want to go and still exhibits a lot of clinging behavior
when her mother tries to leave; she still cries when her mother eventually does manage to leave. Her mother says that Julia’s atopic dermatitis has
flared up again. Julia has had atopic dermatitis since she was about 6 months old. It had been well controlled by topical corticosteroids and liberal use
of moisturizers. Her recent flare-up began about 2–3 weeks ago. She has not been sleeping well and is constantly trying to scratch her skin at night. Her
mother has been using 100% cotton sheets for her bed since she was an infant. She has sewn mittens on Julia’s 100% cotton pajamas to prevent her
from scratching, because she had previously caused excoriations from scratching, which then became infected. During the day, Julia constantly wants
to scratch her skin but has been told to just “pat” the itchy area. The caregivers at the daycare center keep an eye on her scratching behavior as well but
are not always able to prevent her from scratching herself. They also inform her mother that Julia likes to eat food shared by other children.

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Model of Nursing Empowerment

Model of Nursing Empowerment

1. Construct your own model of nursing empowerment. Use Module 3 readings as well as additional articles on empowerment and the effects empowerment has on nurses/nursing practice. (Note the models pictured in some of these articles.)

2. In order to accomplish this assignment you will first need to:

Determine from each article, which constructs are the Independent Variables (those things that may cause a change) and which constructs are Dependent Variables (potential outcomes).
Create your own visual display of your model with Nursing Empowerment in the center. Picture your selection of IVs (causes of empowerment) to the left and DVs (potential outcomes or effects of your IVs) to the right of ‘Empowerment’.
Then add arrows in your model depicting which direction effects will flow. (You do not need to add statistical sizes of the effect)

3. Write a 3-4 page formal paper explaining your model. This paper needs to be referenced and in proper APA formatting (title page, abstract, table of contents, body of paper—with appropriate levels of section headings, and reference page).


4. Add your model as a proper APA formatted appendix to the paper.

This Assignment relates to Module 3 Objective: (1) Depict the relationships between concepts such as self-efficacy, staff development, autonomy of practice as well as other positive workplace initiatives and nursing empowerment.

The title page, abstract, appendix and table of contents are not part of the four papers.
Attached are the readings to be used for the paper

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Formulating the Research Question Using PICO Framework

Formulating the Research Question Using PICO Framework

Submit Assignment as a Microsoft Word Doc Only. ►→Do not Submit Docs. from any Apple
devices, Google docs. or PDF.
Carefully read instructions for completing this assignment.
Instructions: Use the Virtual Library link http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/health_sciences on the
Weekly Outline page of Canvas; Select Resources or the ‘Database’ tab; to find three (3 ) clinical
research articles in your area of health-related study and complete the assignment as instructed
1.) List the bibliographical information for each article, and state in your own words the central
question that the researchers in each study seek to answer. Please include the abstracts for each article..
2) Review the Supplemental Article:Formulating the Research Question, chapter 3 of your Text &
video tutorials : The PICO acronym is used as a framework for developing research questions
and for conducting literature searches & The FINER criteria is the Gold standard for writing a
good research question. ***Discuss how well ( or poorly) each of your selected central research
questions meet the standards of both PICO and FINER. Be sure to adhere to APA standards for
scholarly writing. Review your work for use of proper spelling, grammar and syntax before

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Best practices in nurse-patient inter-professional and collaborative communication in health care

Best practices in nurse-patient inter-professional and collaborative communication in health care

The purpose of this assignment is for the student to develop a case study investigating
communication issues resulting in inter-professional team
conflicts. The case will demonstrate best practices in nurse-patient, inter-professional and
collaborative communication in health care. The case
will include examples of how clear communication and collaboration among nurses, patients
and/or the inter-disciplinary team improves patient
safety and/or health outcomes.
Read the assignment in its entirety prior to beginning the assignment. References for the external resources cited in these directions are provided
in Week 7 of the course.
Step 1:
Read the Cullati et al. (2019) qualitative study on team conflict and the impact on quality of care
linked here
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6408685/ and uploaded as a pdf in Week 7 of the
course. The authors categorized consequences
of conflict into six dimensions of quality of care. Table 3. (p. 47) summarizes the six dimensions
of quality of care with three of the dimensions
related to conflict involving nurses. Select one of the three quality dimensions illustrative quotes
involving nurses; Timeliness, Patientcenteredness, Safety or Equity. Search the literature in the
Leatherby Library and identify one peer reviewed article to support how communication
in healthcare impacts patient outcomes. Proceed with developing the case study.
Revised 7/2020 gph
Step 2:
Write a 3 – 4-page (not including title page or reference list) paper using APA formatting
responding to the following prompts. Organize your paper
using each bolded prompt as a Level 1 heading. Note: the introduction in APA does not carry a
heading but is preceded by the title of the paper
(centered and bolded).
• Introduction – Provide the purpose of the paper and a succinct summary of what the paper will explore.
• Summary of the Conflict – Describe the conflict, involving the nurse, from Table 3. (Cullati et al.,
2019, p. 47) in your own words. Include the
roles of the inter-professional team members in the description.
Situational Analysis and Potential Patient Outcome – Where or when did the communication
breakdown take place and who was the
breakdown between or among? Propose a potential untoward patient safety or health outcome
that could result from the communication
breakdown. Support this section with the evidence from the peer reviewed article identified in
Step 1 from your literature search.
Resolving Communication Challenges – Assume the role of the nurse in the conflict. Identify an
appropriate TeamSTEPPS (Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality & Department of Defense, Defense Health Agency, 2013)
strategy to address and resolve the conflict.
Describe how you, as the nurse, would approach the conflict using the TeamSTEPPS strategy.
Describe how the improvement in
communication would improve patient safety and/or patient outcomes.
• Conclusion – Summarize the concepts presented in your case study paper including a final
statement about the importance of interprofessional collaboration and communication in nursing
Step 3:
• Label your MS Word document file as Last Name_First Name_ PaperTitle (ex. Hock_Gail_Conflict and Communication)
The final deliverable will be a 3-4 page (maximum) consistently double – spaced paper presented
in MS Word document format. Proper APA (7th
edition) standards formatting is required, including in-text citations and a reference list.
• Submit your paper to Turnitin for the similarity index assessment and to LiveText for grading.
• Both functions are available via the Assignments tab in BlackBoard. The paper is due Sunday
of W

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Roy Adaptation Model

Roy Adaptation Model

The following matters must be presented/discussed in the paper and in class on the group’s pre-assigned presentation:
1. The author(s) of the article (if not Roy)
2. Who the article was about (population)
3. How RAM(Roy Adaption Model) was utilized in the nursing care plan (intervention)
4. The outcome or results noted in the article
5. The benefits or problems related to using RAM
6. Recommendations for further study
7. Summation
The paper must be typed with 1” margins, double spacing and a 12 point Times Roman font and be between two and three pages in length

The paper should:
1. Provides substantive and relevant development of ideas
2. Provides logical, accurate, and sufficient level of detail
3. Demonstrates an in depth understanding of the ideas in the assigned reading and critically evaluates/responds to those ideas in an analytical, persuasive manner.
4. Has appropriate references 65% Organization
5. Creates a clearly identifiable introduction, body, and conclusion.
6. Provides unified paragraph structure–each paragraph develops only one central idea. 20% Language
7. Incorporates appropriate medical terminology, avoids irrelevant and redundant words, phrases and other distracting information and has appropriate spelling
8. Avoids errors in sentence boundaries such as fused sentences and sentence fragments
9. Avoids plagiarism; uses paraphrase and quotes skillfully 15%
10. APA References

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PICO Assignment

PICO Assignment

Please review the PICO Assignment attached in the word document below. Please answer all
the questions and submit the completed word document
I will be using the PICO question for my final Evidence Based Practice Project. It is important to
emphasize that questions 1,2,3 will provide information for the background section of my final
EBP poster. Please be sure to cite and reference information in these sections.
I would like to keep the same writer for my final project, so perfect this for me and I will
specifically request you for my final project.
please contact me with any questions or concerns

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Nursing Capstone Project

Nursing Capstone Project

I need the last part of my project to be finished. Please read section 3 and do accordingly .
I needs the following section to be finished please Implications for
Nursing Practice
. Relate the implications to the area specific to the project and provide a global perspective for
nursing practice. Now that you have the results of the project – so what? Why should nursing
leaders care? Would society care about the results? Refer to the Significance in Section I about
who stands to benefit from the project and expand on that discussion as it relates to the results
of the project. Critically analyze and discuss the meanings of any gaps or similarities to the
literature for every unusual finding.

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Community Health Nursing Assignment

Community Health Nursing Assignment

The written assignment is an APA assignment that includes a title page and double-spaced
paper. No abstract is required. Include an introduction with purpose statement and conclusion.
This assignment is aligned with the module objective
“Demonstrate community assessments and apply the principles of epidemiology.
• Review the concepts of epidemiology in disease control and prevention (p. 70-78). From this
textbook ‘Nies, M. A., & McEwen, M. (2019). Community/public health nursing: Promoting the
health of populations. (7th ed.). Elsevier.

• Apply ecosocial epidemiology paradigm (macro-level) to one of your chosen diagnosis from
module 1 written assignment (p.72). of this textbook, Nies, M. A., & McEwen, M. (2019).
Community/public health nursing: Promoting the health of populations. (7th ed.). Elsevier.
I used these diagnoses for module one. You can choose one. Thanks
Priority Community Health Nursing Diagnoses #1
Risk of high black infant mortality rate among blacks in Montgomery county in Ohio related to
prematurity-related conditions, preterm birth before 37 weeks of pregnancy has been reached,
low birth weight, respiratory distress syndrome, and neonatal hemorrhage. As evidenced by data
from Infant Vitality – Ohio Department of Health.
Priority Community Health Nursing Diagnoses #2
High risk of obesity among the population in Montgomery county in Ohio related to inactivity, not
participating in physical activities, bad eating habits, excessive alcohol consumption as
evidenced by Data presented by odh.ohio.gov.

need an introduction sentence or two with purpose statement, such as this discussion board will
describe. At the end of the discussion board, you need a conclusion or a summary of your
Also please see the explanation of what the definition of a peer-reviewed article is on the top and
bottom of the rubric each week. Peer-reviewed references include professional journals (i.e.
Nursing Education Perspectives, Journal of Professional Nursing, etc. –), professional
organizations (NLN, CDC, AACN, ADA, etc.) applicable to population and practice area, along
with clinical practice guidelines (CPGs – National Guideline Clearinghouse). References not
acceptable (not inclusive) are UpToDate, Epocrates, Medscape, WebMD, hospital organizations,
insurance recommendations, & secondary clinical databases. *All references must be no older
than five years (unless making a specific point using a seminal piece of information)
This discussion board is aligned with the module objective “Demonstrate community
assessments and apply the principles of epidemiology.” As part of the discussion you will:
• Review the concepts of epidemiology in disease control and prevention (p. 70-78).
• Apply ecosocial epidemiology paradigm (macro-level) to one of your chosen diagnosis from
module 1 written assignment (p.72).
This is right

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