Statistical significance z-score paired samples t-test descriptive and inferential statistics Pearson’s correlation and simple linear regression central tendency confidence interval

Statistical significance z-score paired samples t-test descriptive and inferential statistics Pearson’s correlation and simple linear regression measure of the central tendency confidence interval

Provide a brief practical explanation of statistical significance. (75 – 100 words)

Explain (with an example) how the z-score can be used for decision-making purposes in the health and behavioral sciences. (75 – 100 words)

Briefly explain the difference between descriptive and inferential statistics. (75- 100 words)

Why is the median the preferred measure of central tendency when outliers are present in a distribution? (75 – 100 words)

Identify and explain two factors that can influence the precision of a confidence interval. (75 – 100 words)

It is established that a confidence interval provides more useful information than just the level of significance. Briefly justify. (75 – 100 words)

Explain the difference between a histogram and bar chart in representing a distribution of values. (75 – 100 words)

Correlation does not equal causation. Potential confounding factors must always be considered.
Briefly explain the above statement. (75 – 100 words)

Explain the difference between Pearson’s correlation and simple linear regression. (75 – 100 words)

Write a research objective for which the paired samples t-test will be appropriate (50 – 75 words)

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