Toilets and Household Sanitation

Toilets and Household Sanitation

Describe the model for household decision to adopt sanitation change used in the case study. What were the results of the case study? How could this model be applied to another water-related health problem? What are the challenges to using social marketing in household sanitation adoption?
Students must support their assertions with at least one scholarly citations in AMA format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include peer reviewed journal articles.
Awunyo-Akaba, Y., Awunyo-Akaba, J., Gyapong, M., Senah, K., Konradsen, F., & Rheinländer, T. (2016). Sanitation investments in Ghana: An ethnographic investigation of the role of tenure security, land ownership and livelihoods. BMC Public Health, 16, 1.

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