Intel Company PESTLE PESTEL VRIO SWOT Analysis
1. Complete a PESTEL analysis.
o Create a model showing your analysis and attach it at the end of the paper.
▪ Include at least 3-4 factors in each category
o In the paper, discuss a small select group of factors (can be opportunities or threats
from any category). You should select factors with potential for the most significant
impact. Share your concerns for the impact from these external factors and your
recommendations of how the company can be prepared for and reactive to these
2. Explain the current corporate strategy for the company including their use of vertical
integration, diversification, strategic alliances, mergers, and acquisitions.
The PESTEL exhibits should be referenced in the text and displayed in order at the end of
the report.
Arial or Times New Roman 12-point font, 1.5 spacing, with one inch margins