Health care professional/individual as client teaching and learning

Case 1
John is a retired 57-year-old man with a 5-year history of type 2 diabetes. He was diagnosed with
diabetes in 2010 but he had symptoms indicating hyperglycemia for 2 years before diagnosis. He
had fasting blood glucose records indicating values of 118–127 mg/dl, which were described to
him as indicative of “borderline diabetes.” His doctor has been encouraging to lose weight (at
least 10 kg. as he currently weights 100 kg and is 180 cm tall. Write learning objectives to guide your teaching about the importance of weight loss related to type 2 diabetes.
Based on this case study, a clear, measureable objective must be written for each of the 3
domains – cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Assignment 2 must be submitted, marked and
returned to you prior to submitting assignment 3. Assignment 2 is foundational to assignment 3
so ensure you consider your tutor’s feedback.
Evaluation Criteria for Assignment 2 – Writing Learning Objectives
Assignment 2 should include the following:
Articulate 3 objectives – one for each domain cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Be certain
each of the objectives you develop is at minimum:
written in clear, measurable terms
reflective of your assigned case study
reasonable for a 3 minute teaching session
Provide rationale including integration of theoretical knowledge, that is, evidence based practice
to support each objective.
Provide evidence of application of course concepts and references of external sources as
needed to support each learner centered objective.

APA format, maximum 4 pages excluding title and reference pages

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Healthy People 2020 Strategies Assignment

Include the following:
Clearly define the objective you are providing the strategy for, including the “Number” and
“Objective Short Title.”
Example: PHI-1 Competencies for public health professionals
Provide one detailed strategy per objective.
Besides the course book, include information from at least 1 external source (2 references total).
The paper should be 2–3 pages, excluding title and references pages. Use current APA
formatting to style your paper and to cite your sources. Integrate your sources into the
paragraphs. Use internal citations pointing to evidence in the literature and supporting your
ideas. You will need to include a reference page listing those sources.

Healthy People 2020 website

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Opioid Use and Addiction

Activity #1

I. Choose a topic you want to research about throughout the semester and formulate its title.
Then, answer to the following questions:
1. How does this topic relate to past/present concerns in my life?
2. How does this subject relate to issues I have recently been studying or thinking about?

3. How might this subject be important to me in the future?
4. How can I use this subject to explore something that I want to know more about?

Activity #2
I. Watch the video and take notes.

II. Based on the topic chosen last week, complete some research and formulate the Introduction
section. Submit your post.
You may use the following format:

  • Hook:
  • Background Information:
  • Problem Statement:
  • Research Question:
  • Hypothesis:
  • Thesis Statement:

III. Read the posts submitted by two other classmates and provide meaningful feedback for

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Measles, Transmission Characteristics, and Risks to Children

Use the headings below when writing your APA case study essay (Except for “Introduction” paragraph which does not need a heading)


Link and review  this website and its links (Links to an external site.):

  1. Introduce the Measles, its transmission characteristics, and its risks to children who contract this virus.
  2. Discuss the purpose of public health policies to vaccinate all eligible children with MMR vaccine. Synthesize “herd effect” and this policy.
  3. Discuss the purpose of the global surveillance system.
  4. From this introduction, explain whether vaccines are a primary, secondary or tertiary level of Public Health practice.

History of Somoa Measles outbreak:

  1. Introduce Somoa (Google search: where on earth, population size, socio-cultural traits, etc.)
  2. (Links to an external site.)View the following
  1. What are the latest total number of cases and deaths?
  2. Synthesize in detail two (2) events that contributed to the current Somoan measles outbreak? What happened? What impact did these events have on the Somoan measles vaccine coverage among the population?

Global Response and Public Health Interventions

  1. Link here and review the massive WHO statements on the regional effort: Dec 16;(Links to an external site.) 
  2. Link here and review the  CDC Somoa Response (Links to an external site.)
  3. Link here and review  the Samoa Gov’t facebook page to view the latest Measles statistics (refresh page to ‘Home’ page & scroll down to New Years Day English-language entry > see more…)(Links to an external site.)
  4. Link and download the seventeen (17) PH intervention definitions. (You will refer to this for the following questions.) Click on the left-hand interventions list to open an intervention’s  definition and examples page. > Scroll down to the intervention’s 2nd page for the definition and level of intervention examples.
  5. To Discuss: from all of the above Case study sources:
    1. Identify and synthesize three (3) interventions from the seventeen (17) PH interventions (listed in #4 above) that were implemented during the Samoa emergency response.  For each intervention,
      1. state and define the intervention, (you may directly quote the PH intervention definitions from the above #4 link; be sure to cite correctly).
      2. State the population-of-interest.
      3. it’s level of intervention (systems, community, individual-family). Some interventions may be interpreted at two levels.
      4. Defend your answer by synthesizing the Samoan response and the public health intervention with the level that it represents. Link below for examples of two (2) correct answers, depending on the distinct implementation of the intervention:

HP 2020, US measles risks and Conclusion:

The Healthy People 2020 goal is to increase the United States’ immunization rates and reduce preventable infectious diseases.

To answer:

  1. What is HP 2020 target number of U.S. measles cases?
  2. How does the HP 2020 target number (from above HP 2020 link) compare to the current U.S. cases reported by CDC? Contrast and compare your findings.
  3. Summarize your awareness of the measles global health risk on the US.
  4. As your county’s public health nurse, conclude with one (1)  public health intervention and it’s level, that you believe is a high priority for your community.

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Recommendation for a Doctor Intern for a Job as a Medical Assistant

I am a supervisor in a hospital and I have three interns working under me. One of them is interested in a position in another hospital which advertised for the position of Medical Assistant. A recommendation letter would increase his chances of getting the job. I need a draft report based on the information I will provide. You may have to revise the letter up to three times to make it perfect. I hope you will be available throughout.

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Epidemiology Paper (Question Solved)

Write a paper (2,000-2,500 words) in which you apply the concepts of epidemiology and nursing research to a communicable disease. Refer to
“Communicable Disease Chain,” “Chain of Infection,” and the CDC website for assistance when completing this assignment.
Communicable Disease Selection
1 Chickenpox
2 Tuberculosis
3 Influenza
4 Mononucleosis
5 Hepatitis B
7 Ebola
8 Measles
9 Polio
10 Influenza
Epidemiology Paper Requirements
1 Describe the chosen communicable disease, including causes, symptoms, mode of transmission, complications, treatment, and the
demographic of interest (mortality, morbidity, incidence, and prevalence). Is this a reportable disease? If so, provide details about reporting time,
whom to report to, etc.
2 Describe the social determinants of health and explain how those factors contribute to the development of this disease.
3 Discuss the epidemiologic triangle as it relates to the communicable disease you have selected. Include the host factors, agent factors
(presence or absence), and environmental factors. Are there any special considerations or notifications for the community, schools, or general
4 Explain the role of the community health nurse (case finding, reporting, data collection, data analysis, and follow-up) and why demographic
data are necessary to the health of the community.
5 Identify at least one national agency or organization that addresses the communicable disease chosen and describe how the organizations
contribute to resolving or reducing the impact of disease.
6 Discuss a global implication of the disease. How is this addressed in other countries or cultures? Is this disease endemic to a particular area?
Provide an example.
A minimum of three peer-reviewed or professional references is required.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for
successful completion.

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Code of Ethics Analysis

Conduct an analysis of the code of ethics for various professionals in the healthcare industry in Australia. Review:

  • Code of Ethics for Nurses
  • Code of Ethics for Midwives
  • Code of Ethics for Doctors
  • Code of Ethics for Dentists
  • Code of Ethics for Pharmacists


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Schizophrenia DSM-5 or depression, Psychosis

Use DSM-5 and write 12 pages about schizophrenia. In your work, include the following: clinical presentation, diagnostic criteria, prevalence, theoretical perspectives on the causes of the disorder, and treatment approaches. Follow APA guidelines. Use at least 8 scholarly sources.

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