Write a 3-5page academic scholarly essay using APA format (the cover page and reference page are not included in the page count). Include APA level headings to organize the below required elements of the paper (see suggestions for headings in the underlined wording below).
Students must submit this essay to Safe Assignment through the assignment link. Papers with an Originality Report of >20% will not be accepted for grading.
Students are responsible for reviewing Safe Assignment report and making any needed revisions before final assignment submission. There is a maximum of 2 submission attempts.
Identify a clinical patient care problem in your area of nursing practice that needs addressing (use PICOT question statement you developed in WK 1)
Provide rationale for the significance of this issue to nursing practice
Complete a literature review of 2 to 3 scholarly peer-reviewed nursing research articles. Sources must be current at no more than 5 years old and one must be the qualitative or quantitative research article you critiqued in WK 3).
Recommendations for changes in practice as supported by the literature reviewed (evidence-based recommendations for change)
Propose a practice change in your area of nursing practice that is based on one of the theories of change in your text chapter 16 in Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses: Appraisal and Application of Research, 5th edition by Nola A. Schmidt and Janet M. Brown (Lewin’s, Transtheoretical, or Kotters).
How would you evaluate implemented practice change to determine if expected goals were achieved. What would be a specific and measurable outcome you would collect data on to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed practice change? (Reminder: outcomes are defined as specific and measurable)
See the detailed grading rubric below—read this before you write your paper so that you fully understand the expectations.
PICOT question is How do adults 18 and over (P) with a diagnosis of depression or anxiety (I) perceive the cause of their diagnosis (O) during their lifetime (T)?
Category: Nursing Assignment Help
Peer reviewed Literature review of patient satisfaction
Discussion post of a peer reviewed lit review for patient satisfaction including what search criteria was used and what would we tell peers to assist them in this process
News Journal Writing Assignment Help
News Journal Writing Assignment
***For this Journal, required to select a news article about civil liberties. It must be at least 4 paragraphs in length and come from a major, national news
source, including newspapers, magazines, journals, and other news media.
***For a list of sources and search possibilities, please go to the Media tab, on the POS 2041 Lib page ( https://spcollege.libguides.com/c.php?g=384349).
You may also use the Internet (i.e. Google) to find a relevant article for this assignment. After reading the article and the chapter about civil liberties,
( https://openstax.org/books/american-government/pages/4-introduction), address each of the elements below.
1.) Summary – Summarize in paragraph form the facts and issues presented in the article. Document the source of your information with a parenthetical
reference, i.e. (Sanger and Broad 2019, para. 4).
2.) Application – Apply three or more concepts from the assigned chapter to the main ideas in the news article. Specifically explain how the material in your
textbook is illustrated in the article you are examining. This can be accomplished by using examples from the article and terms or concepts found in the
textbook. You must clearly define the concepts and provide in-text citations in the APA format, including page or section/paragraph numbers, i.e. (Krutz,
2019, p. 15) or (Krutz, 2019, para. 12) for our textbook.
3.) Analysis – Conclude with an analysis and reflection of the issue that includes reasoning related to concepts within POS 2041 an analysis of the article
perspective. Does the article present the issue in a way that influences as well as informs. Lastly, include your own observations of the issue, the actions of
those involved or an anticipated outcome related to your understanding of the concepts covered within the course.
***Evenly divide essay into sections by number and title. (i.e. 1. Summary; 2. Application; 3. Analysis)
1. Summary
2. Application
3. Analysis
*** Provide comprehensive analysis by using the textbook and other course materials as the primary source of information.
*** Avoid copy-and-paste and unnecessary quotations.
Use paraphrasing instead of quoting.
*** Provide, even when paraphrasing, in-text citations and references in the APA writing format.
Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
*** essay Turnitin originality report should not be higher than 30%.l be listed here. Please use APA style when completing this list.
Nursing interventions for clients with disorders of the urinary system
You are an LPN working on a medical-surgical floor in a team that consists of an RN and a medical assistant. Read through some of the chart entries over a 48-hour period and answer the questions at the end. Please make sure you cite any sources using APA format. You will find when there is a major clue.
0130: Admission nurses note (RN): Client arrived via EMS from long-term-care for evaluation of “low blood sugar.” Pt. arrived confused (alert and oriented X
1) and is a known diabetic. Finger stick was 45. Orange juice and crackers, given repeat finger stick 104. Pt now alert and oriented X 4. Report from the charge nurse at the long-term-care facility indicates that the client has been having frequent bouts of hypoglycemia.
0530: (RN) Foley catheter inserted for incontinence–pt. “too weak” to get up to the bathroom and is experiencing bouts of incontinence.
600 mL clear yellow urine noted. The nurse indicates that the ER is “very busy” and “short-staffed.”
0545 (Admitting Physician) See history and physical. Pt. admitted to the medical-surgical service for evaluation of recurrent hypoglycemia.
View the ER chart before the pt. is transferred to the floor:
Please answer the following questions:
Why did this client become confused and combative? (5-10 sentences)
What pivotal decision made in the ER directly caused this client’s worsening condition? (1-2 sentences)
What type of incontinence did this client have? Explain your answer. (5-10 sentences)
What factors in the client’s medical history contributed to the client’s change in condition? (5-10 sentences)
How did communication (or lack thereof) contribute to the poor outcome for this client? (5-10 sentences)
Evidence-Based Project Critical Appraisal of Research PICOT Question
The first part of the assignment is a template called the Critical Appraisal Tool. You have completed a matrix before, so this is a similar type of assignment, but it will ask you to consider in-depth each part of the research for each article you have chosen for your PICOT question. Your articles can be ones you have used before, but they must relate to the variables in your PICOT question and be of high-level research. You need to only submit the Critical Appraisal Tool
completely filled out for Part 1.
The second part of the assignment is a 1-2 page paper asking you to identify a practice that has emerged from the research in your Critical Appraisal Tool
with justification. For this paper you will have a title page, an introduction, purpose and conclusion with a reference page that includes your 4 research articles, 2 outside references and 2-3 course references. (Please adhere to the 1-2 page length for the content: this is not counting title and reference page).
Nursing interventions for clients with disorders of the urinary system
To use critical thinking and data collection to recognize and report complications that may impact the morbidity and mortality of clients who have sustained a traumatic insult to the urinary tract while functioning within the LPN scope of practice
Select appropriate nursing interventions for clients with disorders of the urinary system.
Read the scenario below, and answer the questions. When you see a that means a clue.
The Story
It is Friday the 13th and a full moon. You are an LPN that normally works on a medical-surgical unit, but your unit is overstaffed, and the emergency department is short staffed. The nursing supervisor asks for a volunteer to go down to be an extra pair of hands. You volunteer as tribute. When you get to the ER, you are asked to do vitals on a client in the trauma room. The client is a 24-year-old male who was stabbed multiple times to the abdomen.
The wounds appear superficial, and the client has been stable thus far. He will be going to CAT scan as soon as they can fit him in. You approach the client, who appears slightly pale with cool, clammy but is alert and talkative. The vital signs are:
97.3 (PO) P= 115 BP= 95/54 Resp rate= 24 Pain= 6/10. You notice the client voided 100 mL tea-colored urine in his urinal.
One hour later, the client becomes unconscious. His pulse is now 144, and blood pressure is 70/50. The client is taken to the OR and has a nephrectomy for a very damaged and bleeding right kidney.
Answer the following questions:
What were the clues in the data collection that should have alerted you and the staff that there might be a problem? (5-10 sentences)
Why is the urine “tea-colored?” (one sentence)
What are some other interventions that could have been done? (2-5 sentences)
Was the LPN in this scenario working within the scope of practice for an LPN? Why or why not? (5-10 sentences)
How did the environment of care (busy ER) contribute to the client’s deterioration? (5-10 sentences)
Therapeutic Communication Process
Purpose of Assignment: Demonstrate understanding of verbal and nonverbal techniques as it is applied to therapeutic communication.
This assignment will use PowerPoint or other presentation software as a display of content based upon student preference.
The unit where you work has had several complaints regarding communication between the staff and clients. You have been selected as a committee
member to create an educational tool identifying potential areas of improvement. The education tool should include a scenario of a nurse-client exchange that includes both verbal and nonverbal communication and provide the following:
Identify examples of therapeutic and non-therapeutic communication techniques and therapeutic and non-therapeutic responses from the nurse used within the scenario.
Explain how communication techniques demonstrated in scenario will contribute to a safe and therapeutic environment.
Identify how non-verbal communication plays a role in communication.
Describe how to incorporate this education into inter-professional communication.
Fall Prevention in long term nursing home
Present the statistical analysis that you are utilizing for the data from your project. Identify the statistical tests, the process you used to apply those tests, and the systematic process you used to evaluate and interpret the data. Share information about any statistical analysis software that you used in this process. Provide at least one reference to support the specific statistical tools you used in the project.
Psychotherapy for Clients With Addictive Disorders
Psychotherapy for Clients With Addictive Disorders
To prepare:
1). Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider the insights they provide about diagnosing and treating addictive disorders. As you watch the 187 Models of Treatment for Addiction video, consider what treatment model you may use the most with clients presenting with addiction.
2). Search the Library databases and choose a research article that discusses a therapeutic approach for treating clients, families, or groups with addictive disorders.
The Assignment
In a 5- to 10-slide PowerPoint presentation, address the following. Your title and references slides do not count toward the 5- to 10-slide limit.
1). Provide an overview of the article you selected.
a). What population (individual, group, or family) is under consideration?
b). What was the specific intervention that was used? Is this a new intervention or one that was already studied?
c). What were the author’s claims?
2). Explain the findings/outcomes of the study in the article. Include whether this will translate into practice with your own clients. If so, how? If not, why?
3). Explain whether the limitations of the study might impact your ability to use the findings/outcomes presented in the article.
4). Use the Notes function of PowerPoint to craft presenter notes to expand upon the content of your slides.
5). Support your response with at least three other peer-reviewed, evidence-based sources. Explain why each of your supporting sources is considered scholarly. Provide references to your sources on your last slide. Be sure to include the article you used as the basis for this Assignment.
NOTE: Attach and submit PDFs of the sources you used.
Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2020). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice (3rd ed.). Springer Publishing.
Chapter 9, “Motivational Interviewing”
Chapter 19, “Psychotherapeutic Approachegqes for Addictions and Related Disorders”
PICOT Question Research Paper
Select a topic relevant to your practice area (advanced practice mental health nursing), formulate a 3-5 page scholarly paper in APA format, providing an overview of the terms and function of evidence-based practice. An introduction, discussion, and conclusion are expected. include a minimum of 3 evidence based references